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US Naval War College Professor: China would crush Vietnam and Philippines

You men those white little white cutie pies.
This Hafizz dude is having serious problems understanding the posts. I think what he mean without understanding your lion den posts means Lion will save only it's own kind - lion - Pakistan. He is being lion with you. I think you will be happy with that too :P
First, you said you do not support a French south, meaning you do not support a french colonized vn.

Second, you said China should not have been involved in vn even your ho asked China to do so (help defeat the france, and then unite vn).

Third, you hate those communists, basically ho and all his associates.

So let me know who the heck would be able to drive french out of vn??? Without China's help, ho could do so???

If it were not ho, who else???

Your logic just totally mess up. You disregard the history and just like those bastards from your vn.

In no way does that mean China MUST get involved.

What are they?

Looks like someone is squirming...
Initially, Khmer Rouge is not like that extreme. BTW, it allied with Cambodia's king. Who knew it would become that bad??

After that, I do not think China could do anything to it just like China could not do much to the n.k. today.

China withdrew her support towards Khmer Rouge later as well. China support over Cambodia later is always with the king. After its king fell out with khmer rouge, China's support over it was automatically over.

Those who suggested that China supported those massacre simply are too naive to think that Khmer Rouge is under the command of China. Then Khmer Rouge would listen to no one.

Just like some naive people believe n.k. today would listen to China. Well did it???

Do not blame n.k.'s satellite launching, nuclear tests and etc. all on China since there is not much China can do.

So do not blame Khmer Rouge's killings on China as well since China did not support it to kill normal people and China had no control over it.

Supporting Khmer Rouge is the most stupid things we have done
Well, very soon we retaliated them a great deal, you forget that? Ming empire drove them into the deep desert and Yuan's royal families were either killed, captured or whatsoever.

At the end, Mongolia is also part of China. So who is the winner then?

Just like Japs also invaded many asian countries, raped women from all of those countries... well, in the end, it got two nukes, didn't it?

I Remember How Chinese Princess got Raped by Mongols. :lol:
Initially, Khmer Rouge is not like that extreme. BTW, it allied with Cambodia's king. Who knew it would become that bad??

After that, I do not think China could do anything to it just like China could not do much to the n.k. today.

China withdrew her support towards Khmer Rouge later as well. China support over Cambodia later is always with the king. After its king fell out with khmer rouge, China's support over it was automatically over.

Those who suggested that China supported those massacre simply are too naive to think that Khmer Rouge is under the command of China. Then Khmer Rouge would listen to no one.

Just like some naive people believe n.k. today would listen to China. Well did it???

Do not blame n.k.'s satellite launching, nuclear tests and etc. all on China since there is not much China can do.

So do not blame Khmer Rouge's killings on China as well since China did not support it to kill normal people and China had no control over it.

History is the judges, however, we look back to the following points:
All weapons and military equipment of the Khmer Rouge were from China. When we overthrow the Khmer Rouge, we captured a lot of Chinese weapons, even newly had been transferred to the airport, still in packages.
Khmer Rouge applied Maoism in Cambodia, there were many "advisors" Chinese in Cambodia at that time. Why did they not know the crimes of the Khmer Rouge genocide?
China insisted on protecting the Khmer Rouge after it was ousted and the world had discovered many genocide. China has loudly accused Vietnam was "invaded Cambodia". China and the U.S even took her seat for the Khmer Rouge at the UN until the 1990s.
China sent troops to invade Vietnam in 1979 to save its Khmer Rouge allies. But both were defeated by Vietnam.
China was continued support and political weapons to the Khmer Rouge after it was ousted, running to the border with Thailand, to continue the operation against Vietnam and new Cambodian government (PM Hun Sen)...

Do what you must do, but don't loose your cool over these provocateurs, especially that American wannabe.
You also found a lot of Chinese made weapons in Talibans' hands, in Iraqi's army, in african countries and etc.

Were all of those weapons sold directly by China???

When we punished vn in 1979, what we found were all Chinese made weapons in your weapon depots, Chinese rices and other food items along your storage places as well from China.

So there are many ways such items could be acquired from China as well. China supported Cambodia's king as well. How the heck were those not captured by khmer rouge from the cambodia's government weapon depots???

History is the judges, however, we look back to the following points:
All weapons and military equipment of the Khmer Rouge were from China. When we overthrow the Khmer Rouge, we captured a lot of Chinese weapons, even newly had been transferred to the airport, still in packages.
Khmer Rouge applied Maoism in Cambodia, there were many "advisors" Chinese in Cambodia at that time. Why did they not know the crimes of the Khmer Rouge genocide?
China insisted on protecting the Khmer Rouge after it was ousted and the world had discovered many genocide. China has loudly accused Vietnam was "invaded Cambodia". China and the U.S even took her seat for the Khmer Rouge at the UN until the 1990s.
China sent troops to invade Vietnam in 1979 to save its Khmer Rouge allies. But both were defeated by Vietnam.
China was continued support and political weapons to the Khmer Rouge after it was ousted, running to the border with Thailand, to continue the operation against Vietnam and new Cambodian government (PM Hun Sen)...
Initially, Khmer Rouge is not like that extreme. BTW, it allied with Cambodia's king. Who knew it would become that bad??

