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US Lies Nailed : Devyani Had Full diplomatic Immunity

Just like those scores of US diplomats charged with much serious offences such as rapes , sexual assaults , murders etc got off on technicality ?
The "scores" bit is your invention. You've already cited that numerous U.S. diplomats charged with crimes get prosecuted. India doesn't want their diplomats or consuls to get prosecuted at all, even when it is in accord with international law. I'm sure Indian diplomats, reading this, are smiling at this exchange - not just at me, but at you: you've left them free to continue to prey upon ordinary Indian citizens. You could have chosen differently, called your government to account, and thus raise India's governance to a higher standard.

Seems Republicans and and Democrats are incompetent enough that's why US administration have not improved even a bit over last hundreds of years .
At least you're consistent: the U.S. eliminating slavery means nothing to you. Obviously we have somewhat different ethical standards; however, the fact that first Devyani, supported by her country, acted in violation of international law remains unchanged.
The "scores" bit is your invention. You've already cited that numerous U.S. diplomats charged with crimes get prosecuted. India doesn't want their diplomats or consuls to get prosecuted at all, even when it is in accord with international law. I'm sure Indian diplomats, reading this, are smiling at this exchange - not just at me, but at you: you've left them free to continue to prey upon ordinary Indian citizens. You could have chosen differently, called your government to account, and thus raise India's governance to a higher standard.

The fact of the matter is that large number of American diplomats got away . They were either shielded by US state department or they got away with strength of money ...

Your claim that US diplomats got prosecuted is nothing but sham ...

I don't care what Indian diplomats feel .

The charges on American diplomats were about real crimes ....

Unlike Devyani ..who was charged with crime that arises due to technicality of visa given to maid .
If maid had official visa this charge of minimum wage would not have had arisesn .

however US diplomats charges of rape , sexual assault , murder stays whatever you may do .

Do you understand the difference ???

The "scores" bit is your invention. You've already cited that numerous U.S. diplomats charged with crimes get prosecuted. India doesn't want their diplomats or consuls to get prosecuted at all, even when it is in accord with international law. I'm sure Indian diplomats, reading this, are smiling at this exchange - not just at me, but at you: you've left them free to continue to prey upon ordinary Indian citizens. You could have chosen differently, called your government to account, and thus raise India's governance to a higher standard.

At least you're consistent: the U.S. eliminating slavery means nothing to you. Obviously we have somewhat different ethical standards; however, the fact that first Devyani, supported by her country, acted in violation of international law remains unchanged.

American ethical standards that you are boasting off ...have ben stripped naked of their elaborate mask time and again .

whole world has watched your country's stark nakedness as far as ethics and all those values are concerned ....you may continue to claim that it 's " New Clothes "

By all means please continue to defend the indefensible ....
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The fact of the matter is that large number of American diplomats got away .
There is no "large number". Two of those successfully prosecuted became fugitives from U.S. justice. One of these wasn't even an American citizen. The closer you look, the worse India seems by comparison, yes?

American ethical standards that you are boasting off ...have ben stripped naked of their elaborate mask time and again .
Your country's diplomats stoop so low that they misrepresent the easily-checkable public record of other diplomats. How can you possibly trust what they claim about the behavior of non-Indian diplomats?

Unlike Devyani ..who was charged with crime that arises due to technicality of visa given to maid . If maid had official visa this charge of minimum wage would not have had arisesn .
What Devyani appears to have committed was a felony. The FIR she filed against her domestic confirms it was no innocent paperwork error, but deliberate and with ill-intent.
There is no "large number". Two of those successfully prosecuted became fugitives from U.S. justice. One of these wasn't even an American citizen. The closer you look, the worse India seems by comparison, yes?

Oh yes . they became fugitive from US justice ...but with help from US state department ...

what a travesty of American justice !

and what happened to your rhetoric of Human trafficking being the worst crime ....

If that's the case why US did not waive off diplomatic immunity of US diplomat to Tokyo who was caught red handed in human trafficking and incarceration of Pilipino maid ?

Exactly same crime that Devyani was accused off and US was expecting India to waive off Diplomatic immunity ?

while US did not waive off diplomatic immunity ...but it still expected India to do same in related but much milder case ???

