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US lawmakers move bill to designate Pakistan as a terrorist state

India overestimates its own reach, so am I worried? Not much, no.

Pakistan will remain important to the US, for at least the next few decades, which is all the time Pakistan needs.

we converted billions of USD worth of F 16 headed for Pakistan into Soya Beans.
We took apart the global nuclear security architecture into a frame that we wanted.

I'm pretty sure we're not over-estimating our reach. You don't want to recognize it coz it's painful, that's your prerogative.
NEW YORK – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Tuesday said that Turkey will make arrangements for sending a fact-finding mission to Indian Occupied Kashmir in the capacity of the Chair of human rights commission of the OIC Contact Group.

Good to know they have human right commission in OIC. :lol:

Anyways, we don't recognise(to be polite else F word suits here more) jurisdiction of OIC, PIC, LIC, AIC or any IC. So if we reject will OIC stop our oil?

This won't have any takers.

For now.

Its just part of a build up. The fact that people are even talking about it must raise some concerns in Pakistan.

Brushing it aside by saying one can talk whatever would be a travesty to diplomacy.
Do let us know when so-called Bill approved. A failed paid attempt once again and a stunt of Money & Lobbying to prove that the rival's money is worth spent but in the end, it is all loss though those so-called lawmakers enjoying the spending and have nothing to loose.
Two out of 435. Two KNOWN to have Indian lobbies as their donors.. and then the usual piece of trash Indian media reports...

Ok, so why don't you guys spend some money on lobbying? Where are your Pakistani lobbyists and lobbies? Missing in action, what? :P Ask them to shake a leg and get moving!

Kch bhi kerlo, Kashmir per tu baat hogi hi. Lay k rahaingy azadi, ham cheen k laingy aazaadi. Kashmir banega Pakistan.
:laughcry: Good one! You made my day!
That was kind of predicated, one by one certain countries being eliminated by USA and its allies's Geo engineering and creating new countries, I wonder whatever happened to the WMD's that was supposedly in Iraq?

I remember reading analysis saying during Iraq war, one by one they will eliminate any country that stands in its way for their new experiments in ME and Central Asian region, Pakistan is next door to these regions. Image a future where USA invades Pakistan, and if Pakistanis fight back they will be declared terrorists, Fox news would be telling you how terrorist Pakistanis kill brave American soldiers trying to gift democracy to the region. :)
we converted billions of USD worth of F 16 headed for Pakistan into Soya Beans.
We took apart the global nuclear security architecture into a frame that we wanted.

I'm pretty sure we're not over-estimating our reach. You don't want to recognize it coz it's painful, that's your prerogative.
Uh no. First of all, only the subsidization was cut off, not the sale itself; Pakistan was the one to practically cancel the deal, after the white house desperately tried to get Pakistan to make a verbal commitment, which Pakistan refused to do.

Second, it is only because of Chinese-American rivalry that India has grow more important, but that importance is only there so long as India continues to comply with the US.

India's reach is very much regional, not global.

For now.

Its just part of a build up. The fact that people are even talking about it must raise some concerns in Pakistan.

Brushing it aside by saying one can talk whatever would be a travesty to diplomacy.
Two politicians that are well known to receive money from India's lobby in Washington.

Pakistan is unconcerned, simply because it knows that the US would be shooting itself in the foot, if it passed this bill.
Pakistan has played a double game - ripping off American tax payer dollars from a plaint U.S administration while nurturing terrorists who kill not just Indians, but also American civilians and soldiers.

Double game? What is described above is actually a good play in the great game international politics by Pakistan. Let's give credit where credit is due. After all, Pakistan's policies must serve its own national interests, not of anybody else.
These senators only waste time...nothing constructive....those days terrorism is hot selling item in the world. But, it losing it value due to abuse of this word.
Double game? What is described above is actually a good play in the great game international politics by Pakistan. Let's give credit where credit is due. After all, Pakistan's policies must serve its own national interests, not of anybody else.
Agreed! But there should have been periodic strategic restraint too.
Uh no. First of all, only the subsidization was cut off, not the sale itself; Pakistan was the one to practically cancel the deal, after the white house desperately tried to get Pakistan to make a verbal commitment, which Pakistan refused to do.

Second, it is only because of Chinese-American rivalry that India has grow more important, but that importance is only there so long as India continues to comply with the US.

India's reach is very much regional, not global.

Two politicians that are well known to receive money from India's lobby in Washington.

Pakistan is unconcerned, simply because it knows that the US would be shooting itself in the foot, if it passed this bill.

yeah dude, whatever version works for you is just fine. The way I remember it, we used Gary Pressler to **** you out of the deal (and then rewarded him with a seat in the board of Infosys). We then gave you soya bean for the money you paid for F 16. Which was not bad, I mean it's better for the overall health of Pak people.

Double game? What is described above is actually a good play in the great game international politics by Pakistan. Let's give credit where credit is due. After all, Pakistan's policies must serve its own national interests, not of anybody else.

Isn't there anything that isn't a great game/ works in favor/ pre-planned/ great opportunity for Pak?
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