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US Hunting For More Military Bases To Cripple China; India One Of The Options: Top US Official

This risk is there but remember in such situation you will be only 2..... China and Pakistan.....

Here there will be entire QUAD.... USA, Japan, Australia and India already with possibility of UK, France, South Korea and Bangladesh joining in future....

quad wont rescue you slaves!
@vishwambhar @Smarana Mitra @YouGotRouged Wasn't there an agreement made between India and US that both can utilize others' bases if the need arise? Or it never happened?
There was an agreement to allow it in case need arises but that is subject to approval. The agreement is just a platform for execution and provides a provision for cooperation but does not guarantee a base.
Indonesia seems to be most plausible candidate, whereas building a base India will create Shockwaves in moscov, don't think India is ready for this.
Why would they get shocked.
We already had lemoa kind of agreements...
It's very unlikely that India will allow forein troops on its soil though
Do you know the difference between Japan and India? Japan was fighting on 2 fronts - With China & Russia on the west and USA on the east. USA also had Australia ad India as an ally with huge resources. Philippines also allied with USA giving it a close base. The most important reason why Japan lost was because it had no fuel - coal or oil. India has plenty of coal which it can liquefy to use for military. USA can't afford to travel 20000km across the ocean into India. Any nearby countries that support USA will be bombed by India. USA ships in IOR will be stranded. Diego Garcia's air defence has limited capabilities and can't prevent ballistic missiles. A single big missile is enough to take out DGarcia.

Israel could not be taken out because it is next door to Europe who would intervene and also provide base to USA to stop it. Also, middle east is backwards with almost no industry.

Talking like low IQ people about Australia, NZ is absurd. Australia and NZ has huge resource per capita. Any country with such huge resource and small population is bound to have wealth. Japan being an island is protected to some extent and had external peace for long time. Its empire lasted for 600 years until it fell from WW2, showing that it always enjoyed peace. But SKorea is facing NKorea just across the border and is in a state of war. If a country had peace traditionally, it still has it regardless of USA help. Those countries that don't have peace traditionally don't have it even with US help.

What you hate or love is irrelevant. What is logical matters more. Logically speaking, India has more chance of allying with China than with USA. China for all its rhetorics is a peaceful country and not a threat to India in any way. There will always be minor incidents but that does not change the major theme.

I know situation of NZ, Australia, Japan cannot be compared to India but yes our situation can surely be compared to South Korea threat perception wise.... South Korea facing huge nuclear enemy in the form of North Korea with deadly delivery systems..... still South Korea is safe..... Not only because of cutting edge US made weapons.... Only deterrence is US naval presence in the region..... If US no longer remains a power that its today then no amount of cutting edge weaponry will stop NK to attack SK....

We are in the same situation with Pak-China like SK is with NK.... Pakistan and China both are big nuclear powers with powerful conventional armed forces..... Allowing US bases in the country is not that a bad idea....
@vishwambhar @Smarana Mitra @YouGotRouged Wasn't there an agreement made between India and US that both can utilize others' bases if the need arise? Or it never happened?

Yes I too heard about such agreement..... Maybe once QUAD formally activated like NATO then this too will be executed....
Sarrr why jus take our bases our asses also belong to you!!

west is lucky they always have unlimited supply of yindu slaves!
We are in the same situation with Pak-China like SK is with NK.... Pakistan and China both are big nuclear powers with powerful conventional armed forces..... Allowing US bases in the country is not that a bad idea....
What did you say? South korea has 2 times the population of North Korea. SKorea also has more fertile land and greater access to sea than North Korea. Also, North Korea has the same religion of South Korea. Does that look similar to Indian situation?

Most importantly, South Korea wanted to join North Korea but it was the USA who did not allow it. So, there is no real fight between them. USA is artificially creating a fight.
@vishwambhar @Smarana Mitra @YouGotRouged Wasn't there an agreement made between India and US that both can utilize others' bases if the need arise? Or it never happened?
I'm not very familiar with Indian military agreements as I am with Indian people but as far as I'm aware it's logistical support and not for boots on the ground.

