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US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

The Americans are certainly surrounding China... and the Chinese are acutely aware of the situation... but as for the topic of the thread... sounds like a silly joke... China is not another Iraq... If Americans want to continue their legacy of recent stupidity then let them be our guests... They will have nothing but misery if they go to war against China...

and let me say this loud and clear for anyone on this forum who has an ounce of influence in Pakistan... the moment America attacks China, we should call the US Ambassador to Pakistan and throw him out of our country!!!
do you think they'd translate such a provocative remark? on the other hand, i've linked a more reputable site with the exact same title. unless you're saying all chinese news is fake, then we have something else to discuss. it's not china that wants conflict, it is the US that is forcing china into conflict. we are not the ones doing carrier drills off florida with cuba.


here is Yonhap's article. It says exactly what it says:

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6th paragraph.

Thank you for your providing the link, though I've been in the site but the English version!

Looks like the SK clubs are doing one thing with English language, and doing another thing with Chinese language. No, not a surprise to me, for this is how democracy would typically do to fan up hatred and crank up their propaganda, and especially true for low-grade democracy like the mad dog of USA the SK… :tdown:
You might want to read up on your own leaders who are not as myopic as you and your friends here who kept repeating the same old stale argument about Korea...

Kan Zhong Guo - Why Chinese communists fear America

As if that is not bad enough...Here is more...

China-America, the Great Game - Heartland - Limes

This Chinese’s analysis and retrospect/introspect is very much to be feared by world powers and democracy extremists: only knowing one’s weakness and others’ strong points, would one ameliorate oneself and ascend to a new higher level.

To the contrary, fanatic crusaders across US/world are crying and yieling that western system is perfect and inconvincible.

LOL! If it is truly invincible, why the heck they would like to push it into your throat, sometimes even forcefully, to eventually beat themselves up! Just think about the logic behind: they actually want to enslave you in a more profound way (more than just using swords and guns). :taz:

Contrary to the delight of the fundamentalists who seldom finish their high school education, this introspect is a serious demonstration that China embarking on a new road to prosperity and peace is unstoppable by any amount of clowns in the road.
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Also have to take some of his comments with doubt... who are the people with real power in the US, and why does Liu think they have brains?
The way I see it...


That does not guarantee a different outcome. People have got to stop making this empty comment. The 'Desert Storm' outcome was the result of a gross technological and military doctrine gap between the US and Iraq. True...That China and NKR has progressed since then, more so with China, but so is the US. As long as the technological gap exist in similar proportion, China will be at the same gross disadvantage as Iraq was.

In 1950s, the technological gap existed in similar proportion between US and China. McArthur still failed to go home on Christmas; truce was and still is held around 38 parallel for 60 years.

Before a war is actually broke and ended, only a fanatic will rave about a definite result.

If there is a shooting war in the Korean peninsula and if China decide to abandon NKR, the NKRean military will suffer the same fate as the Iraqi mlitary.


In fact, SK's military capability only exists in their mouth. SK is no match of NK militarily.

Here are the facts.
After the shelling, an SK idiot said this:
SEOUL, Dec. 2 (Yonhap) -- Satellite images showed that counterfire by South Korea's military in response to North Korea's Nov. 23 artillery attack hit hard one of the North's barracks near the tense Yellow Sea border, indicating "severe human casualties," a lawmaker said Thursday.

(LEAD) Satellite photos show S. Korea's counterfire hit N. Korean barracks

Later SK has to say:
Satellite images show S.Korean shelling ineffective

… senior ruling party legislator Kim Moo-Sung said Thursday that the North's artillery positions apparently escaped unscathed.

Satellite images show S.Korean shelling ineffective | My Sinchew

This is the satellite image

In fact, SK’s 80 shells, 35 dropped into the ocean, 31 went nowhere, and only 14 landed in the paddle field nearby but still far away from the NK’s position.

In a gross contrast, NK shot 170 shells, 90 fell into the ocean, and 80 landed on SK’s island, killing 4 and wounded many.

Now tell who is more capable militarily based on this incident: NK or SK? I'm not asking you, fanatics!
U.S.A military budget its close to 700 billion $...:woot: what's chinas?..:azn:

some criticize the F-22 yet this 30 year old tech plane its 30 years ahead of China's J-xx paper plane....:usflag:

USA has no par in this world, nobody can hope to match its might..:usflag:
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According to Yonhap News on December 5, Bell, former commander of U.S. forces in Korea 3, said, "measures to deal with North Korea's provocation, in addition to force, there is no other choice," and stressed that if China took part in the Peninsular War, back to the Chinese economy 100 years ago.

Bell, in Seoul the same day as "the development direction of Korea-US alliance" as the theme of speech. Turning to the issue of North Korea, stressed that Korea and the U.S. said North Korea should be "strong" and "clear" message. He said: "North Korea may be taken for a new challenge, we should immediately adopt a non-symmetrical revenge attacks. U.S. helicopters attacking team should return to the South Korean deployment, forward deployed combat brigade, and sent an aircraft carrier to conduct joint military exercises." He also said South Korea also need to have a strong missile defense system immediately to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction exercises, for North Korea's "new act of provocation, retaliation immediately." He said: "The faith of the DPRK contrary to honest and provocative act, in addition to force feedback no other options."

