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100 million people are you just inventing numbers again? :rofl:

You need to read more on Chinese history.

Chairman Mao (who was responsible for the bloodshed) was PURGED from the Party by Deng Xiaoping and in the 1970's we had capitalist reforms.

Our modern Government is made up of the people who opposed Chairman Mao. Deng Xiaoping in particular was the biggest opponent of Mao.

Yes I am unhappy about the deaths of my fellow countrymen due to Chairman Mao, however I find it hard to believe that you somehow "care" about the deaths of innocent Chinese people given your anti-China stance.

SorIMPORTANT NOTE: Among all the democide estimates appearing in this book, some have been revised upward. I have changed that for Mao's famine, 1958-1962, from zero to 38,000,000. And thus I have had to change the overall democide for the PRC (1928-1987) from 38,702,000 to 76,702,000. Details here
Sorry my mistake was only something like 76,000,000
thanks for the poll whom ever sent it...and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.
SorIMPORTANT NOTE: Among all the democide estimates appearing in this book, some have been revised upward. I have changed that for Mao's famine, 1958-1962, from zero to 38,000,000. And thus I have had to change the overall democide for the PRC (1928-1987) from 38,702,000 to 76,702,000. Details here
Sorry my mistake was only something like 76,000,000
thanks for the poll whom ever sent it...and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings.

Yeah it's the FAMINE, they died from starvation.

They were NOT killed by violence, they were killed by incompetence.

And as before, Chairman Mao was PURGED from the party while we undertook capitalist reforms.

If you care so much about starvation then why just pinpoint the ones that happened under Mao's incompetence why not others?

What point are you trying to make since we actually agree that Mao and his Communist ideology was awful?
However, I'm not sure why you're using it as a method of point-scoring against me....

From my American perspective, many Chinese that come on this forum are in an attack mode vis a vis the USA. American Indians, nuclear bombs on the Japanese, Vietnam, Korea, etc. The Chinese are the verbal aggressors in 90% of the cases. Which is ironic since it was Americans that liberated China from Japanese occupation. Americans just try to give back in kind. Hence the repetition of Mao's murders. If Chinese posters would not attack Americans, Americans would not respond in kind. If you can be objective you will see that what I am saying is at least 80% the case. Read the threads with an open mind and see Chinese poster behavior for what it is.
From my American perspective, many Chinese that come on this forum are in an attack mode vis a vis the USA. American Indians, nuclear bombs on the Japanese, Vietnam, Korea, etc. The Chinese are the verbal aggressors in 90% of the cases. Which is ironic since it was Americans that liberated China from Japanese occupation. Americans just try to give back in kind. Hence the repetition of Mao's murders. If Chinese posters would not attack Americans, Americans would not respond in kind. If you can be objective you will see that what I am saying is at least 80% the case. Read the threads with an open mind and see Chinese poster behavior for what it is.

I disagree.

There are many American and Indian websites that commonly refer to Chinese people as "chinks" like the India Times or Stormfront or for example.

Even YOU said that we Chinese people "don't know any facts" which is a silly stereotype.

Do you ever see Chinese people using racial slurs against Americans? They don't even have a word for it in English.

On this forum as well.... my perception is that Indians and Americans have a problem with Chinese people. This is my perception... and you reinforced my perception by stereotyping and generalising about Chinese people, and saying that we don't know any facts.
Unfortunately it seems that we will never be on the same page on this issue.

As before... I am more concerned than you are about the millions of deaths that took place in China under Chainman Mao's leadership. To me it is absolutely horrific and I curse the name of Chairman Mao for what he has done to those innocent people.

However, I'm not sure why you're using it as a method of point-scoring against me.... since I think it was absolutely horrific, same as you do.

Hey you are using the American Indians against me and I think its horrible too. Its also hard to get a correct figure...Are we counting all of america, US Mexico and South America or just the USA and are we holding the USA or Europe or whom responsible for diseases like small pox. I have heard estimates of 5 million to ten million Indians in the USA when it was discovered to little over 2 million when the Indians were counted in the late 1800s..

I would guess about 3 million but no one knows for sure...that occurred over some 200 years,,,nothing like the hundreds and hundreds of millions that occurred under communism over an 80 year period.

Here are some figures on the conflicts pretty petty as wars go.
Indians Conflicts & Removals 1776-1973
(1973) Wounded Knee II - 2
(1890) Wounded Knee - 178
(1864) Sand Creek Massacre - 200
(1862) Dakota War of 1862 - 38 prisoners executed
(1876) Battle of Little Big Horn - 136 (high estimate)
(1838) Cherokee Removal - 4,000
(1817-58) Seminole Wars I,II, & III - 1475 (likely high as 10,000)
(1831) Choctaw Removal - 2,500
(1812) Red Stick War of the Muscogee or Creek- 3,000
(1791) Battle of the Wabash - 21
(1830) Indian Removal Act
From my American perspective, many Chinese that come on this forum are in an attack mode vis a vis the USA. American Indians, nuclear bombs on the Japanese, Vietnam, Korea, etc. The Chinese are the verbal aggressors in 90% of the cases. Which is ironic since it was Americans that liberated China from Japanese occupation. Americans just try to give back in kind. Hence the repetition of Mao's murders. If Chinese posters would not attack Americans, Americans would not respond in kind. If you can be objective you will see that what I am saying is at least 80% the case. Read the threads with an open mind and see Chinese poster behavior for what it is.
They seem to believe that a rise in China's status must also be accompanied by a rise in condemning the US via those points.
Unfortunately it seems that we will never be on the same page on this issue.

As before... I am more concerned than you are about the millions of deaths that took place in China under Chainman Mao's leadership. To me it is absolutely horrific and I curse the name of Chairman Mao for what he has done to those innocent people.

