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US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

One more comment about airport body scanner and pad down procedure to my american friends. Don't you think that Obama and Hillary should bring family members such as their daughters to go through those body scanners and pad down procedures to give a good, fair example to the american people?

Well, the majority of Americans supported the war against Iraq, so let them to be governed by their Illuminati government, this is not our business.
Some wise Westerners are indeed very nice people, however i don't think these people represent the majority. In the internet, you will see the comments flooded with some ignorant racist pricks. With the rise of Neo-Nazi and higher number of high school dropouts, i predict their days of prosperity will be numbered.

Welcome to the internet! :welcome:
One more comment about airport body scanner and pad down procedure to my american friends. Don't you think that Obama and Hillary should bring family members such as their daughters to go through those body scanners and pad down procedures to give a good, fair example to the american people?

Thats exactly how a lot of Americans think. These searches are unconstitutional. Many people forget about the freedoms which we were founded on.
Most americans are just like us, friendly and nice. However, in terms of international issues, their knowledge is limited to whatever they received from their government propaganda machines. They do not know what kind of dirty things their government has done behind the scene. They are brain-washed to the extent that if you mention "Communist", they will believe that whatever they do, they are doing the right thing no matter how dirty, how shameless the way it may be. The US government constantly uses the following terms to fool its people:

1) Freedom
2) God
3) Communist
4) Human rights

I recently saw some photos that show how americans go through the airport body scanners and the pad down precedures. I have to say I am really angry about what I've seen and I really disbelieve that americans act like sheeps. I have to ask my american friends here, where is your human rights now? where is your freedom now? I called it "Public humiliation".

Well, you may not have air travel recently. Here is the link to "entertain" you.

Yes. well I personaly don't want to get blowup. Maybe you do? Ever been in Beijing airport terminal? I suppost you would like to see a girl with petrolbomb blowup in a chinese plane? like the one in 08? By deliberately mix two different thing together,you are either lack the basic of logic or just been ignorance.

Funny that you whine about USofA with their manipulation(It's really not propaganda,check the word!), same time you are using the same propaganda use by CCP. That is just hilarius!
Yes. well I personaly don't want to get blowup. Maybe you do? Ever been in Beijing airport terminal? I suppost you would like to see a girl with petrolbomb blowup in a chinese plane? like the one in 08? By deliberately mix two different thing together,you are either lack the basic of logic or just been ignorance.

Funny that you whine about USofA with their manipulation(It's really not propaganda,check the word!), same time you are using the same propaganda use by CCP. That is just hilarius!

You gradually exposed, you are pro-democracy movement?
You gradually exposed, you are pro-democracy movement?

Check my post. Never hide my view point. And to your question:NO(if you are talking about those of 89). But I'm support of change. A rule of Law and chinese type of democracy is need to for China to grow as race/country.
neither china nor USA can afford war. if they begin war, it will be WW and nuclear winter.if they start cyber war us and Chinese economy will go back 200 years.only Russia and India will get benefit.after war china and USA (and NATO)will be ash..result= no one to challenge India. India will rise as superpower.this is reason due to which there will be no war between USA and china. :coffee:
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You have withheld too much, I know you.

Stop saying that. It's like you say to every that don't agree with you. So boring. Let's see some proof,"mr.bush the III"

"I like my freedom of speech,but I don't agree with it...oh,my isn't my logic fault.....""
- Yes,mr.Bush the III. China is a great nation. We have no social problem. We have no problem with our border claim. It's all those bad bad people in the west fault. We will nuke India and USA and nothing will touch US, those that you otherwise is CIA,FALUNGONG,STUDID,or Just one of those idiot in the democratic movements.....
Did I miss anything?
Let there be peace as nationalist Chinese has taken the field! All blow to might of CCP! With these Drone,CCP's Borg army would soon take over the world! Muhahahaha.

[Sarcatic show end]

neither china nor USA can afford war. if they begin war, it will be WW and nuclear winter.if they start cyber war us and Chinese economy will go back 200 years.only Russia and India will get benefit.after war china and USA (and NATO)will be ash..result= no one to challenge India. India will rise as superpower.this is reason due to which there will be no war between USA and china. :coffee:

Afford? We all be ¤%¤& if there is a war. And as internet has no borders,I doubt the crash of Chinese or American's economy would somehow bypass India. You guys would be also ¤"%#%.

Any form of nuke fire=>Bye bye this huge rock that we call Earth.
have no doubt on that atleast :toast_sign:
Stop saying that. It's like you say to every that don't agree with you. So boring. Let's see some proof,"mr.bush the III"

"I like my freedom of speech,but I don't agree with it...oh,my isn't my logic fault.....""
- Yes,mr.Bush the III. China is a great nation. We have no social problem. We have no problem with our border claim. It's all those bad bad people in the west fault. We will nuke India and USA and nothing will touch US, those that you otherwise is CIA,FALUNGONG,STUDID,or Just one of those idiot in the democratic movements.....
Did I miss anything?
Let there be peace as nationalist Chinese has taken the field! All blow to might of CCP! With these Drone,CCP's Borg army would soon take over the world! Muhahahaha.

[Sarcatic show end]

You mean I said the words, are you serious?
LOL Stick to Afghanistan and Iraq.

China basically owns the United States.

China's debt bomb - NYPOST.com

Old news :D The problem been China can't really use that weapon unless it's last choose(befor Nukes). Because the damage to Chinese economy would be great.
AFghanistan is war that can't be win,US was warn befor step on that landmine befor,Russians.
And Iraq is mess. American did there that would requer mostlikely another 10 year to fix, and I doubt american would pay that bill(been broke as they are anyway).

BTW:nice artical on your info. To be fair,there is more poor people in India then 26 of poorest African countries combined. Not the whole Africa(50+states?!). Still I was quite shock about the numbers of poor people. With no feeling attach to the artic is quite odd ^^ Usally BBC's artical about old colony been quite full of emotion. Like sars in hongkong back 2002,you can feel the Schadenfreude in those article.

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