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US, India and Japan launch joint naval exercises to keep China in check


Jul 11, 2016
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United Arab Emirates
NEW DELHI — The navies of the United States, India and Japan have begun war gaming in the Bay of Bengal as part of the Malabar 2017 exercise.

Three aircraft carriers — the USS Nimitz of the U.S. Navy, INS Vikramaditya of the Indian Navy and the JS Izumo of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force — are part of the 21st edition of the exercise July 10-17, which analysts say is aimed at checking the increased Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean region.

Without naming any country, Rear Adm. William Byrne, commander U.S. Strike Group 11, told reporters at Chennai that the only strategic message Malabar 2017 is sending is to "eliminate possibilities of miscalculations" and that "we are together."

Gurpreet Khurana, Indian Navy captain and executive director of the National Maritime Foundation, said, "Malabar is essentially a combined endeavor between India and the U.S. — now expanded to Japan — to translate their national-strategic convergences in the Indo-Pacific region into functional maritime-military collaboration."

"The thrust of the exercises at sea this year would be on aircraft carrier operations, air defense, anti-submarine warfare (ASW), surface warfare, visit board search and seizure (VBSS), search and rescue, joint manoeuvres and tactical procedures," according to the official release of the Ministry of Defence.

The Indian Navy is being represented by the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya with its air wing, guided missile destroyer Ranvir, stealth frigates Shivalik and Sahyadri, anti-submarine warfare corvette Kamorta, missile corvettes Kora and Kirpan, one Russian-made Sindhughosh-class submarine, fleet tanker INS Jyoti and U.S.-made long-range maritime patrol aircraft P8I.

The U.S. Navy has fielded the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier with its air wing, Ticonderoga-class cruiser Princeton; Arleigh Burke-class destroyers Kidd, Howard and Shoup; along with integral helicopters; a Los Angeles-class attack submarine; and one long-range maritime patrol aircraft P-8A.

The Japanese have fielded their JS Izumo, a helicopter carrier, with SH-60K helicopters and missile destroyer JS Sazanami.

Beginning in 1992, the Malabar exercise was a bilateral sea exercise between India and the U.S. until 2015, when it became trilateral after the formal inclusion of Japan.

In 2007, the exercise included five nations, with Japan, Australia and Singapore as invitees

However, China made a diplomatic opposition to the extended exercise, after which it was restricted only to Indo-U.S. bilateral exercise until 2015, when Japan officially joined.

"Unlike India, Japan and the U.S., Australia has not made its strategic priorities clear in terms of its commitment to join the three in 'moderating' China's increasingly assertive behavior," said Khurana.

Making a case for Australia to join the exercise, Khurana said, "Cooperation with Australia is very important to India for good order in the Indian Ocean. Hence, it's very professional navy would be among the foremost choices for inclusion in Malabar, provided the aforesaid ambiguity with regard to China is addressed."

"The Malabar exercises come at a time when India, the U.S. and Japan have serious concerns on the dramatic growth and deployment of the Chinese Navy," said Probal Ghosh, retired Indian Navy Captain and independent defense analyst.

"India is concerned about the large deployment of Chinese submarines, warships and tankers in the Indian Ocean," Ghosh added.

The US and Japan will encourage the India to provoke China but when the real war start, they will claim its non of their business and stand neutral and watch the good show. You dont believe what I say?


Japan one hand encourage Indian to provoke China, on other hand. They join China OBOR. What a smart move by Japanese. They are taking Indian for a riding... :lol:

Ask Philippine and Duterte, President of Philippines. Guess what happen now? :enjoy:

If Indian really believe the hype US and Japan will aid them in even of war with China. They must be the biggest fool in history. Even Russia will stand one side and watch. On request from China, Russian might even stop all military hardware shipment to India.

India is an liabilities more than an asset for Russian.
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The US and Japan will encourage the India to provoke China but when the real war start, they will claim its non of their business and stand neutral and watch the good show. You dont believe what I say?


Japan one hand encourage Indian to provoke China, on other hand. They join China OBOR. What a smart move by Japanese. They are taking Indian for a riding... :lol:

Ask Philippine and Duterte, President of Philippines. Guess what happen now? :enjoy:

If Indian really believe the hype US and Japan will aid them in even of war with China. They must be the biggest fool in history. Even Russia will stand one side and watch. On request from China, Russian might even stop all military hardware shipment to India.

India is an liabilities more than an asset for Russian.

You seem more worried about India joining USA and Japan.
I am never worry. Becos both countries take India like a fool. :enjoy:

Abe join OBOR. You think he will shoot his own foot by attacking China? Basic Logic.

