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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

I always find it curious how the Chinese reconcile their contradictions when they constantly attacked America and the West and their democracy, yet they are living in the very same countries and enjoying the very things they vilified. They lauded about China’s over-exaggerated “riches” and all these great and beautiful things about China, yet none of them live China, and they probably wouldn’t even want to return there.

they are illegal immigrant or relatives of corruption officers of China's gov.
wrong. US did all it could. That's why it lost 3000 planes. Losing even 10 jet fighter is a disaster, wars have been lost on less. Israel only downed 4 Syrian fighters to win the entire 1973 war. Losing 3000 planes is a disastrous military loss. There aren't even 3000 fighters in the entire US air force now.

Aircraft losses of the Vietnam War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

All told, the U.S. Air Force flew 5.25 million sorties over South Vietnam, North Vietnam, northern and southern Laos, and Cambodia, losing 2,251 aircraft

Twenty-one aircraft carriers conducted 86 war cruises and operated 9,178 total days on the line in the Gulf of Tonkin. 530 aircraft were lost in combat and 329 more to operational causes.

U.S. Marine Corps aircraft lost in combat included 193 fixed-wing and 270 rotary wing aircraft.
Not only were you a conscript reject out of the PLA, you must have been a reject from critical thinking classes as well. You avoided the contexts of those wars. How convenient. But we can always look at the North Vietnamese Air Force. After Operation Bolo half of the precious MIG-21s were lost against F-4s in a single day and the North Vietnamese grounded the rest for review of air combat doctrines adopted from China and the Soviet Union.
...All told, the U.S. Air Force flew 5.25 million sorties over South Vietnam, North Vietnam, northern and southern Laos, and Cambodia, losing 2,251 aircraft...

That's ONE LOSS every 2332 sorties. You think that's a BAD ratio ? And some weren't even combat losses.
Philippine is protected by the US Defense Treaty. <= Don't tell me you didn't know.

As for Vietnam, they vowed to invade the mainland if its islands were seized by China, and Vietnam does stand a good chance of delivering a defeat to the PLA in ground combat.

At condition if their water in not on our hand...you can guess for the rest...
which belong to others, you don't have right about it.

as I said before, If you can claim nansha and xisha, we can claim vietnam as a whole. go and re-study your history, you should know that your lands were chinese lands for 1000 years. Uncle sams owns America land for not more than 500 years and claim the lands belong to the white there now. we can also claim the lands which belong to us for 1000 years. that's reasonable.
I always find it curious how the Chinese reconcile their contradictions when they constantly attacked America and the West and their democracy, yet they are living in the very same countries and enjoying the very things they vilified. They lauded about China’s over-exaggerated “riches” and all these great and beautiful things about China, yet none of them live China, and they probably wouldn’t even want to return there.

The answer is simple...no matter how bad China's ..still our China, not a single Chinese will appreciate to watch other constantly bash and slap China in front of us...even we live far far away.
China has their own GROWING PROBLEM. Sure, they're a country on the rise. They have about 200,000,000 people that are prospering and starting to 'live the dream'. BUT... they have about 1,100,000,000 people who don't have a POT TO PISS IN. SOON, those people will want 'theirs'.
The answer is simple...no matter how bad China's ..still our China, not a single Chinese will appreciate to watch other constantly bash and slap China in front of us...even we live far far away.
So you are advocating a racial unity among Chinese all over the world.
Not only were you a conscript reject out of the PLA, you must have been a reject from critical thinking classes as well. You avoided the contexts of those wars. How convenient. But we can always look at the North Vietnamese Air Force. After Operation Bolo half of the precious MIG-21s were lost against F-4s in a single day and the North Vietnamese grounded the rest for review of air combat doctrines adopted from China and the Soviet Union.

I don't think so.
The difference on number of air crafts betwween North Vietnamese and USA Air-force, Vietnamese used his our tactics.
WE'D sink your Navy in two days ( after traveling half way around the world. I don't think the Chinese Navy could make it to the U.S. let alone fight after they got there.) and your Air Force ? PLEASE !!! You INVENT NOTHING. Stealing/reverse engineering will ALWAYS leave you at least on or two steps behind the people you steal from. In five years the Japanese would have the Chinese soiling their collective undergarments. THEY WOULD OWN YOU ON THE BATTLEFIELD.

no, you couldn't. You would if you could, but you can't. Sorry. Even your satellite shootdown to try and intimidate us was a failure. We shot down a satellite 400 km up. You shot down one 150 km up. You would've shot one 400 km up if you could, but you couldn't, and that was a failed attempt at intimidating us.

1 J-20 = 100 F-15s.
It is a little unfair to point out Chinese alone.

The United States is a country of immigrants, and almost all first generation immigrants, disregard their origins, have their hearts and souls on their motherland. This is only natural and should be understood. From my experiences dealing with people in the US, the second generation on shift their alliances to the land they are born until further down the generations they will forget their ancestors' land.

This phenomenon does not apply to Chinese alone, and it's the same with every other nationality.

I am quite aware that there are a few people in other nationalities (Arabs, Africans, Asians, or whatever) who are anti-America and the West, and I have also presented the same questions to them. Pointing to other people doesn’t change the fact that there are Chinese members on here who are anti-America to the point that they want to see America’s destruction. And if you are among those who wished ill will towards America then my question is also directed at you as well as them. We all know the reasons why you and the rest of the Chinese members on here live overseas and not in China. China is not a rich and powerful country as you all make it out to be. You benefited from and enjoyed everything the host country has to offer. If you hate America and love China so much, would it not make sense if you go back to China? Your words would have more credibility and carry more weight if you live in China when directing your hatred towards America and the West.
You don't understand what I'm saying. I'm talking about scientifically knowledge, military supremacy and cultural superiority. You Asian can never reach that kind of level. Keep dreaming while making some Ch&#7843; giò.

I'd expect to hear this from a white anglo-saxon protestant, not from an italian. :coffee:
China has their own GROWING PROBLEM. Sure, they're a country on the rise. They have about 200,000,000 people that are prospering and starting to 'live the dream'. BUT... they have about 1,100,000,000 people who don't have a POT TO PISS IN. SOON, those people will want 'theirs'.

Indeed we don't have pots but anyway we don't' use them. Why should we when we have the the first rated urinals. You are lucky that you're in the US, otherwise....
I am quite aware that there are a few people in other nationalities (Arabs, Africans, Asians, or whatever) who are anti-America and the West, and I have also presented the same questions to them. Pointing to other people doesn&#8217;t change the fact that there are Chinese members on here who are anti-America to the point that they want to see America&#8217;s destruction. And if you are among those who wished ill will towards America then my question is also directed at you as well as them. We all know the reasons why you and the rest of the Chinese members on here live overseas and not in China. China is not a rich and powerful country as you all make it out to be. You benefited from and enjoyed everything the host country has to offer. If you hate America and love China so much, would it not make sense if you go back to China? Your words would have more credibility and carry more weight if you live in China when directing your hatred towards America and the West.

This is the problem with you. You do not read. Most Americans read at an 7th grade level.

1. Fanling Monk doesn't live in the West. He lives in Hong Kong.

2. I have great respect for the US. Just as someone that points out 6 million Jews died in the Holocaust is not anti-Jewish but merely a fact, me pointing out that the US losing 3000 planes in Vietnam and most Americans reading at a 7th grade level are facts.
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