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US military strike on Pakistan advocated

"Ship our nukes to new Mexico"! They will be taken en route by pirates!
These two experts should be the two main aides of President Bush. They will team up well.. together.. conquer the world. ;)
I remember these kinds of theories have been floated since 1990’s. Even maps were drawn up of the world indicating no Pakistan. As far as I remember Pakistan was supposed to end up by around 2010-15 according to one article I came across.
If it were for these people entire world map would be rewritten according to their wishes. Simple answer it is not going to happen.
Also to destroy Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal one needs to know where it is? Even Americans don’t know its locations. They have not been able to take control of Afghanistan and are planning about Pakistan :rofl:.
If you read todays Times of India, it has another senario which includes India with US could destroy Pakistan's Neuclear sites. They have to pop in between as usual.
Woww in a time when pakistan needs support of the so called liberal world against extremists, fighting their war on terror which by the way was the actual cause for deteriorating the condition in pakistan, US plans to attack pakistan. LOL man some people just doesnt give up their anti pakistan and anti islam sentiments. India if attacks, pakistan defentinately would respond with nuclear. I doubt india is willing to go that far.
Pakistan's anti-terrorism actions are very visible to the whole world,But USA always disoppointed Pakistan.What we hav'nt did against terrorism and what is left.
NoOne can live without recognising this Identity....!
US military strike on Pakistan advocated
Monday, November 19, 2007

By Khalid Hasan

WASHINGTON: Two experts have proposed that the US should take pre-emptive action to secure Pakistan’s nuclear weapons before they fall into the wrong hands.

Frederick Kagan of the right-wing American Enterprise Institute and Michael O’Hanlon of the more liberal Brookings Institution

very interesting a Neo-Con & a Liberal co-opting a article...

Possible plan: One possible plan would be a Special Forces operation with the limited goal of preventing Pakistan’s nuclear materials and warheads from getting into the wrong hands. Given the degree to which Pakistani nationalists cherish these assets, it is unlikely the United States would get permission to destroy them. Somehow, American forces would have to team with Pakistanis to secure critical sites and possibly to move the material to a safer place. For the United States, the safest bet would be shipping the material to someplace like New Mexico, but even pro-American Pakistanis would be unlikely to cooperate. It would be better for the US to settle for establishing a remote redoubt within Pakistan, with the nuclear technology guarded by elite Pakistani forces backed up and watched over by crack international troops. It is realistic to think that such a mission might be undertaken within days of a decision to act. The price for rapid action and secrecy, however, would probably be a very small international coalition.

watching too many american movies....
Our US friends are stupid than I thought. They have not been able to tackle cycle riding Taliban in six years and are planning on destroying Pakistan’s nuclear facilities being guarded by professional army of half million strength.

The problem is that US has not yet had any success in its so called war on terror and has in fact created more terror than it planned to stop. To hide their failures they need to open another front and what better place to start than Pakistan or perhaps Iran.

US have standard operating procedure create one mess and then create another to hide the first :crazy:.
Whether they want to hide their previous mess or start another one, but reports like these have been coming for quite sometime now. First they threat to attack pakistan because pakistan wasnt doing enough for WOT. Now they want to attack the nuclear installtions of pakistan because to them they are not safe. Somehow i assume there is a lobby that is constantly lobbing against pakistan for US strike. The point is what must we as a nation do to avoid such aggression. Either we just wait and consider it some nonesence until we actually are attacked or we do something about it once and for all.
For me even if for now the threat is not real which i doubt, still its better we take counter measures rather just sitting to be hit.
I think you'll find there are Libyan ballistic missiles on display in the US! North Koreans have lost their nuclear detterent within a year. It ain't that hard for the Americans. Didn't the Iraqis also once have a nuclear plant, the Osiraq?

I'm not saying the US is capable of doing that to Pakistan but if they were mad, angry and threatened to send Pakistan to the stone age, I think you'll our military will collapse on it's knees within a day... without a fight. So Pakistan has always has to be prepared for anything in this crazy world.

p.s. Aunty Benazir has already offered to ship Dr. Abdul Qadir Khan to the IAEA.

hey JF-17Thunder,
let me jog your memory...
Vietnam - greatest fighting machine in the world (GFMITW) v. vietnamese farmers (viet-cong) - result--> i think the US ran away with its tail between its legs.
Somalia - GFMITW v. Somalian warlords - result--> humiliating US withdrawl.
Iraq - GFMITW v. Iraqi insurgents - result ---> more than 3,000 US soldiers killed and counting.
so US will attack pakistan to take out its nukes! easier said than done
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