And Japan will just give away the disputed Senkaku islands because the OBOR is a "gamechanger"?
Basic logic.
They'll probably let Japanese banks give out infra loans to make money, and maybe reduce costs for exports if possible.
Meanwhile Malabar 2017 is still on.
Lol at your broken logic.

Time for a naval exercise with China.
You need a navy first
Abe join OBOR. You think he will shoot his own foot by attacking China? Basic Logic.
The same Basic logic can be applied to the Chinese trolls and their war cries in PDF. Will Xi shoot at his own foot while trying to attack India?
Or just let Joker Times issue regular warnings.

Ask Philippine and Duterte, President of Philippines. Guess what happen now? :enjoy:
Xi threatened a small Island nation with war.
But when it comes to larger countries Xi was Smiling :-)
The same Basic logic can be applied to the Chinese trolls and their war cries in PDF. Will Xi shoot at his own foot while trying to attack India?
Or just let Joker Times issue regular warnings.

Xi threatened a small Island nation with war.
But when it comes to larger countries Xi was Smiling :-)

:lol: My logic is easy to understand but you Indian can never be logic. War is coming and Indian will always brag as winner in just half of the race. Watch out for end of July. :enjoy:

Come. Reuter is just UK based western propaganda machine. It can even publish LCA is more advance than F-22 raptor on your request :lol:
Bit sad though that they pretend like they can take on China themselves, but this exercise shows they would need both Japan and USA to do so :help:
Explains random sh!t but can't understand what is meant by Naval Exercise.

:lol: My logic is easy to understand but you Indian can never be logic. War is coming and Indian will always brag as winner in just half of the race. Watch out for end of July. :enjoy:
Never fail to prove me wrong:lol:

Reuter is just UK based western propaganda machine.
Yeah yea. Whole world is conspiring against you.:enjoy:
But Duterte's words aren't wrong.
That's a Filipino daily.
:lol: My logic is easy to understand but you Indian can never be logic. War is coming and Indian will always brag as winner in just half of the race. Watch out for end of July. :enjoy:

Come. Reuter is just UK based western propaganda machine. It can even publish LCA is more advance than F-22 raptor on your request :lol:
i dont belive any normal paper can publish some thing like that any prove?
The same Basic logic can be applied to the Chinese trolls and their war cries in PDF. Will Xi shoot at his own foot while trying to attack India?
Or just let Joker Times issue regular warnings.

Xi threatened a small Island nation with war.
But when it comes to larger countries Xi was Smiling :-)
China waited 6 months in 1962 and many warnings before giving up and counter attacking the delusional Indians who thought that China was too weak to respond to India's aggression.
China also waited 10 months during Sumdorong Chu incident in 1987 before disengaging.

But this time India has trespassed Chinese territory and China has already given warning that war is an option.
I cannot imagine China not doing anything if the Indian army do not keep their tail between their legs and scam.
I sure hope China don't wait 6 or 10 months and giving unnecessary warnings before action.
No point talking to war mongering and nationalistic brainwashed Indians, they will mistaken China to be weak, just like in 1962.
Just hit them and hit them hard and there will be peace for another 100 years. If China don't take action, there will be continuous trouble with no end down the road. China must bite the bullet now. Trade from India will not stop as India is dependent on China for many products.
Even if trade is affected, $50 billion trade surplus is not all profits. Considering 10% profit, its only $5 billion, not a huge amount for China to forgo considering national security and pride of the nation.
And Japan will just give away the disputed Senkaku islands because the OBOR is a "gamechanger"?
Basic logic.
They'll probably let Japanese banks give out infra loans to make money, and maybe reduce costs for exports if possible.
Meanwhile Malabar 2017 is still on.
Lol at your broken logic.

You need a navy first
lol!....that was funny!...China will send them some with green painted over the red!
:lol: My logic is easy to understand but you Indian can never be logic. War is coming and Indian will always brag as winner in just half of the race. Watch out for end of July. :enjoy:

Come. Reuter is just UK based western propaganda machine. It can even publish LCA is more advance than F-22 raptor on your request :lol:
I will tag you again end of July to check on the war.

Reuters is unreliable, and Global Times and Amir Liaquat are the benchmarks in the world of journalism?
I am never worry. Becos both countries take India like a fool. :enjoy:

Abe join OBOR. You think he will shoot his own foot by attacking China? Basic Logic.

What is OBOR ? It is vaporware to peddle projects for Chinese companies
If there is money to be made people will join. Otherwise it is what it is
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