After that, I do not think China could do anything to it just like China could not do much to the n.k. today.

China withdrew her support towards Khmer Rouge later as well. China support over Cambodia later is always with the king. After its king fell out with khmer rouge, China's support over it was automatically over.

Those who suggested that China supported those massacre simply are too naive to think that Khmer Rouge is under the command of China. Then Khmer Rouge would listen to no one.

Just like some naive people believe n.k. today would listen to China. Well did it???

Do not blame n.k.'s satellite launching, nuclear tests and etc. all on China since there is not much China can do.

So do not blame Khmer Rouge's killings on China as well since China did not support it to kill normal people and China had no control over it.

China could turns story from black to become white and you Chinese could do the same whatever yours China does. You just keep talking without thinking. Think twice before you act/talk.

This is why China just claims U-Shape for itself, and regardless to prove any documents to proved that China owns it. Same to you too. Polpot just made a big mistake that did not find any lawyers from China or YOU for its last trial.
Initially, Khmer Rouge is not like that extreme. BTW, it allied with Cambodia's king. Who knew it would become that bad??

After that, I do not think China could do anything to it just like China could not do much to the n.k. today.

China withdrew her support towards Khmer Rouge later as well. China support over Cambodia later is always with the king. After its king fell out with khmer rouge, China's support over it was automatically over.

Those who suggested that China supported those massacre simply are too naive to think that Khmer Rouge is under the command of China. Then Khmer Rouge would listen to no one.

Just like some naive people believe n.k. today would listen to China. Well did it???

Do not blame n.k.'s satellite launching, nuclear tests and etc. all on China since there is not much China can do.

So do not blame Khmer Rouge's killings on China as well since China did not support it to kill normal people and China had no control over it.
Dude, did your evil govt feel ashamed when teaching low IQ China the real history ??
MEANWHILE : When the Khmer Rouge came to kill in Vietnam
By James Pringle
Published: January 7, 2004
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BA CHUC, Vietnam— Before the Vietnam War, Cambodians used to trudge across the border into this nondescript town in Vietnam's Mekong Delta to trade. During the war, supplies for Viet Cong forces also came this way. That's why the landscape is cratered and often sparse in vegetation, the result of American bombing and use of the herbicide Agent Orange.

Especially after the war spread into Cambodia, Vietnamese communist forces assisted their Cambodian co-revolutionaries, the Khmer Rouge.

But the large force of armed Khmer Rouge that entered Ba Chuc, four miles from the border, on April 18, 1978, was different. And it was two mysterious "Chinese beauties" carrying rifles that Ha Thi Nga, 64, remembers most as destroying her family.

"These two beautiful Chinese girls came with three dark-skinned Cambodians and herded my family outside our house at gunpoint," she murmured, adding that the girls spoke to one another in a language that was neither Vietnamese nor Khmer.

The Khmer Rouge then used the same formula for execution as in Cambodia. "They pointed their weapons and ordered us to come to a meeting with their superiors," said Nga, a dignified, soft-spoken woman.

She was forced toward the border with parents, siblings, husband and six children. Suddenly, their escorts began clubbing the children. Her youngest daughter was struck violently on the head three times and cried "Mother, Mother." Nga fainted, and when she regained consciousness everyone was dead and she was covered with blood.

She had been shot through the neck and hit on the head. She still suffers violent headaches.

In a temple, I saw where 40 terrified victims hid under the altar before being killed by grenades. Faded bloodstains and bullet impacts still mark the wall. A portrait of Ho Chi Minh sits on another altar.

Nga crawled to nearby Elephant Mountain. A child's voice was heard pleading: "Father, don't kill me. I won't cry out anymore." It was 12 days before she was rescued by Vietnamese soldiers, one of only two survivors, though the other had been shot in the chest and died.

In all, 3,157 people, both Vietnamese and ethnic Khmer, were murdered in schools and temples in Vietnam. This and similar attacks prompted the Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia later that year. Phnom Penh fell to its army on January 7, 1979, 25 years ago, and Hanoi installed a client Cambodian government.

Vietnamese authorities built an ossuary here similar to those they pressed their allies to erect in Cambodia's Killing Fields. About 1,700 skulls peer through glass windows, graded by age (from 3 years old) and gender, and denied decent Buddhist cremation.

I was reminded of the final terror scenes of Francis Ford Coppola's movie "Apocalypse Now," which was being made as this was going on. The reality is worse. The Conradian horror of it all — the atmosphere here is still heavy with death — is endured daily by Nga.

