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US: If China goes to war we will make it go back 100 years

For your country? :D Give me abreak. You are on the web,not tv!

About war criminals, China did "help" Sudan ,which is not so good. Or North korea. It's call politics for a reason. China do what ever is best for China, and US do what is best for US. Not the whole country's/race fault.

The only reason US annoy me,is that US are allways saying that they are doing this and that for the good of others,which is just rubish. Everything they do they do it for their self. And their self richeousness is quite annoying.

I mean the same thing, you express it in a different way.
Hmmmm I wonder which of the two minority group are more likely to be uneducated.

I have no idea what you are trying to say, I never brought up education. Im just saying that some people are very arrogant and prideful to call every American a war criminal.
I have no idea what you are trying to say, I never brought up education. Im just saying that some people are very arrogant and prideful to call every American a war criminal.

No you said ignorant, education being the opposite of ignorance, you know damn well what I am still saying.

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well a bit OT but i just remembered a quote by Plato about ignorance and education:

"For a man to be truly ignorant, he needs an education"
No you said ignorant, education being the opposite of ignorance, you know damn well what I am still saying.

Ok, i see what your saying. Let me rephrase, What he said was Ignorant, Arrogant and prideful. My bad. And what the hell did minoritys have to do with this?
Read my previous posts and you'll see I'm university student here. I'm here to learn technology for my personal development and for my country. I see my country china as a more promising country and I need to serve my parents back there. Help the USA == Help the war criminals. SHAMEFUL!!

It must be tough living in and recieving a higher education from a country of war criminals.:rolleyes:
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Now a days a lot of Chinese guys r flattering themselves to much on the forum.the other day i saw an another one who claim to b a Phd in economics and was quoting dog $hit and bull$hit as facts and evidence.

now an another one who claim to b an intellectual,that to educated to death in every streams of life

And what is the big deal here,the deal is this guy provide evidence every time,i have just 1 advise try to analyse u own post,u r one of the highly racial element i found on this forum,I not surprised why some innocent Chinese usually ignore ur rantings and take the Indian counterattacks to their heart,but dont spoil the education system by chest thumping urself as a true academic

well i dont enjoy targeting members,but that is far from truth,the stated guy use two American flags and is highly anti Indian,note the specialty is that he only hates India,if that was about race and color,what surprises me that he still only rants about India,no Pakistan,no Bangladesh and no Lanka

If that was about competition,then he again never rant against Americas biggest competitor China

And finally he even do not have a problem with iran just like every other American have,I resided in U.S for 13 long yrs and i know their mentality rather than a guy who is involved in false flag.

Rest about that guy speeder as far as i know he himself claim to b a Chinese

Look at your miserable frustration/envy/hatred towards others’ achievements! So palpably evil and feeble. :lol: Yeah, it’s surely a pain in your @ss, I mean the hard facts that I have revealed … so be it!

You reside in US only with your flock of feathers, and have buried your head in Midwest dungs for 13 years. In a stark contrast, my communicators are a mixture of Dragon Slayers and Panda Huggers... you failed to surprise me.

China is US’s competitor? What a joke from the ignorant! China is more a US’s helper than a competitor for now. Without Chinese money, our war machine would squeak to a sudden stop.

The logic is, each person deserves his/her own propensity and freedom, and can enjoy whatever to comment and whatever not able to comment. It’s none of your freaking business. And remember this forum doesn’t run with your Bharat style democrazy and is not subject to the dictatorship of your will. Tell me why should I love the other Americans love or you love? Why should I hate the other Americans hate or you hate? :tdown: Only democrazy will enforce that, not democracy. :taz:

If you don’t have anything to contribute to, or otherwise refute, my comments/facts/statistics, better shut yourself the hell up and stop personal attack like a typical loser in debates. :tdown:

While admitting your petite heart and narrow mind, why don’t you also check out couple of my posts by your own myopic eyes:
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Read my previous posts and you'll see I'm university student here. I'm here to learn technology for my personal development and for my country. I see my country china as a more promising country and I need to serve my parents back there. Help the USA == Help the war criminals. SHAMEFUL!!

Young man, sounds like you want to seek equality/justice in his way?
I have no idea what you are trying to say, I never brought up education. Im just saying that some people are very arrogant and prideful to call every American a war criminal.

You are right. Not every american is a war criminal. I personally have a lot of american friends. Some of them constantly visit China for business purposes, so they know China and Chinese people. The funny thing is sometimes when US propaganda machine is running at its high speed to bash China, my american friends will contact me and tell me to ignore those bull $h1t. My point is if you want to know what's really going on, you have to do some study and listen to both sides, then you probably know what is right and what is wrong.
Most americans are just like us, friendly and nice. However, in terms of international issues, their knowledge is limited to whatever they received from their government propaganda machines. They do not know what kind of dirty things their government has done behind the scene. They are brain-washed to the extent that if you mention "Communist", they will believe that whatever they do, they are doing the right thing no matter how dirty, how shameless the way it may be. The US government constantly uses the following terms to fool its people:

1) Freedom
2) God
3) Communist
4) Human rights

I recently saw some photos that show how americans go through the airport body scanners and the pad down precedures. I have to say I am really angry about what I've seen and I really disbelieve that americans act like sheeps. I have to ask my american friends here, where is your human rights now? where is your freedom now? I called it "Public humiliation".

Well, you may not have air travel recently. Here is the link to "entertain" you.

airport pat down - Google Search
It must be living in and recieving a higher education from a country of war criminals.:rolleyes:

Perhaps THE youngsters know very well that the degrees earned from the war criminals are more valuable back home; :lol: and are pround of being a student of the war criminals (i.e., his professors) by paying tuition to the war criminals. :lol:
Some wise Westerners are indeed very nice people, however i don't think these people represent the majority. In the internet, you will see the comments flooded with some ignorant racist pricks.

With the rise of Neo-Nazi and higher number of high school dropouts, i predict their days of prosperity will be numbered.
One more comment about airport body scanner and pad down procedure to my american friends. Don't you think that Obama and Hillary should bring family members such as their daughters to go through those body scanners and pad down procedures to give a good, fair example to the american people?

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