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US Marines Retooling for Potential War with China

The main advantage U.S. military has over China is war experience and institutional memory.
The best advantage for China is highly disciplined population, unrivalled industrial capacity and incredible capability to mobilize the whole nation of 1.4 billion and all the available resources for a common purpose. Fighting a war is like fighting a pandemic, check out how China and US fight this ongoing pandemic and see the results.
U.S. is out of Afghanistan's sinkhole. The large military resources along with the massive amount of money can be funneled more appropriately, majority of which shall help develop capability to fight China. U.S said Russia and China are bigger threat rather than Terrorism and they mean it.

China should take note.
They still have burden in Iraq, Syria... plus large number of nuclear warhead needed to maintain. US weapon are always over expensive. While China one cost just fraction of it, The one need to watch out is US.
I don't know why some people don't understand that a few thousand US soldiers waltzed into Afghanistan, toppled the Taliban government, captured nearly the entire country and installed a puppet government which lasted for 20 years until they lost interest and left. Now if Ghani and co were more interested in Bacha bazi than fighting that's not the Americans' problem.
With the government decision, the whole Chinese industries can be put in total war time mode within hours,. how much money and all resources US can mobilize? A highly centralised government is perfectly made for wars.
I don't know why some people don't understand that a few thousand US soldiers waltzed into Afghanistan, toppled the Taliban government, captured nearly the entire country and installed a puppet government which lasted for 20 years until they lost interest and left.
They are unable to go on, it became unaffordable. they didnt go nor flee Afghanistan because of having and losing interest. They were not tourists.
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Its clear the US is the biggest war monger on the planet. These pigs are itching for a war with china. I hope they get a war and get annihilated. Thebworld will be a great place without these scumbags.
China does not underestimate US power and capabilities. But US severely underestimate China’s power and capabilities. Underestimate China at your own peril.
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