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US Lies Nailed : Devyani Had Full diplomatic Immunity

There is already a precedent in India's courts that diplomats' violations of U.S. labor laws can't be tried in India's courts as only India's laws apply. This contravenes India's obligations under international law, but it's now apparent there's no way to apply these in Indian courts.

what International law you are talking about ?
The same international law that US government destroys day and night based on its whims and fancy ?

where were these International laws when US diplomats were found involved in much serious charges such as rape , murder , sexual assault and so on ?
The Episode 6 Iron city of Season 4 of US TV series Shameless shows exactly what happened with Khobragade in the jail.
It is kind of barbaric but at the same time you could argue it is for the safety of other inmates and is the standard procedure.

Note that I am in no commenting on whether she had diplomatic immunity or not.
The Episode 6 Iron city of Season 4 of US TV series Shameless shows exactly what happened with Khobragade in the jail.
It is kind of barbaric but at the same time you could argue it is for the safety of other inmates and is the standard procedure.

Note that I am in no commenting on whether she had diplomatic immunity or not.

Standard procedure ?

what is standard ?

She is a diplomat of country

there was no need to subject her to all that ....

It was mere exploitation of standard procedure to humiliate her and India !
what International law you are talking about ?
The Vienna Consular and U.N. Personnel Conventions.

where were these International laws when US diplomats were found involved in much serious charges such as rape , murder , sexual assault and so on ?
You're just playing here. You've already confessed you don't care about justice, merely that the case you cite (or invent, as the facts aren't quite as you present them) is meant to serve as a blinder to justice, rather than further the process yourself.

Such whining only rubs in your humiliation further, you know that?
Standard procedure ?

what is standard ?

She is a diplomat of country ?

there was no need to subject her to all that ....

It was mere exploitation of standard procedure to humiliate her and India !

Its the standard procedure for every inmate.
As I said I don't know whether she had diplomatic immunity or nor, and frankly, at this point, I don't care either.
Important thing is she now back and possibly plotting to enter politics to cash in on her four seconds of fame and playing the poor dalit card, like her father, who btw was also an IAS officer.
The Episode 6 Iron city of Season 4 of US TV series Shameless shows exactly what happened with Khobragade in the jail.
Confusing fact with fiction seems pretty desperate, doesn't it? As I've pointed out earlier, if the Indian gov't had any doubt that Khobragade was treated improperly they likely would have released the U.S. police tapes to the public.
The Vienna Consular and U.N. Personnel Conventions.

You're just playing here. You've already confessed you don't care about justice, merely that the case you cite (or invent, as the facts aren't quite as you present them) is meant to serve as a blinder to justice, rather than further the process yourself.

Such whining only rubs in your humiliation further, you know that?

You are hypocrite enough to skip disturbing and embarrassing questions which shows true face of your country ....

If you care so much for justice then do answer the following questions which you have been trying to avoid ....

I am posting here again for your benefit ....

what about When US diplomat Russel howard who raped their Ethiopian maid repeatedly .... ?
what about US consul general at Naples - Donald Moore who had turned Consul office into a Sex-parlour ...? why he was sneaked away by US state department.
what about Chuck Lisenbee, a former State Department Beirut security officer was found to be involved in multiple episodes of sexual assaults on male security guards ... why he was rewarded with position of special agent in Washington for the Office of Diplomatic Vehicles ...?
when U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman was found to be guilty of seeking “sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children " ... why he was allowed to retire honourably ... ?
what about US diplomat to Japan Mr Thurmond Borden who had made false contract with his Phillipino maid to deceive Japanese immigration authorities ? ....when the maid spilled the beans ....US state department claimed diplomatic immunity ...
why did not US government waived off his diplomatic immunity ?
It is easy to preach others ...
But US has penchant to preach others what it itself does not follow !
Before exhorting others US should set its own house in order ...
Those who live in house of glass should not throw stones at other person's houses ....
Its the standard procedure for every inmate.
As I said I don't know whether she had diplomatic immunity or nor, and frankly, at this point, I don't care either.
Important thing is she now back and possibly plotting to enter politics to cash in on her four seconds of fame and playing the poor dalit card, like her father, who btw was also an IAS officer.

Every country has the government it deserves...!!
You are hypocrite enough to skip disturbing and embarrassing questions which shows true face of your country ....
You stopped accusing the U.S. of lies some time ago. That's an improvement on your part. The bit about hypocrisy I can live with, as you've confessed you're not concerned with justice but the suppression of justice.

