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US, Japan, India, Australia ... is Quad the first step to an Asian Nato?

In China there are new rules which determine the score of each individual citizens. If they commit crimes or do not show good behavior, their score goes down and various punishments can be applied like they cannot travel in trains or get loans etc hence they have to behave and follow all the laws.
Holly s... This must be a dystopia. Right now, I apologize to all the Chinese I've broken their hearts.

It is a very sad situation.

Actually, that might be the first step towards a money-less society : all basic necessities ( medical system, housing, education, water etc ) being free, with the remainder depending on one's Social Credits.
It's impossible to create an Asian NATO, the basis of NATO's capablity to expand in Europe was that the US offered prosperity, development & jobs to Europe while the USSR was a economicaly backward state that offered nothing but weapons, but weapons cannot provide a prosperous life.

in Asia the opposite is true, China offers jobs, development, money & prosperity while the US cannot match that & the only thing it offers is military provocations AKA "freedom of navigation patrols".

furthemore in order to form an Asian NATO there are three key countries required for that, Indonesia, Malaysia & Vietnam, contrary to the wishs of some misinformed Viet members, the main ally of Vietnam is Russia , an Asian NATO won't just target China but also Russia, Vietnam will never backstab the Russians.
the previous ruler of Malaysia was viewed as being pro China, so when he lost the elections China haters celebrated thinking they finaly got a China hater only for them to find out that the opposition was even more pro China.
Australia is irrelevant, it's small & far away from China to be relevant.

instead of a US lead Asia, what's happening currently is that America's influence is shrinking.

Question is how long can Russia-China maintain thos marriage of convenience alliance if possible

Actually, that might be the first step towards a money-less society : all basic necessities ( medical system, housing, education, water etc ) being free, with the remainder depending on one's Social Credits.

Boiii I want store in gold son
Actually, that might be the first step towards a money-less society : all basic necessities ( medical system, housing, education, water etc ) being free, with the remainder depending on one's Social Credits.
I don't think education is free in China at University level.
Question is how long can Russia-China maintain thos marriage of convenience alliance if possible
it will last for as long as the US wants to slaughter the Russians, back during the cold war the USSR felt capable enough to antagonize both China & the US because back at that time China was very weak against the USSR but today Russia's GDP is only slightly larger than that of Guangdong province, IMO eventually Russia will become the Canada of China.
why do you pakistani members give so much attention to an unhinged chinese individual? His personal view does not represent neither the state policy nor the opinion of majority.

as for the Quad, it is years or decades away from being institutionalized. Quad or not quad, China's rise depends on how it further grows its own strength in economy, technology and eventually military.
I totally agree but it the same should be done by Chinese members as well and ignore some random troll individuals who are pretending to be Pakistanis and creating hatred between China and Pakistan.
Quad is not away ... because all ingredients are in place now. Under RSS, India has officially ended its policy of non-alliance and Chinese leadership is well aware of the development so you are in good hands.
Chinese haters who are they? are they not ones who are making a NATO of the east with USA, Japan to contain China and the country that is occupying Chinese territory and supporting Dalai Lama.... have you a few brain cell working or your stupidity has got better of you
Geopolitics is dynamic ,Don't look at it in a static way, if you are not idiot

Radical idea make you do nothing substantial, just talk shit

IQ is good thing, but you don't have it
It is a total waste of time
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it will last for as long as the US wants to slaughter the Russians, back during the cold war the USSR felt capable enough to antagonize both China & the US because back at that time China was very weak against the USSR but today Russia's GDP is only slightly larger than that of Guangdong province, IMO eventually Russia will become the Canada of China.
Very unlikely.
Both nations are major powers in this world.
More likely keep supporting each other on international issues meanwhile keep some distance.
Welcome to PDF circa 2019 where wannabe politicians and diplomats aka incels think they run the world
The geopolitical view and nation interest between pakistan and china mostly converge in the past, at present and will be so in the coming decades. a petty individual and an fringe of wannbe cannot shake the powerful statecraft at all.

as for India, it is a swing state and will be so forever. USA or China should not expect much from India as India will try to take advantage of any opportunity offered from either side but dare not go too far to trample the interest to the other side.
The geopolitical view and nation interest between pakistan and china mostly converge in the past, at present and will be so in the coming decades. a petty individual and an fringe of wannbe cannot shake the powerful statecraft at all.

as for India, it is a swing state and will be so forever. USA or China should not expect much from India as India will try to take advantage of any opportunity offered from either side but dare not go too far to trample the interest to the other side.
I would give you positive rating if I could..
I totally agree but it the same should be done by Chinese members as well and ignore some random troll individuals who are pretending to be Pakistanis and creating hatred between China and Pakistan.
Quad is not away ... because all ingredients are in place now. Under RSS, India has officially ended its policy of non-alliance and Chinese leadership is well aware of the development so you are in good hands.