"In the overall war, China will war" of the question, Bell believes that no country would like to see a comprehensive war on the Korean Peninsula and China's entry into the war. Very clear is that once the war if China's economy will be back to 100 years ago. He expressed: "We should note China's provocative military action in response to the need for North Korea, and China's entry into the war will damage all relationships. The United States and China needs outside the framework of the six-party talks agreement in this regard, in the process on The South Korean government should be responsible for mediation and cooperation. "

Looking for the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, he said: "Han Meian security alliance is a defensive alliance, rather than pre-emptive alliance. But I argue that the military response to provocation by military means should be non-symmetrical way back." He added "We should remember that only a unified peninsula, the determination in the fight at the next round in order to succeed in.

as badly as this is translated, I think the point is IF china chose to engage the US first , Note: not the reverse! over N Korea, then given the economic investments China has made in NATO countries( NATO is obliged to join) and the US debt it holds, it would collapse it China economically. which is - true. Economically speaking.
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In 1950s, the technological gap existed in similar proportion between US and China. McArthur still failed to go home on Christmas; truce was and still is held around 38 parallel for 60 years.

Before a war is actually broke and ended, only a fanatic will rave about a definite result.

In fact, SK's military capability only exists in their mouth. SK is no match of NK militarily.

Here are the facts.
After the shelling, an SK idiot said this:

Later SK has to say:

This is the satellite image

In fact, SK’s 80 shells, 35 dropped into the ocean, 31 went nowhere, and only 14 landed in the paddle field nearby but still far away from the NK’s position.

In a gross contrast, NK shot 170 shells, 90 fell into the ocean, and 80 landed on SK’s island, killing 4 and wounded many.

Now tell who is more capable militarily based on this incident: NK or SK? I'm not asking you, fanatics!

Man , are we going to see you in handcuffs on our national TV being led away for some terrorist acts you plan against the US? I can't imagine a US citizen talking the way you do... it's beyond sedation . you seem to thrive on hoping the country implodes . what are doing in the US living off it? you don't have any political discourse about US policies , you just seem to rejoice in promoting everything anti US and want it to implode.
As Notorius_eagle pointed out something of substance, you didn't provide me anything but theologies. I am not interested in that.
Kid...When you make this kind of claim...

I will go as far as to say that they are no planes on earth that could evade modern day radars.

The rules of logic is upon the claimant, meaning YOU, to support your claim. When I saw a failure to do that on your part, 'theologies', or rather 'theories', are necessary before we get any more detailed. I explained basic radar detection well enough here that not even your Chinese pals can dispute, and enough of them boasted about their education credentials, as if that really mattered on an anonymous Internet forum...:rolleyes:...I suggest you use the Search feature and educate yourself.

I think it's clear that when it comes to aircraft and naval technologies, China is somewhere between 10-20 years behind but we can also agree that is not necessarily what would tip the scale of the battle, since we are talking about a war close to China's soil. The issue I was touching on is, if the USA can deploy an 8 billion dollar aircraft carrier, and China could destroy it with less then 100 mill worth of missiles or other cheaper means, isn't that by itself a valid detterent?
In theory...Yes. But unlike where you come from, the US military leadership does not make war plans based upon hypothetical weapons. And pleeeeeaaaase do not bring up the DF-21. That has been debated and debunked here many times. Until you can bring some sources to support your claims, I see no need to take your arguments seriously.
enough of them boasted about their education credentials, as if that really mattered on an anonymous Internet forum...:rolleyes:...

Hold on, don't you regularly bring up your service history to justifying why you know better?
Hold on, don't you regularly bring up your service history to justifying why you know better?
Military service is much harder to fake than some degree spouted in an anonymous Internet forum. Military servicemen recognized certain nuances in language, especially if the claimant claimed to be in the same branch of service as the skeptics, certain units with unique characteristics, and certain lore known only to those with direct experience. I rarely raise my past USAF experience and let the contents of my arguments speaks for themselves. I do avoid Photochop like the plague...:lol:
In 1950s, the technological gap existed in similar proportion between US and China. McArthur still failed to go home on Christmas; truce was and still is held around 38 parallel for 60 years.
Here you go...

China paper warns military thinking outmoded | Reuters
The Chinese military looked on with horror during the first Gulf War in 1990-1991, when U.S. guided missiles and precision bombs easily took out Iraqi equipment such as tanks, much of it similar to what China was using at the time.
This is not the 1950s.

Yep, the PLA did sit up and take notice during GWI but it's a quickly evolving force. You're going to say that the PLA hasn't changed both in sophistication and in doctrine in 20 years?

You should visit the World affairs board more often and talk to some of the China watchers there. They seem to have a better grasp on what the PLA is and isn't.
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