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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

You seems to know nothing about Chinese history.

Let me give you an example.

The korean war was fought by Chinese army mainly. ussr was supposed to provide military equipments while China provided more army personnel. The war was supposed to be fought by China, n.k. and ussr together.

However, after the war ended, ussr asked to station its fleet in China. Of course, Mao said No. Then ussr asked China to pay for all the military equipments it sent to Chinese army to fight the korean war. What kind of fxxked up minds could do this??? We have donated tens of thousand lives in korean war fields and the war was supposed to be fought together.

China could disregard such insane request but Mao indeed agreed to pay for it, and we did pay them back all of them.

As for the support during Long March, you must be kidding. During those years, KMT (the ruling party now in taiwan) was also in good relation with ussr (Chiang's Son was in ussr then as well) and since it was the official government then, majority of ussr support went over to Chiang's kmt. CCP got very little of that. And you should know that Chiang also got support from U.S. So basically Chiang got supports from both sides and he indded used a lot of them try to choke ccp later.

Even by the end of kmt's day in China mainland, ussr's stalin still supported Chiang's kmt, not its own CCP in China.

So do not twist the lies again.

It is your little vn s.o.b.s who got tons of support from China to fight off france and u.s. and then quickly turn your guns at us, actually, those are our guns and our food when we got rid of your troops and found out what was there in your weapon depots or storage rooms. You double-faced ungrateful sobs.

So you don't know that China was the biggest and the most ungrateful traitor of communist bloc ??China declared itself to be a branch of communist bloc, received great help from communist comrades in Long March to unified China and betrayed all, kissing US's @$$ in 1979 inorder to to get US's support and kill thousands VNese after that ??
Comintern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VN sent general to help China during their long march.
Aren't you high on drugs??? The U.S. will drive the French out??? They are all in NATO and why the heck U.S. will hurt its relationship with a NATO member, one of founding members of U.N. called france, just trying to help a small potato called vn???

U.S. did nothing to French interest in Africa, Algeria and etc., even though people in those area called for U.N. intervention, help during their independence struggle. Why the heck U.S. will do anything about vn???

What an idiot!!!

The US. I guess those sources about Indochina being under UN trusteeship was too difficult to read.

When does China cry for khmer rouge nowadays???

But nowaday Why do the Chinese sometimes still cry for their allies - the Khmer Rouge?

You didn't know the chinese weapons were moved from Cambodia to Vietnam-China border 1979?
Aren't you high on drugs??? The U.S. will drive the French out??? They are all in NATO and why the heck U.S. will hurt its relationship with a NATO member, one of founding members of U.N. called france, just trying to help a small potato called vn???

U.S. did nothing to French interest in Africa, Algeria and etc., even though people in those area called for U.N. intervention, help during their independence struggle. Why the heck U.S. will do anything about vn???

What an idiot!!!
NATO did not came to be until 1949. We are talking about immediately post WW II. And even if France is a NATO member, that does not mean every member must be in lockstep with each other. Your argument is typical of those who are comfortable with dictatorships. What a moron...
So??? US and France are main allies in WWII. BTW, France is also a founding member of U.N.

You must be a No. 1 idiot who think US will kick France butt out of vn to save the vn people. Way to go.

BTW, look at the past 70 years, how many times U.S. stood together with dictatorships and overturned elected government???

How about most countries in central america???

How about Spain?

How about Portugal?

How about Chile?

How about Argentina?

How about Philippines?

and the list goes on and on...

NATO did not came to be until 1949. We are talking about immediately post WW II. And even if France is a NATO member, that does not mean every member must be in lockstep with each other. Your argument is typical of those who are comfortable with dictatorships. What a moron...
So??? US and France are main allies in WWII. BTW, France is also a founding member of U.N.

You must be a No. 1 idiot who think US will kick France butt out of vn to save the vn people. Way to go.

BTW, look at the past 70 years, how many times U.S. stood together with dictatorships and overturned elected government???

How about most countries in central america???

How about Spain?

How about Portugal?

How about Chile?

How about Argentina?

How about Philippines?

and the list goes on and on...
What we see now is a confused American about his fake allegiance to China trying to put a saving face on China's role in Viet Nam. The truth is out. China was in Viet Nam long before the US was. France had nothing to do with it. The US had nothing to do with it. We are not talking about Nationalist China but Communist China. It is over.
To be honest, I have never lost my cool yet.

I just completely look down upon those double-faced ungrateful S.O.B.s.

You must look down at China policiants first, who are typical double-faced ungrateful, attacked on friends who was by China's side in difficult situation in the past when China fought for independence.
What we see now is a confused American about his fake allegiance to China trying to put a saving face on China's role in Viet Nam. The truth is out. China was in Viet Nam long before the US was. France had nothing to do with it. The US had nothing to do with it. We are not talking about Nationalist China but Communist China. It is over.

I think there is no the difference between China and Chinatown
Philippine is protected by the US Defense Treaty. <= Don't tell me you didn't know.

As for Vietnam, they vowed to invade the mainland if its islands were seized by China, and Vietnam does stand a good chance of delivering a defeat to the PLA in ground combat.
take care of your own business, North Korea could crush you in any moments. If we don't sell you cheap cabbage, you don't even afford to buy kimchi. Vietnam wil be demolished before they cross the border. In 1979 , we occupied Vietnam capital easily.
No difference as far as the Politburo is concerned.

First of all I posted my question to Battle of Bach Dan River and if you don't mine, I would like an answer from him. Secondly I don't think you can speak for the Politburo.
China could turns story from black to become white and you Chinese could do the same whatever yours China does. You just keep talking without thinking. Think twice before you act/talk.

This is why China just claims U-Shape for itself, and regardless to prove any documents to proved that China owns it. Same to you too. Polpot just made a big mistake that did not find any lawyers from China or YOU for its last trial.
No need to approve, we are stronger than you, we own it and we did own it. Understand?

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