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US may let Iran build nukes


Jul 8, 2006
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US may let Iran build nukes

Bombing Nuclear Sites Ruled Out Due To Lack Of Intelligence Input

Sarah Baxter

Washington: America will have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran, top US intelligence analysts concluded at a secret meeting near Washington last week.
Senior operatives and analysts from the intelligence community were almost unanimous in their view that little could be done to stop Iran acquiring the components for a nuclear bomb, the Sunday Times has learnt.
Bombing Iran’s nuclear facilities was rejected on the grounds that the intelligence needed for successful air strikes was lacking. “We only have an imperfect understanding of the extent and location of the Iranian programme,” said one source with knowledge of the meeting. “Even if we got the order to blow it up, we wouldn’t know how to.”
The White House’s earlier enthusiasm for military strikes if all else failed has cooled after warnings from the Pentagon and intelligence analysts that the risk to reward ratio of taking action is too high. At best 80 of the targets are mapped out and then only sketchily. The “collateral damage” to civilians could be considerable, sources say.
“Unless you can be 100 effective and set the programme back by two decades, you’ll just get a short-term delay in the programme and you may not produce a result that is better than the current one,” an intelligence analyst said. General John Abizaid, commander of US forces in the Middle East, has warned that striking Iran could cripple oil supplies, unleash a “surrogate” terrorist army and lead to missile attacks on America’s regional allies. The army is particularly concerned about Iran’s ability to destabilise Iraq.
John Negroponte, director of national intelligence, has told president George W Bush that there is no rush to use force as Iran’s nuclear programme is beset with technical errors. “He has been saying, ‘Slow down, it’s not an immediate problem’,” said Patrick Clawson, an Iran expert at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has staked her reputation on achieving a negotiated settlement with the help of the “EU3” nations of Britain, France and Germany. SUNDAY TIMES, LONDON

Senate extends sanctions
The US Congress agreed to extend sanctions on Iran set to expire this weekend that are aimed at choking off funds that could aid Iran in developing nuclear weapons. With Congress scrambling to finish business before heading out to campaign, the Senate approved a bill that matched one the House of Representatives approved on Thursday to keep the sanctions from expiring. The bill would renew economic sanctions for five more years.
What are your opinion guys? This news look like a folly. I could not belive it. At least at first instance it looks to test the Iran's response or to put them in some sort of complacency.
What you say.
Lol@article sure the US will tolerate a nuclear Iran...

It's just another wild story....
i sincerely hope Ahmadinjad takes a leaf out of musharaf's book and does a little "war gaming" the result of which is as we all know

1. Roll back nuclear plans
2.Allow CIA/FBI offices in every city of iran......so they can kill/rape whoever they want in the name of War on Terror.

afterall you donot oppose the usa....they might resort to dropping bombs on your army ( and thats not very pleasant i tell you....the noise alone is deafening) )....which has so many things on its hands already.....the real estate business....fertilizer plants,banks,agricultural land to till,golf courses, government etc etc etc etc etc

coming back to the article......its just a piece of deception.....to lure iran into sense of complacency
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