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US, Japan, India, Australia ... is Quad the first step to an Asian Nato?

Your deep loved brother country turkey sign contract to build India Navy ships in dirty low price compensated with the money earned from Pakistan,
not just earned but also took billions through fraud and then suing and receiving billions in compensation from Pakistan. You need to stop confusing PDF with Pakistan. almost all real non-mullah Pakistanis know where Turkish loyalties lie. Pakistan has now known for a long time that its very existence is linked to the well-being of China
I got it from Chinese websites myself and Chinese posters up screen shots here, but for the sake of friendship people remained silent.
Who is the biased mod, I hope you're not referring to me. I'm one of the biggest supporters of Chinese ties.
@waz, I suppose he's new to PDF. All the veteran members know you well. Let it go, bro.

not just earned but also took billions through fraud and then suing and receiving billions in compensation from Pakistan. You need to stop confusing PDF with Pakistan. almost all real non-mullah Pakistanis know where Turkish loyalties lie. Pakistan has now known for a long time that its very existence is linked to the well-being of China
Buddy, are you a Pakistani Christian?
The Russians are too weak navy wise and I’m not sure they’d be interested, unless it was put to them via the island disputes they have with Japan.

Russia has powerful Pacific fleet. It's getting a number of Kilo 636.3 subs.

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