Either way, hope it doesn't happen, India already has a devil ruling, she doesn't need to be double teamed inside and out.
I fully support US bases in India..... We are a QUAD country but militarily and economically we are the weakest country in QUAD.....

If we can offer bases to USA UK against China to help them design their offensive strategy and doctrine from western borders of China then it will be a great contribution from our side.....

We will have following advantages....

1) USA can bring India under it's ballistic missile defence shield.....

2) If we allow them bases then we don't have to worry about China or Pakistan military threat as US army in India is a best deterrence factor....

3) We can reduce defence spending and have a breathing space to bring our economy back on track which has suffered these 2 years by covid situation....

4) Not only mainland India but we should allow a naval base in Andaman Islands and lakshdweep Islands for entire QUAD which will be a huge threat to China trade lines in Malacca and sunda or even to connect to gwadar via sea lines in case if there is a full scale war with China.....

There are many other advantages....

After all which country will dare to knock your door when you have USA sitting outside to protect you.....
Your forgetting the RUSSIAN factor. Banking all your eggs in favor of US will be very risky. You ll not only annoy china but Russians will also severe ties with you. SCO will become a formidable alliance in the absence of India to counter QUAD. Also having two major powers RUssia and China against you as a neighbor will be much more difficult to deal with. Do take into account that China is going to surpass US in another decade or so. US is no one's friend and India will lose a lot.
I think Modi's India policies are driven more by emotions. India has more to gain from having a friendly neighborhood (Give and take policy for conflict resolution) than serving the interests of a superpower in decline.
Are these major technology? The transport planes are just slight modification of civilian planes. Helicopters are far from being strategic.

So the Chinook transport helicopters are not major technology ? So why are these not a major indigenous part of Indian military ?

Naval aircrafts have mostly Indian made sensors

Read this 2021 article ( can be read only once for free ). It lists the subsystems, including sensors, of the American P-8I naval patrol aircraft that India is purchasing. To me the sensors all seem American.
So the Chinook transport helicopters are not major technology ? So why are these not a major indigenous part of Indian military ?

Read this 2021 article ( can be read only once for free ). It lists the subsystems, including sensors, of the American P-8I naval patrol aircraft that India is purchasing. To me the sensors all seem American.
Chinook is not strategic technology. Russia, China etc don't have such helicopters and they face no problems.

The sensors mentioned in the article are all commercial grade or simple ones. Electro-optics, IIR, radio comms, GPS, missile warning etc are not high end at all.
Chinook is not strategic technology. Russia, China etc don't have such helicopters and they face no problems.

Fine, Russia and China have no need for such a type but why did the Indian government purchase it ?
I know situation of NZ, Australia, Japan cannot be compared to India but yes our situation can surely be compared to South Korea threat perception wise.... South Korea facing huge nuclear enemy in the form of North Korea with deadly delivery systems..... still South Korea is safe..... Not only because of cutting edge US made weapons.... Only deterrence is US naval presence in the region..... If US no longer remains a power that its today then no amount of cutting edge weaponry will stop NK to attack SK....

We are in the same situation with Pak-China like SK is with NK.... Pakistan and China both are big nuclear powers with powerful conventional armed forces..... Allowing US bases in the country is not that a bad idea....

Yes I too heard about such agreement..... Maybe once QUAD formally activated like NATO then this too will be executed....
Imo,you got it the wrong way,if not for American interference,Korea would have been a socialist, united and strong nation , the 2nd/3rd biggest economy in their world. US didn't protect S.Korea from N.Korean nuclear warheads;it's N.Korea that had to develop nuclear warheads to protect itself from being turned into the next libya,by the US military stationed right across their border.

China don't see India as their competitor,what china will do in such an event is ,it will prop up Pakistan in such a way that Pakistan might overwhelm India in real high stake warfare technologies that are inconceivable to Indian lvl of technological prowess.
Why would they get shocked.
We already had lemoa kind of agreements...
It's very unlikely that India will allow forein troops on its soil though
Because it's a strong step that shows unprecedented close relationships with USA. Russia may take this step as a step against their strong ally.
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