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US Lies Nailed : Devyani Had Full diplomatic Immunity

I don't understand why big words like slavery and bonded labor is being thrown around !
Because the U.N. defines what Khobragade does as human trafficking, and Khobragade herself argued in the FIR she filed that Richard was essentially bonded to her - that the moment Richard quit Richard was illegally in the United States because Richard's passport belonged to the government of India, not Richard, and was not good if Richard left Khobragade's service. Thus the retention of Richard's passport by Richard made her a thief, thus the FIR and the subsequent warrant for Richard's arrest.

What this series of incidents suggest malice from US towards India. They flouted all diplomatic courtesies. Courtesies are not written anywhere but it's something which comes from within you when you consider your host's sensibilities !
There was nothing improper about Khobragade's arrest and subsequent treatment, but yes, someone from State could have requested "special handling" and the strip search might have been avoided.

And to top it all, they cavity searched her as if she was carrying drugs which is unforgivable. !
There was no cavity search.

If you think about it, you'll realize that India's diplomats are 100% certain that Devyani was treated properly, as they likely requested the police video of her arrest and search. If it had showed anything incriminating, they certainly would have released it to the public, yes?

We all south Asian nations including china and russia should etch one thing clear in our minds once and for all that the US govt is the most evil govt on earth. They are full of very selfish and self centered people. we should not be prejudiced against US people in general but we should not lose the reality when it comes to US govt.
The comparative lawfulness, honesty, and power of the U.S. is seen as a threat by crooks everywhere, yet I won't tarnish China and Russia here. I think India has a real and sustained problem with dishonest diplomats - lying for your country is one thing, but lying to your country is dangerously self-serving. After Khobragade was accredited to India's U.N. mission and the Indians refused to waive her immunity as required by the Personnel Convention, I would have expelled every Indian diplomat who transmitted and signed off on the refusal - and the U.N. would, of course, have supported this. That the U.S. did not do so - out of a misplaced desire to improve relations with India - was a mistake, for it will encourage further self-serving actions by India's diplomatic corps. The U.S. missed a real opportunity here to improve the conduct of India's diplomatic corps, to the lasting benefit of India, the U.S., and the U.N.

All of us should come together and stand up against these self centered idiots. We should float our own currency and focus on intra asia trade !
India could withdraw from the IMF and float its own gold-based currency. However, I think the resultant credit crunch (how much do Indians trust their banks to hold their gold?) would create a recession in India for many years.
Devyani kobragade's crime would have been contested in Indian court where she is answerable.....
The correct jurisdiction to prosecute Devyani is the U.S. Doubtless if she ever is brought to court in India that's what her defense will claim, citing the same international treaties that I have done.

The path of justice however has been obstructed by US action to play God ..
It has been the Indian gov't obstructing "the path of justice" by endorsing Devyani's actions in contravention to the U.N. Personnel Convention, the Vienna Consular Convention, and U.S. law.

I am just showing you the mirror ...guess you are not happy to see your own dark underbelly !
I'm happy with what I see in my mirror, for the arguments I've made above. But it's absolutely clear you don't want to look in yours.

Some say U.S.-India relations will surmount the Khobragade affair. I don't think so, as India's diplomats put their own perks and perquisites above serving their country. They have no qualms about fibbing to either India's public OR their own government. This make them very dangerous people. The U.S. should try to avoid working with India's diplomats whenever possible and seek alternate ways to interact with Indians instead.

Yet what should you do, as an Indian citizen unfairly victimized by these people?
.............The U.S. should try to avoid working with India's diplomats whenever possible and seek alternate ways to interact with Indians instead.

Yet what should you do, as an Indian citizen unfairly victimized by these people?

Perhaps you haven't understood the Indians very well then. We might curse our bureaucrats and politicians but when it comes to issue like these we will stand firmly with our government. Doesn't matter whether "they" are right or wrong.