It isn't the U.S. whose lies have been "nailed" here!
You stopped accusing the U.S. of lies some time ago. That's an improvement on your part. The bit about hypocrisy I can live with, as you've confessed you're not concerned with justice but the suppression of justice.

It isn't the U.S. whose lies have been "nailed" here!

I can see ....How US stands exposed .

with hoardes of its Diplomats having been found guilty of serious crimes such as human trafficking, rapes , murder, sexual assault and yet US sneaking them away under garbs of Diplomatic immunity ...

Nothing better can be expected from hypocrites like you however .

Enjoy your states of denial ....you would find it quite comforting .
with hoardes of its Diplomats having been found guilty of serious crimes -
I think it's six, and you blow by the important part, that so many of these were successfully prosecuted for their crimes (though some escaped jail time by becoming fugitives abroad.) The prosecution bit is what India has wrongfully been trying to prevent.
Devyani is a consul, not a diplomat: she only represents her country when she's in her office, or traveling between offices, or working outside her office on job-related matters. The U.N. letter cites the U.N. Personnel Convention which explicitly states that any U.N. immunity she has is not to be used for her personal benefit, and furthermore India is supposed to waive it in these circumstances, rather than whisk her home.

It's very tough to get this message across to the Indian citizens about this. Most of the media cover for her. Many of my comments on Indian news sites, especially those with links to source material or criticizing the Indian diplomatic corps, are suppressed. Do you really think you're being well served by diplomats who support oppressing your fellow citizens and a media which blindly echoes their hollow claims?

Thanks for your input. Frankly speaking, my view is that if she isn't protected by diplomatic immunity and if she committed a crime in the USA then the Yanks should throw her rear in prison. I believe the shouting match is relates to whether she has diplomatic immunity or not. As for Indian media, they are the first bulwark to guard the politically connected and wealthy in India. Hence you have the mindset of the average Indian blindly supporting this woman without trying to ascertain the facts. Again, it all boils down to diplomatic immunity
The argument was since her visa fees has been paid by Indian govt so thats why she is there for a reason. ie as help to the indian diplomat ! That's how it happens everywhere when your visit has been sponsored ! so stop twisting facts !
Perhaps you'd like to read the FIR yourself? Here it is.

Scroll down to Exhibit G. The cover page says it's about stolen property, and the specific cited is that Richard stole her own passport and "wrongly" used it. Doubtless Richard used the passport to prove to U.S. law enforcement that she entered the U.S. legally and could be eligible for protection under U.S. temporary worker laws, including the right, of course, to retain her passport at all times and not surrender it at the demand of her employer - a right her employer, Khobragade, must have known very well, since she was deputy consul.

Khobragade also claims "fraud, willful deceit, harassment, and extortion" with Richard and her husband having planned the whole thing in Delhi (which, of course, begs the question of why Richard didn't flee Khobragade even sooner, maybe taking some of Khobragade's possessions to boot.)

You might want to read Exhibits A-F while you're at it, and maybe the Justice Dept.'s indictment of Khobragade as well.
I think it's six, and you blow by the important part, that so many of these were successfully prosecuted for their crimes (though some escaped jail time by becoming fugitives abroad.) The prosecution bit is what India has wrongfully been trying to prevent.

US has to be congratulated for the immense co-operation it showed with foreign governments by waiving off diplomatic immunity and allowing them to be prosecuted and punished by host countries ....
US has to be congratulated for the immense co-operation it showed with foreign governments by waiving off diplomatic immunity and allowing them to be prosecuted and punished by host countries ....
Indo-guy, if you don't concede with good grace but with resentment, how will you bring yourself to apply what you've learned here to politics in your home country? Shouldn't you thank me and move on?

I'd like to add that regardless, I appreciate being allowed to post on this subject at PDF. It's been very difficult to post the whole shebang on Indian websites without getting suppressed or banned. PDF allows us to converse more freely, despite the fact that Pakistan sided with India on this matter (late in the game, of course, but in doing so Pakistan still managed to disgrace itself.) A tip of the hat to our often-not-much-appreciated Webmaster and his team of mods!

One more thing: this stuff cuts both ways. I was compelled to unhappily experience it at an early age, growing up as an ordinary kid but in a suburban D.C. neighborhood peppered with foreign diplomats, not all of them friendly. It's like a slap in the face that you can't return. So I'm happy when a diplomat (whether they're foreign or American) gets prosecuted for grave misuse of their immunity. But I've also learned that this is a different realm of law and conduct, one with its own offenses, obligations, and limitations.
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