However, I'm not sure why you're using it as a method of point-scoring against me.... since I think it was absolutely horrific, same as you do.

You're listening to the lecture of a fake human rights champion! These so-called champions of human rights wiped out an entire nation and stole their homeland. If you must talk about human rights go talk to the victims of the Israeli occupation and atrocity, talk to the victims of the Abu Garib prison in Iraq!
They seem to believe that a rise in China's status must also be accompanied by a rise in condemning the US via those points.

Yeah America likes to lecture other people on "human rights"... even though one million innocent Iraqi civilians have died in the Iraq war and plenty of people were tortured in Guantanamo Bay.

This is the failure of logic. Control your own human rights first.
I disagree.

There are many American and Indian websites that commonly refer to Chinese people as "chinks" like the India Times or Stormfront or for example.

Even YOU said that we Chinese people "don't know any facts" which is a silly stereotype.

Do you ever see Chinese people using racial slurs against Americans? They don't even have a word for it in English.

On this forum as well.... my perception is that Indians and Americans have a problem with Chinese people. This is my perception... and you reinforced my perception by stereotyping and generalising about Chinese people, and saying that we don't know any facts.

Stormfront is a KKK organization that hates everybody,, nobody pays any attention to that crap.

Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist[1] neo-Nazi[2] Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site.[3]

Stormfront began as an online bulletin board system in the early 1990s before being established as a website in 1995 by former Ku Klux Klan leader and white nationalist activist Don Black. It received national attention in the United States after being featured as the subject of a documentary, Hate.com. Stormfront has been the subject of controversy after being removed from French and German Google indexes, for targeting an online FOX News poll on racial segregation, and for having as one of its members a candidate for political office from both major US political parties. Its prominence has grown since the 1990s, attracting attention from watchdog organizations that oppose racism and antisemitism.

Its the kind of people that makes you think freedom of expression might not be all that great a thing.
Hey you are using the American Indians against me and I think its horrible too.

That was T-rex.... who's comment was at the top of this page.

It was in response to you bringing up the slaughter of Chinese people by our own Government which is horrific to us.

Anyway as I said, I condemn Chairman Mao for what he did. I condemn him whole heartedly and wish that the blight of his revolution did not fall upon our nation.
Yeah America likes to lecture other people on "human rights"... even though one million innocent Iraqi civilians have died in the Iraq war...
The war deaths in Iraq were not the result of the US intending to violate any one's 'human rights'. Human rights violations are usually state sponsored and specifically targeted as a method to control a population, like how the communists became very good at it.
Stormfront is a KKK organization that hates everybody,, nobody pays any attention to that crap.

Stormfront is a white nationalist and supremacist[1] neo-Nazi[2] Internet forum that has been described as the Internet's first major hate site.[3]

Stormfront began as an online bulletin board system in the early 1990s before being established as a website in 1995 by former Ku Klux Klan leader and white nationalist activist Don Black. It received national attention in the United States after being featured as the subject of a documentary, Hate.com. Stormfront has been the subject of controversy after being removed from French and German Google indexes, for targeting an online FOX News poll on racial segregation, and for having as one of its members a candidate for political office from both major US political parties. Its prominence has grown since the 1990s, attracting attention from watchdog organizations that oppose racism and antisemitism.

Its the kind of people that makes you think freedom of expression might not be all that great a thing.

OK I see what you mean there but what about the "Tea party movement".... and John McCain presidential candidate who referred to us as "gooks"?

He was a presidential candidate so it's not just a renegade website?

What about the commentators on India times who happily refer to us as "chinks"?

As before we Chinese do not even have a WORD to racially abuse American people in the English language.

So it's strange that people claim that Chinese are hostile towards Americans, we haven't even invented a word that is equivalent to "chink" to use against Americans. So why do you think we are hostile? If anything it's the other way around.
Yeah America likes to lecture other people on "human rights"... even though one million innocent Iraqi civilians have died in the Iraq war and plenty of people were tortured in Guantanamo Bay.

This is the failure of logic. Control your own human rights first.

If a million are dead, they werent killed by the USA, most Iraqis were kill by Iraqis and Muslems from other Arab country, those that die and a lot less then a million happend a lot like Pakistan today,, the USA kills one terrorist and then the terrorist kill 50 Pakistanis to get even...No one is tortured in Guantanamo Bay thought its not a resort, but lot better then the people there are used too.
There are alot of racist Chinese on these forums, like that sino-pakistan member who goes around posting in every thread about how much he hates white people and how white people are responsible for all the rape and murder in the world, according to him.
OK I see what you mean there but what about the "Tea party movement".... and John McCain presidential candidate who referred to us as "gooks"?
McCain's usage of 'gook' may have been to the extreme as an insult towards a few, but in no way does that indicate his general sentiment against Asians.

Vietnamese-American Leaders Endorse John McCain For President | All American Patriots: Politics, economy, health, environment, energy and technology
January 31, 2008 -- ARLINGTON, VA -- U.S. Senator John McCain's presidential campaign today announced that four influential leaders from California's Vietnamese-American community have endorsed John McCain for president.

California Assemblyman Van Tran, Westminister City Council Member Tri Ta, Garden Grove City Council Member Dina Nguyen, and Midway City Sanitary District Member Truong Diep will all serve on the Advisory Committee of Asian-Americans for John McCain.

"I am very proud to support John McCain, a man who has done so much for America and for Asian-Americans across our nation," said Assemblyman Tran. "He clearly is the best candidate to represent all Americans in the White House."

John McCain thanked the group, stating, "I am proud to have the support of these distinguished members of the Vietnamese-American community. We have worked together in the past, and I look forward to their support as we work toward victory in California on Super Tuesday."

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