People in the US has got several misconceptions about Indians, primarily because they primarily interact with the NRIs and PIOs. The resident Indians are nothing like the Indian expats.
Because the U.N. defines what Khobragade does as human trafficking, and Khobragade herself argued in the FIR she filed that Richard was essentially bonded to her - that the moment Richard quit Richard was illegally in the United States because Richard's passport belonged to the government of India, not Richard, and was not good if Richard left Khobragade's service. Thus the retention of Richard's passport by Richard made her a thief, thus the FIR and the subsequent warrant for Richard's arrest.

all these things apply to US diplomat to Japan and his Philippino maid ....why are you silent about it ?
seems you have no answer to it ...which you are only lamely trying to circumvent with your verbosity ...

would you care to clarify your stand on US diplomat to Japan who was involved in human trafficking and why US did not wiave of immunity to allow Japan to prosecute US diplomat ?
Perhaps you haven't understood the Indians very well then. We might curse our bureaucrats and politicians but when it comes to issue like these we will stand firmly with our government. Doesn't matter whether they are right or wrong.
You do realize that you're giving them license to screw you over and over, don't you?
You do realize that you're giving them license to screw you over and over, don't you?

You really want us to believe that the US cares more about us than our government? You are barking the wrong tree. When it comes to India vs a foreign power, we will stand on the side of our government "no matter what".
The correct jurisdiction to prosecute Devyani is the U.S. Doubtless if she ever is brought to court in India that's what her defense will claim, citing the same international treaties that I have done.

The case was subjudice in India . US government if felt had interest in case ...it should have pleaded to be a party in the case and should have assisted the proceedings of justice .

But US government has typical tendency to trample others and stand over them to project its supremacy .

well Devyani was in US jurisdiction ...if US was so convinced about case why did it let Devyani walk away from its justice system .

seems US state department colluded Government of India to sabotage US justice department ....

You need to argue with your government ....

But US government is epitome of hypocrisy ....it will go at any length to subserve its interests

Let me make you one thing clear to you ....Your hypocrite country has nothing to do with justice or human rights ....

Except the fact that it likes to wear mask of Protecting them time to time ....even as it runs down them time to time ....
all these things apply to US diplomat to Japan and his Philippino maid ....why are you silent about it ?
It's like a defendant trying to defend himself by claiming he shouldn't be convicted for his crime because somebody else broke the law and got away with it. Contemptible.
It has been the Indian gov't obstructing "the path of justice" by endorsing Devyani's actions in contravention to the U.N. Personnel Convention, the Vienna Consular Convention, and U.S. law.

US government obstructed path of justice ...first by shielding a person who was duly summoned by court in India ...and then arresting the complainant unlawfully despite her immunity ...

If it was so convinced about veracity of case against Devyani ....why US State department let Devyani walk away despite indictment ?

The only reason to do so is there was no legal and political basis to proceed against her ...

Unfortunately blindly patriotic people like you are unable to accept that your country virtually capitulated to GOI pressure to let our diplomat walk away free ....otherwise expulsion of US diplomat would not have been accepted in such a meek manner ...

It's like a defendant trying to defend himself by claiming he shouldn't be convicted for his crime because somebody else broke the law and got away with it. Contemptible.

rather than run away from truth ...will you have guts to make your stand clear on Human trafficking crime by US diplomat ?
The case was subjudice in India .
That's the case against Richard. I don't think there is one against Khobragade in this matter.

US government if felt had interest in case ...it should have pleaded to be a party in the case and should have assisted the proceedings of justice .
From the U.S. point of view, Richard was being persecuted and thus U.S. labor-protection laws kicked in.

well Devyani was in US jurisdiction ...if US was so convinced about case why did it let Devyani walk away from its justice system .
Everything was done by the book, you know. Once Devyani got immunity as a member of India's Permanent Mission it was India's duty to waive it. India did not do so. That offense is India's, not Khobragade's. This suspended the prosecution of Khobragade.

seems US state department colluded Government of India to sabotage US justice department ....

But US government is epitome of hypocrisy ....it will go at any length to subserve its interests
Odd comment.

Let me make you one thing clear to you ....Your hypocrite country has nothing to do with justice or human rights ....
You're confusing what things ARE with what they are CALLED or NAMED.

rather than run away from truth ...will you have guts to make your stand clear on Human trafficking crime by US diplomat ?
You can always start a new thread. But if India truly cared about this case as a matter of moral principle, it would have trumpeted it at the time, rather than deploy it as an opportunistic weapon to serve the perquisites of its own diplomats. You see the difference, don't you?
That's the case against Richard. I don't think there is one against Khobragade in this matter.

No . Indian judiciary does not work like US judiciary.

It is Devyani versus Richards case ....