She scrapes together a meager living selling soft drinks to the few Vietnamese and occasional foreign sightseers to the ghastly "skull pagoda," commemorating the "cruelties of Pol Pot." A museum contains macabre photographs of decomposing bodies, showing victims who were barbarously tortured.

Who were these mysterious "beautiful girls?" It is unlikely they were ethnic Chinese living in Cambodia, as Pol Pot distrusted and liquidated over half of that population.

Were they, then, Chinese cadres? Also unlikely, but not beyond the realm of possibility, analysts say. Beijing had at least 1,500 technical and military advisers with the Khmer Rouge. Some may have accompanied front-line units: Beijing, after all, provided the military hardware.
MEANWHILE - When the Khmer Rouge came to kill in Vietnam - NYTimes.com
Even our government censors the news networks, we still have ways to get around of it.

Even our government avoid discussing history during certain years, e.g. culture revolution and etc, at least our government did not teach us the opposite of history.

One thing we learn from our history is always to remember those who have helped you during your weakest times, e.g. we still remember the canadian doctor: norman bethune, the indian doctor: Kwarkanath S. Kotnis and many other international volunteers.

When Chinese leaders visited canada, visited india and etc, our leaders would always make time to meet the remaining families from the above people we still remember them and name our schools, roads, hospitals after them.

Our history teaching is not perfect of course. However, our history teaching never teaches us Chinese to be double-faced ungrateful S.O.B.s.

Dude, did your evil govt feel ashamed when teaching low IQ China the real history ??
Even our government censors the news networks, we still have ways to get around of it.

Even our government avoid discussing history during certain years, e.g. culture revolution and etc, at least our government did not teach us the opposite of history.

One thing we learn from our history is always to remember those who have helped you during your weakest times, e.g. we still remember the canadian doctor: norman bethune, the indian doctor: Kwarkanath S. Kotnis and many other international volunteers.

When Chinese leaders visited canada, visited india and etc, our leaders would always make time to meet the remaining families from the above people we still remember them and name our schools, roads, hospitals after them.

Our history teaching is not perfect of course. However, our history teaching never teaches us Chinese to be double-faced ungrateful S.O.B.s.
So you don't know that China was the biggest and the most ungrateful traitor of communist bloc ??China declared itself to be a branch of communist bloc, received great help from communist comrades in Long March to unified China and betrayed all, kissing US's @$$ in 1979 inorder to to get US's support and kill thousands VNese after that ??
1921 to 1927
The CPC was established in 1921 with the help of the Comintern. The CPC declared itself to be a branch of the Comintern. At that time, China had a large revolutionary party called the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang). Its leader, Dr. Sun Yatsen, frustrated by the refusal of aid for China from the democratic Western countries, quickly turned to the Soviet Union and the Comintern.
Comintern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
VN sent general to help China during their long march.
Book honours late General Nguyen Son
October 2, 2008
VietNamNet Bridge – The Vietnam News Agency Publishing House has printed a book about the late General Nguyen Son’s life to commemorate his 100th birthday (1/10/1908-2008).

The cover of the new book.

General Son (or Vu Nguyen Bac, his real name) was born in Hanoi. The General was appointed a major general by both Vietnam and China in 1948 and in 1955, respectively.
Nguyen Son took part in revolution activities from the age of 17 when he was a student at the Buoi High School.

In 1925, he secretly went to China to meet revolutionist Nguyen Ai Quoc who later became Ho Chi Minh. He also attended the third political class held by Nguyen Ai Quoc.

After that, he became a Chinese Red Army soldier under the name of Hong Thuy. In late 1945, Nguyen Son returned to Hanoi and took up several important posts in the Viet Nam People’s Army during the resistance war against the French.

Nguyen Son died in 1956 in Hanoi.
First, you said you do not support a French south, meaning you do not support a french colonized vn.

Second, you said China should not have been involved in vn even your ho asked China to do so (help defeat the france, and then unite vn).

Third, you hate those communists, basically ho and all his associates.

So let me know who the heck would be able to drive french out of vn??? Without China's help, ho could do so???

If it were not ho, who else???

Your logic just totally mess up. You disregard the history and just like those bastards from your vn.
The US. I guess those sources about Indochina being under UN trusteeship was too difficult to read.
You also found a lot of Chinese made weapons in Talibans' hands, in Iraqi's army, in african countries and etc.

Were all of those weapons sold directly by China???

When we punished vn in 1979, what we found were all Chinese made weapons in your weapon depots, Chinese rices and other food items along your storage places as well from China.

So there are many ways such items could be acquired from China as well. China supported Cambodia's king as well. How the heck were those not captured by khmer rouge from the cambodia's government weapon depots???

But nowaday Why do the Chinese sometimes still cry for their allies - the Khmer Rouge?

You didn't know the chinese weapons were moved from Cambodia to Vietnam-China border 1979?
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