Does not that amount to utter Hypocrisy ???

I will tell you one thing ...India is better than US in this aspect ...at least we are not hypocrite to go around the world in preaching what we do not practice !!!
If that's the case why US did not waive off diplomatic immunity of US diplomat to Tokyo who was caught red handed in human trafficking and incarceration of Pilipino maid ?
Do your own research. You long ago confessed this stuff is meant to serve as a blinder to India's faults. You're only screwing yourself and your country now, not I or mine.

India is better than US in this aspect ...at least we are not hypocrite to go around the world in preaching what we do not practice !!!
It's been a while but your India's leaders have certainly done this in the past. And just about every time the "Non-Aligned Movement" meets as well.
Do your own research. You long ago confessed this stuff is meant to serve as a blinder to India's faults. You're only screwing yourself and your country now, not I or mine.

This is your pat reply when you are not able to answer the difficult and embarrassing questions ...

This is another mark of American hypocrisy ....

I perfectly understand you have no guts to face the difficult questions which expose double speak and hypocrisy of your country .

You cherish your life of denial and worship your country blindly .

The great America which cherishes value of human rights and comes heavily on human trafficking issue brazenly protected its diplomat to Japan from path of justice !!!

That's the truth you can't swallow ... !!!
This is your pat reply when you are not able to answer the difficult and embarrassing questions ...This is another mark of American hypocrisy ....
As I pointed out, it's just like a defendant in a courtroom claiming he shouldn't be prosecuted for his crime because he claims some other injustice exists somewhere else that wasn't taken care of, so he should walk free.

Start a separate thread and I'll reply there. If you're polite, that is.

For now, the conversation between us has reached an impasse; you're unwilling to address the criminality of your country's diplomatic corps, and I'm unwilling to let go of the fact that this is your personal choice, and by doing so India as a nation is much worse off.
Do your own research. You long ago confessed this stuff is meant to serve as a blinder to India's faults. You're only screwing yourself and your country now, not I or mine.

It's been a while but your India's leaders have certainly done this in the past. And just about every time the "Non-Aligned Movement" meets as well.

You have not yet given answers to these questions ?

either you are suffering from dyslexia or dementia or you are hypocrite to bypass these pertinent questions ?

I am posting you again for your information .

what about When US diplomat Russel howard who raped their Ethiopian maid repeatedly .... ?
what about US consul general at Naples - Donald Moore who had turned Consul office into a Sex-parlour ...? why he was sneaked away by US state department.
what about Chuck Lisenbee, a former State Department Beirut security officer was found to be involved in multiple episodes of sexual assaults on male security guards ... why he was rewarded with position of special agent in Washington for the Office of Diplomatic Vehicles ...?
when U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman was found to be guilty of seeking “sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children " ... why he was allowed to retire honourably ... ?
what about US diplomat to Japan Mr Thurmond Borden who had made false contract with his Phillipino maid to deceive Japanese immigration authorities ? ....when the maid spilled the beans ....US state department claimed diplomatic immunity ...
why did not US government waived off his diplomatic immunity ?
It is easy to preach others ...
But US has penchant to preach others what it itself does not follow !

Before exhorting others US should set its own house in order ...

Those who live in house of glass should not throw stones at other person's houses ....

As I pointed out, it's just like a defendant in a courtroom claiming he shouldn't be prosecuted for his crime because he claims some other injustice exists somewhere else that wasn't taken care of, so he should walk free.

Start a separate thread and I'll reply there. If you're polite, that is.

For now, the conversation between us has reached an impasse; you're unwilling to address the criminality of your country's diplomatic corps, and I'm unwilling to let go of the fact that this is your personal choice, and by doing so India as a nation is much worse off.

Why you insist on different thread ?
what keeps you away from answering these questions in this thread ?

Yes the impasse will stay until you yield !

As I pointed out, it's just like a defendant in a courtroom claiming he shouldn't be prosecuted for his crime because he claims some other injustice exists somewhere else that wasn't taken care of, so he should walk free.

Yes . the defendant has right to claim in courtroom that he should not be prosecuted for his crime if the person who sits to judge him , himself has been indicted of those crimes number of times and has managed to get off scot free despite those indictments !!!