Indian court would have had decided about the facts of the case if it would have been allowed to complete proceedings .

If found guilty of violating law , Devyany could have been charged and convicted .

But US sabotaged the path of justice ....in attempt to play God of Justice

unfortunately game fired back and it had to face humiliation of playing charade of Immunity to let our diplomat walk away from its justice system .

From the U.S. point of view, Richard was being persecuted and thus U.S. labor-protection laws kicked in.

where were these labour laws when US diplomat was found mired in Human trafficking crime of his maid ?

Everything was done by the book, you know. Once Devyani got immunity as a member of India's Permanent Mission it was India's duty to waive it. India did not do so. That offense is India's, not Khobragade's. This suspended the prosecution of Khobragade.

If US had such strong case against devyani ...why did it not object to Devyani's immunity proposal to UN mission ?

without US state government's clearance the Diplomatic immunity would never have been approved ....

why did US state department did not take note of ongoing proceedings against Devyani and refused to give clearance to Diplomatic immunity which was being sought for her ...which was clearly meant to shield her from any possible US legal action .
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You can always start a new thread. But if India truly cared about this case as a matter of moral principle, it would have trumpeted it at the time, rather than deploy it as an opportunistic weapon to serve the perquisites of its own diplomats. You see the difference, don't you?

It's not the question of starting new thread ...
I am not defending that whether India's demand is moral or immoral ....
all I am saying that given US past record ...it has no moral right to judge our diplomat .

You should make it clear ...with host of US diplomats embroiled in such legal troubles when US government rescued them trampling so called provisions of Vienna convention in letter and spirit ...what moral right it has to demand India to adhere it to ?

Weapons are always opportunistic ...and their use is also always opportunistic !

I see the difference very well ...seems you are not able to see the difference ....

We do not take moral high ground like US does ,despite having committed all immoralities !
No . Indian judiciary does not work like US judiciary.
It is Devyani versus Richards case ....
So you agree that the only one facing trial in India in this matter is Richard, not Devyani.

Indian court would have had decided about the facts of the case if it would have been allowed to complete proceedings .
I think you're talking about Devyani's case against her maid, not the maid's case against Devyani. I don't think the maid has a case against Devyani in India's courts at this time.

If found guilty of violating law , Devyany could have been charged and convicted .
There is already a precedent in India's courts that diplomats' violations of U.S. labor laws can't be tried in India's courts as only India's laws apply. This contravenes India's obligations under international law, but it's now apparent there's no way to apply these in Indian courts.

But US sabotaged the path of justice ....in attempt to play God of Justice
Devyani's actions were meant to try to take the case out of U.S. courts. Her reasoning is that once Richard objected and left her service, she was guilty of stealing her own (Richard's) passport; that is, Richard was the equivalent of a bonded servant, subject to Devyani's will, and whatever contracts existed between them was irrelevant. That's why the FIR is part of the prosecution's evidence against Devyani.

To say that prosecuting Devyani is "an attempt to play God of Justice" thus strikes me more as an envious compliment than a criticism.

unfortunately game fired back and it had to face humiliation of playing charade of Immunity to let our diplomat walk away from its justice system .
Who, exactly, was humiliated here? Is it not Indians like yourself, who feel compelled to defend an Indian for a crime committed against another Indian? What could be more humiliating than whining that you must support such low-lifes?

I am not defending that whether India's demand is moral or immoral ....all I am saying that given US past record ...it has no moral right to judge our diplomat .
The moral right can be questioned, sure, yet doing so is no obstacle to prosecuting Khobragade. See my comment about "contemptible" conduct above.
So you agree that the only one facing trial in India in this matter is Richard, not Devyani.

No . both Devyani as well as Richard will face trial ...The court will look into the facts of the matter and will charge the guilty accordingly. This is how judiciary works. Complainant has no legal protection and himself can be convicted if facts proves so .
No . both Devyani as well as Richard will face trial ...The court will look into the facts of the matter and will charge the guilty accordingly. This is how judiciary works. Complainant has no legal protection and himself can be convicted if facts proves so .
Your claim doesn't change the fact that the U.S. was perfectly within its rights under international and U.S. domestic laws to prosecute Khobragade here, nor that the India government was under the obligation to waive her her immunity to such proceedings but sought to subvert the process of justice.
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