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US is a global dictator: Ahmedinejad

How about the fact that we EASILY beat your "lovely" India in 1962 even when we were weak?
So you are admitting that China could only fight militarily inferior opponents. Thnx.

Also read up on the Vietnam war, China was present there and fought against America. America lost, like it always does against small and weak countries...
I have read much about the Vietnam War. I also lived through it in South Vietnam. I have memories of the 1968 Tet Offensive in Saigon. I know more about the Vietnam War than you ever could.

China owns a trillion dollars in USA debt and also has the largest reserves of US dollars in the world.

OBAMA even said that the China-USA relationship will be the most important relationship of the 21st century, even your President says this.
China needed the US to rescue itself from the failure of the communist experiment. China is now dependent enough on US that this implied threat of 'dumping US bonds' is now debunked many times over. And just because we are willing to acknowledge China as a valuable economic partner, that does not mean we are a junior in this relationship. If anything, it is China who is the junior partner and whose economy is still more vulnerable to recession and regression than US.

The USA always backs off when there is a potential confrontation with even a moderately strong country, they ran away from Georgia so quickly.
Again...If this imply China is sooooo brave and capable, then why did China not stand with Iraq?
I have read much about the Vietnam War. I also lived through it in South Vietnam. I have memories of the 1968 Tet Offensive in Saigon. I know more about the Vietnam War than you ever could.

Clearly you don't know much about the Vietnam war then. Chinese soldiers were fighting alongside North Vietnamese soldiers against American forces in the Vietnam war... and America lost... like it always does.

America should go there to relive their past defeats at the hands of a small weak country. :rofl:

Why don't you try arguing with President Obama? Clearly he understands the importance of China since we are the largest holders of US debt and we have the worlds largest currency reserves of US dollars.

Oh but you are smarter than the American President right? :rofl:

Go back to India and try to restart another 1962 war, see how it goes with China+Pakistan beating down India without even the slightest bit of effort... Also hope that the USA does not help Pakistan against India AGAIN like it did in the 1970's. Such unreliable friends, lol.
Oh yeah I forgot

What type of map do US marine use to travel around the artic ?

Blank white paper

Why: Cus they are too dumb to distiguish between a blank paper and a real map.

"God has a hard on for Marines, because we kill everything we see! And to thank him for so much power, we keep heaven packed with fresh souls. God was here before the Marine Corp, so you can give your heart to Jesus, BUT YOUR *** BELONGS TO THE CORP!" Gunny Hartman
Thats good, would not want you to go to jail for something you might say on here.

Don't worry I actually live in China (born in Hong Kong, lived for a while in Shanghai & Bejing etc.)... and thus I understand... that you don't ACTUALLY get arrested for making stupid comments. Anyone who thinks this is true clearly doesn't know what they are talking about.

It's true that if you start a "protest movement" you may be in trouble but who is going to do that?

Better than Guantanamo Bay I would imagine though. :rofl:
"God has a hard on for Marines, because we kill everything we see! And to thank him for so much power, we keep heaven packed with fresh souls. God was here before the Marine Corp, so you can give your heart to Jesus, BUT YOUR *** BELONGS TO THE CORP!" Gunny Hartman

Yeah one million dead innocent Iraqi civilians... yet STILL you're "pulling out" of Iraq and Afghanistan without even having defeated the insurgency...

Are you proud of this achievement? One million dead innocent civilians and no strategic victory against insurgency. No WMD's found either...

You'd be better off trying to relive your failures in Vietnam.
Clearly you don't know much about the Vietnam war then. Chinese soldiers were fighting alongside North Vietnamese soldiers against American forces in the Vietnam war... and America lost... like it always does.

America should go there to relive their past defeats at the hands of a small weak country. :rofl:

Why don't you try arguing with President Obama? Clearly he understands the importance of China since we are the largest holders of US debt and we have the worlds largest currency reserves of US dollars.

Oh but you are smarter than the American President right? :rofl:

Go back to India and try to restart another 1962 war, see how it goes with China+Pakistan beating down India without even the slightest bit of effort... Also hope that the USA does not help Pakistan against India AGAIN like it did in the 1970's. Such unreliable friends, lol.

China holds about 10 percent of US debt. AND buying more
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- China added to its big position in U.S. debt during the month of April, according to the latest figures from the Treasury Department.

So did Japan. And the U.K. And the big bloc of oil exporting nations that includes Venezuela, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia. All told, foreigners increased their net holdings in Treasury bonds and notes by more than $76 billion.

diggEmail Print CommentWhat did you expect them to buy? Euros?

The fiscal crisis that's gripping Europe has clearly led China and many other large foreign central banks and private investors to the realization that no matter how troubled the U.S. economy remains, the dollar and Treasurys still appear to be a safer bet than the euro.

China increased its holdings by $5 billion in April to just over $900 billion. This was the second consecutive increase after four months in which China, the largest foreign owner of U.S. debt, pulled back on Treasurys. It's also the first time that China's holdings exceeded $900 billion since November of last year.

"China has a whole new attitude on the U.S. They don't mind holding dollars and Treasurys now," said Robert Smith, chairman with Smith Affiliated Capital, a money management firm in New York.

These numbers are admittedly old but it's the most up-to-date figures we have from Treasury. Presumably, when the May holdings data is reported in the middle of next month, it will show that China and other nations continued to buy more Treasurys since that's when euro fears really came to a head.