Do you understand the full essence of metaphor you have been constantly throwing at me ???
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link. Scroll down to Section 14.
I know that it's member's duty to waive immunity. However, duties are not binding unless otherwise stated. US can't breach Vienna convention just because India failed to discharge its non-binding duty.
Just like those scores of US diplomats charged with much serious offences such as rapes , sexual assaults , murders etc got off on technicality ?

Seems Republicans and and Democrats are incompetent enough that's why US administration have not improved even a bit over last hundreds of years . it's policies remain egocentric , self serving , opportunistic ...

You need to give helping hand and your insightful advise to them . May be with your genuine advise to uphold humanity , truth and justice US administration will change for better ....

what is the height of hypocrisy ???

To preach others what you don't day and night !!!

You are truly American in that sense ...you are hypocrite enough to be citizen of the most hypocrite country in the world !!!

Maybe thats the issue...India shouldnt be giving such breaks in the first law. Uphold the law to the fullest and in turn keep our house clean at all times. Like I said someone who has used the Indian Consulate in NY....its a piece of shit. have you ever seen the website used to get info and applications? It's a piece of crap. India is supposed to be an IT power but if you or anyone else used the website, you would shake your head in disgust.

You have not yet given answers to these questions ?

either you are suffering from dyslexia or dementia or you are hypocrite to bypass these pertinent questions ?

I am posting you again for your information .

what about When US diplomat Russel howard who raped their Ethiopian maid repeatedly .... ?
what about US consul general at Naples - Donald Moore who had turned Consul office into a Sex-parlour ...? why he was sneaked away by US state department.
what about Chuck Lisenbee, a former State Department Beirut security officer was found to be involved in multiple episodes of sexual assaults on male security guards ... why he was rewarded with position of special agent in Washington for the Office of Diplomatic Vehicles ...?
when U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Howard Gutman was found to be guilty of seeking “sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children " ... why he was allowed to retire honourably ... ?
what about US diplomat to Japan Mr Thurmond Borden who had made false contract with his Phillipino maid to deceive Japanese immigration authorities ? ....when the maid spilled the beans ....US state department claimed diplomatic immunity ...
why did not US government waived off his diplomatic immunity ?
It is easy to preach others ...
But US has penchant to preach others what it itself does not follow !

Before exhorting others US should set its own house in order ...

Those who live in house of glass should not throw stones at other person's houses ....

Why you insist on different thread ?
what keeps you away from answering these questions in this thread ?

Yes the impasse will stay until you yield !

Yes . the defendant has right to claim in courtroom that he should not be prosecuted for his crime if the person who sits to judge him , himself has been indicted of those crimes number of times and has managed to get off scot free despite those indictments !!!

Do you understand the full essence of metaphor you have been constantly throwing at me ???

Great points, I am glad you pointed it out. I can used it against some of my colleagues when they try to bash India based on this issue.

why your kid have not made better website yet ?

Why should he? Do you think he could bid for the contract and win fairly? Please don't forget how corrupt and pathetic our govt is.

She is a proven scamster who commited fraud in Adarsh flat scam and has unaccounted for wealth. That's if we don't count multitudes of scams of her father.She is carrying forward family legacy of looting public money.

India and by that extension Indians struck out for her because getting our diplomats prosecuted on laughably stupid reasons abroad would have set up a bad precedence. Make no mistake, personally she is a certified swindler.

@Solomon2 @Indo-guy ; You people are debating this issue; seriously??

@Indo-guy ; Supporting her when we were having a diplomatic tug of war with US was one thing; supporting her now is a extreme form of chauvinistic delusion. If you have been in touch with current affairs of India, you would have noticed that she is farrrrrrr away from being squeaky clean.

Thank you for being honest. Its something we all need to practice. I mean we cant lie delude ourselves. Adarsh scam has been going on for long? Where is the trial? The media is so damn quiet about it. This is one of the reason NAXALS garner so much support in India. People have realized that our democracy is a sham to some degree. Sure, we will vote Congress out, to put the BJP in but corruption will remain the same. There is no real change. Two sides of the same coin. I'll give Modi a shot....we willl see how much he cleans up shop!
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