His trolling is certainly unpopular here and I am sure he will get a bloody nose this time if he keeps doing so.

I am not saying Quad is going away. Diplomacy is limited in its effect. A nation's power comes from its strength. Those Quad nations have their own deep interest with China. They will and have to be pragmatic in pursuit their national interest.
Just a quick question for you uncle... Why do they worship the west so much ? They already have powerful economy and military yet so much inferiority complex. Why do they suck up to the white people so much ? I mean , I would have understood this case had they been poor like India and Pakistan but they aren't.
Brah go to any big western capital or city see most couples guess what Asian mostly Chinese with white dudes they see the white dudes very highly

The Chinese copied the west so much that it's a wonder they have not reconstructed their eyes to look western.

Oh wait they are ...

Brah the Koreans and Central Asians do it lol
IT is no longer the “Asia-Pacific”, but the “Indo-Pacific”, at least, according to the United States and some of its allies. Such a change may not seem much on first glance, but these four letters are far more than a matter of semantics: they have the potential to create a seismic shift in the geopolitical landscape of the region.

This much was evidenced when the US, Japan, Australia and India announced this month they had agreed to create a coalition that would patrol and exert influence on waterways from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific to the (much disputed) East and South China Seas. The grouping of the four “like-minded” democracies – known as the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad – was first mooted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007, but the idea was dropped after Beijing protested, saying the defence partnership with India was aimed at stifling China’s growth. It made a sudden comeback when senior officials from the
four nations met in Manila on November 11
– on the sidelines of regional summits during US President Donald Trump’s maiden tour to East Asia. Obviously, the group will have a China-centric security agenda. The Quad’s rebirth highlights the growing suspicion and unease diplomats in Washington, Tokyo, Canberra and New Delhi feel about China’s meteoric military and economic rise.

In a statement after the meeting, the four nations said they were committed to ensuring a “free and open” region, with “respect for international law”, and “the rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific”, a reference to what they see as China’s flouting of territorial, maritime and trade rules – including Beijing’s rejection of an international tribunal’s ruling against it regarding its South China Sea dispute with the Philippines.

The new strategy to confront China head on with a unified front underscored a growing regional competition between Beijing and Washington. The Quad meeting came as the US appeared to be shifting strategic focus. As Trump was visiting East Asia, he too referred to the region as the “Indo-Pacific” rather than the “Asia-Pacific” – a clear shot at Beijing.

The strategy appears to be part of Trump’s “hard-balancing” of his East Asia diplomatic policy. He sees it as a way to keep a US presence in the region after abandoning his predecessor Barack Obama’s ‘pivot to Asia’ and withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement.

Those moves could be interpreted as a sign of passivity in the region. Although a dominant power in the Pacific since the end of the second world war, the US’s diplomatic and military might have rarely extended past the Indian Ocean. However, the new accord shows Washington’s commitment – on both diplomatic and security fronts – to the region and highlights the importance of India as an ally.

Smaller nations, such as South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam, might also benefit from a US-led partnership in a multipolar “Indo-Pacific” to check China’s power.

It also underlines the rising significance of maritime geopolitics in an increasingly integrated world. Economically, the strategy can be seen as an answer to China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which seeks to establish a China-centric trade route from the Philippines to the Mediterranean Sea.

Though the Quad members have not said their aim is to contain the world’s last major communist-ruled nation, they see the rise of totalitarianism as a potential threat to regional and global stability and peace. The grouping has said its aim is to promote freedom, liberty and democracy and to make sure liberalism prevails over totalitarianism in the region.

What might define this accord more than its shared ideology, is the lack of competing interests on regional security issues, including the South and East China Seas and North Korea. The aegis these democracies create has the potential to develop into an Asian Nato – and dramatically change the region’s security landscape in the decades ahead. ■


USA is the least trusted nation... take a look at Japan, Turkey, South Korea and Pakistan... list is long and Kurds are recent example of their USE AND THROW POLICY...

Have you ever thought why Indian PM is having INFORMAL SUMMIT with Xi sahab...
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