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US Military to Defeat Iran Military in Three weeks

I am also a "neutral observer" of things and I draw the conclusion of your "faith" after much careful scrutiny of your previous posting record. ;)

No, the point here was your claim that US is addicted to "action" and your analogy of "Gaddafi" comparing it with Iranian scenario. So, you better stick to the point yourself, son. :rolleyes:

And now you're trollin....:lol:
For this, I will cite the example of Libya.

No one ever thought that Gaddafi will be taken out in the manner it happened. Gaddafi has a long history of enmity and also friendly ties with WEST. However, it took just one excuse to seal his fate forever.

Actions certainly speak louder then words. And US history is filled with action.

which action are you talking about, vietnam or current day afghanistan ? lol damn they coudn't even get the North korea for the starter.


A European intelligence official has said that Iran downed an unmanned American surveillance aircraft earlier this month by remotely sabotaging its satellite navigation system. The official, who has not been named, told The Christian Science Monitor that the Iranians used a state-of-the-art laser system to effectively "blind" the American spy satellite that guided the drone's global positioning system (GPS). In doing this, Iran's military was able to remotely skyjack the aircraft and assume control over its navigational system. The paper also published an exclusive interview with an Iranian electronic warfare specialist, who claimed he was part of a team that hacked into the drone's communication frequency and reprogrammed its GPS data. Eventually, the Iranian specialists managed to cause the unmanned aircraft to switch into autopilot mode, and guided it to land relatively smoothly on Iranian territory, where it was eventually captured intact by Iranian authorities. If this is true, it will mark the first-ever indication that the Iranian state is in possession of sophisticated satellite jamming technology. In an important development, Iran's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Akbar Salehi, told Iran's government-run IRNA news agency on Saturday that the American drone was brought down by Iranian armed forces, without any foreign assistance. If this is so, then does it mean that the Iranians developed the state-of-the-art jamming system themselves? This would be highly unlikely, according to John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the United Nations. Bolton told Fox News last weekend that there are rumors the Russians may have recently sold Iran "a very sophisticated jamming system"
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nobody know what iran has, if they have technology to bring down RQ drone i am sure they have some more tricks up their sleeves, it would be madness to attack iran,

Iran is asking for a fair price for their oil, west should negotiate for a better deal
if this war plans with iran materalise world should be prepared for WW-3 yes a nuclear war, Iran is the last line of defence of China & Ruskies.

some internet fanboys are eager to see pandora box open
which action are you talking about, vietnam or current day afghanistan ? lol damn they coudn't even get the North korea for the starter.

You guys are confusing between a ground invasion/occupation, and surgical air and cruise missile strikes.

As for Iran's response, that'd remain to be seen.

if this war plans with iran materalise world should be prepared for WW-3 yes a nuclear war, Iran is the last line of defence of China & Ruskies.

some internet fanboys are eager to see pandora box open

Well, that was an equally fanboyish post :lol:

Iran is a rather unusual stakeholder in the geopolitical scene.
You guys are confusing between a ground invasion/occupation, and surgical air and cruise missile strikes.

As for Iran's response, that'd remain to be seen.

Well, that was an equally fanboyish post :lol:

Iran is a rather unusual stakeholder in the geopolitical scene.

surgical strikes will just scratch the paint of Iran's war machinery

not only that but will give Iran a legitimate reason to acquire nukes & will shut the door of diplomacy permanently, nother provocation after the strikes will have a suicidal war on the hands.

this is the game of survival for iran
surgical strikes will just scratch the paint of Iran's war machinery

not only that but will give Iran a legitimate reason to acquire nukes & will shut the door of diplomacy permanently, nother provocation after the strikes will have a suicidal war on the hands.

this is the game of survival for iran
Remember Iraq?

It had the option to restart its nuclear program too but its enemies did not let it.
surgical strikes will just scratch the paint of Iran's war machinery

You sure of that mate? Even if they try to respond, that'd be a real challenge if not impossible. They can't do much with their current inventory.

not only that but will give Iran a legitimate reason to acquire nukes & will shut the door of diplomacy permanently, nother provocation after the strikes will have a suicidal war on the hands.

this is the game of survival for iran

That is if they somehow manage to defend their nuclear sites. In case they are obliterated, they can't do anything. Let alone do nuclear enrichment on an industrial scale.

It would be no problem for the US to militarily beat Iran, period. The concern are the ramifications that'll follow after the initial campaign of "shock & awe".
Remember Iraq?

It had the option to restart its nuclear program too but its enemies did not let it.

are you a indian?

You sure of that mate? Even if they try to respond, that'd be a real challenge if not impossible. They can't do much with their current inventory.

That is if they somehow manage to defend their nuclear sites. In case they are obliterated, they can't do anything. Let alone do nuclear enrichment on an industrial scale.

It would be no problem for the US to militarily beat Iran, period. The concern are the ramifications that'll follow after the initial campaign of "shock & awe".

first of all what are the objectives of surgical strike ? if they are used to destroy the nuclear facilities if yes then we have debated to death in other threads it will only put iran a year or two but iran will get bolder and will have a legitimate reason to acquire nukes

If the strikes are to overwhelmingly defeat iran & later send in ground troops to capture iran then we will have ww3 in our hands.
are you a indian?
No. I am not a pretender.

Are you Canadian?

first of all what are the objectives of surgical strike ? if they are used to destroy the nuclear facilities if yes then we have debated to death in other threads it will only put iran a year or two but iran will get bolder and will have a legitimate reason to acquire nukes
The case of Iraq is in front of you.

If the strikes are to overwhelmingly defeat iran & later send in ground troops to capture iran then we will have ww3 in our hands.
Unless humanity wishes to end itself, WW3 will not happen.
if the US uses its deadly power to its full extent, it can even defeat both iran and china in just less than a week!!
if the US uses its deadly power to its full extent, it can even defeat both iran and china in just less than a week!!

defeat china in less than a week,then wtf did USA do in korean war?
and what does yankees gonna do with our thermonuclear weapons?
how stupid you are.
defeat china in less than a week,then wtf did USA do in korean war?
and what does yankees gonna do with our thermonuclear weapons?
how stupid you are.
I believe, he is talking in conventional sense. While the fact is that US military machine has considerably improved since the days of war in Korea - 'less then a week' still sounds like an extremely optimistic assumption, for China at least.
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