"The flight to quality we saw started in April. But concerns about Greece and Europe more broadly hit a peak in May so foreigners likely bought more Treasurys last month," Nancy Vanden Houten, a senior analyst at Stone & McCarthy Research Associates, a Princeton, N.J.-based fixed income and economic research firm.
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Yeah one million dead innocent Iraqi civilians... yet STILL you're "pulling out" of Iraq and Afghanistan without even having defeated the insurgency...

Are you proud of this achievement? One million dead innocent civilians and no strategic victory against insurgency. No WMD's found either...

We took out the goverments and military of both countries with the loss of about 200 american soldiers,,,from 5000 miles away is that something China could have done. Of course not, China would just have set on its *** and done nothing.
Yeah one million dead innocent Iraqi civilians... yet STILL you're "pulling out" of Iraq and Afghanistan without even having defeated the insurgency...

Are you proud of this achievement? One million dead innocent civilians and no strategic victory against insurgency. No WMD's found either...

You'd be better off trying to relive your failures in Vietnam.

We did not take these people to raise,, just to give them a chance and unlike China in Tibet we do leave.
China holds about 10 percent of US debt.

Yes and we also have the largest currency reserves of US dollars in the world.

LOL even Obama understands the importance of the relationship, which is why he keeps trying to suck up to us. Like the article said, Obama declared the China-US relationship the most important one in the 21st century.

Obama: U.S.-China relations to shape 21st century - USATODAY

Why don't you try arguing with President Obama since you think you are smarter than him? :rofl:
We did not take these people to raise,, just to give them a chance and unlike China in Tibet we do leave.

Maybe you can explain that to the relatives of the one million dead innocent Iraqi civilians... who had nothing to do with WMD's at all.

Yet still you're failing against the Iraq/Afghan insurgency.

Like I said, it is better for you to relive your failures in Vietnam and Korea rather than crying about insurgency in the Middle East that you can't find. Where is Bin Laden? Where are the WMD's?
Clearly you don't know much about the Vietnam war then. Chinese soldiers were fighting alongside North Vietnamese soldiers against American forces in the Vietnam war... and America lost... like it always does.
Chinese 'advisors' were in China primarily for support and ideological enforcers. Chinese troops were never in combat to extent that US forces were. Mao recognized that if China were ever got that involved in SE Asia, the SVN/US alliance could have a change of heart and seize upon that level to ignore the 17th parallel as the political goal in Viet Nam and invade the North. Clueless people like you are poseurs when it comes to the Vietnam War. You aint gots the smarts to know the difference between political goals and military objectives and their relationship.
Chinese 'advisors' were in China primarily for support and ideological enforcers. Chinese troops were never in combat to extent that US forces were. Mao recognized that if China were ever got that involved in SE Asia, the SVN/US alliance could have a change of heart and seize upon that level to ignore the 17th parallel as the political goal in Viet Nam and invade the North. Clueless people like you are poseurs when it comes to the Vietnam War. You aint gots the smarts to know the difference between political goals and military objectives and their relationship.

Go read a book please, or check some internet resources.

There were Chinese soldiers in Vietnam and in North Korea.

America lost in Vietnam and they lost in North Korea. Stop trying to make excuses for your failures. :rofl:

Instead try to explain to the one million dead innocent Iraqi civilians why they died... and where Osama Bin Laden and the WMD's are. Where are they?

It is better to relive your failures in Vietnam then to worry about fighting the insurgency in the Middle East which you can't seem to find. America is easily outsmarted by a bunch of Afghani insurgents hiding in a desert.
Maybe you can explain that to the relatives of the one million dead innocent Iraqi civilians... who had nothing to do with WMD's at all.

Yet still you're failing against the Iraq/Afghan insurgency.

Like I said, it is better for you to relive your failures in Vietnam and Korea rather than crying about insurgency in the Middle East that you can't find. Where is Bin Laden? Where are the WMD's?

I can see the fact that even to day in polls more Iraqis are glad that the USA took of Saddam then are opposed to it,, but you just dont care. Theres not question that there was WMD in Iraq and you have hundreds of thousands of Kurds and Iranians that were killed by WMD. No one knows when they were destroyed or even if they were destroyed, just because cant find something does not mean its not there. Like Pakistan,, the majority Iraqis and Afghanstans that are being killed are being killed by their fellow countrymen. There was no military defeat in Vietnam,,,we simply left, and there was no military defeat in Korea, the border is in the same place as it was befor the war and N Korea China allie is a cess pool and one of the most horrible places on earth, at least USA does a much better job of standing by its friends.
I can see the fact that even to day in polls more Iraqis are glad that the USA took of Saddam then are opposed to it,, but you just dont care.

Completely and utterly wrong. :rofl:

Here are the REAL numbers taken from public opinion polls in Iraq:

In 2005 when asked directly, 82–87% of the Iraqi populace was opposed to the US occupation and wanted US troops to leave. 47% of Iraqis supported attacking US troops.

Source: WorldPublicOpinion.org

A March 7, 2007 survey of more than 2,000 Iraqis found that 78% of the population opposed the presence of Coalition forces in Iraq, that 69% believed the presence of U.S. forces is making things worse, and that 51% of the population considered attacks on coalition forces acceptable, up from 17% in 2004 and 35% in 2006.

Source: Poll conducted by BBC News

Read the sources, they clearly show that over half of the Iraqi people actively support ATTACKING American troops. And you think the Iraqi people love the American soldiers, what a joke, lol. The evidence clearly shows you are wrong.
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