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US hikes Pakistan aid by 40%

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what does india have besides absence of terrorism that foriegn investments are happening?

Kashmir :P .

Trolling Apart , Far better Education System , Far better Healthcare System , Far better Services Industry , More Literacy etc . I know This doesn't Count much in your Knowledge book but i thought its worth Mentioning .
Kashmir :P .

Trolling Apart , Far better Education System , Far better Healthcare System , Far better Services Industry , More Literacy etc . I know This doesn't Count much in your Knowledge book but i thought its worth Mentioning .

can i see some numbers?
My friend , first of all , I am quite sure that on the matters of expenditure of money and allocation of budgets , our sources can tell us better than any other ones ...

Secondly , the link mentions " yearly expenditures " , not anything about " GDP " and that is something very different from what you are understanding and suggesting :)

The figure is merely 2.5-3% of GDP but I am not sure ...

Sir I am not an economist, just a student. I do know that our defense expense is number two after debt servicing which is number one.

Two thirds for debt.
One quarter for defense.
The remainder for everything else.
can i see some numbers?

Sure ...

Education means many things .. Lets start with complete Basic i.e. Literacy .

India 74 percent
Pakistan 55 Percent

Per Capita Income

India 3627
Pakistan 2745

Regarding Healthcare Check The Number of Pakistanis Visiting India for Healthcare Needs . Also Polio has been Eradicated From Past three years in India while in Pakistan it still exists . I can give many other examples but i hope these are sufficient .

Education system

India has a few Universities in top 500 .

Pakistan Nil .

You can research more if you want . Don't expect me to do all legwork for you .
=acid rain;4150352]LOL @Cheetah786, the difference between Pakistan and India is - India can do without the aid, while Pakistan cant doo without aid.

L O L @Acidrain Thats your personal and complete biased out of touch and far from reality Opinion ,as i said before if people cant do the math then they shouldn't get involved in mathematical skills required topics.

Some fact-checking is indeed in order. Pakistan was a $200 billion economy in 2002, the US has provided on average $825 million annually in economic assistance to Pakistan. On the other hand, Pakistani expatriates have remitted on average $1 billion each month in 2011, making remittances an order of magnitude higher than what the US has been providing to Pakistan. I would argue that Pakistan’s economy owes much more to what the expatriates contribute than what comes in charity from the United States.

Another difference is India recently has been giving more aid than what its receiving. How about Pakistan? Pakistan just receives.

L o L one Indian claimed ''oh well we don't use the aid money for military'' use, another claim ''we don't get aid'' and now you ''well we receive aid but we give out aid'' to whom not the poor of the country but to Afghanistan and thats for obvious reasons.

As far as pakistan giving out Aid or not is concerned in case you been smoking weed for last few years we have been fighting war against .

American wars in the region have played havoc with Pakistan’s economic and social infrastructure. According to the Government of Pakistan, the direct and indirect costs from Nato’s war in Afghanistan, which began on October 07, 2001, has reached over $68 billion. These economic losses are an order of magnitude higher than what the US has offered in economic and military assistance to Pakistan. And who to account for the 36,000-plus Pakistanis who have perished as a result of the Nato’ war efforts in the region.

pakistan is smaller then one of your states no comparison don't compare oranges and apples since you are the size of china lets compare that and i am sure you are no where near where china is.

Pakistan economy continues to grow and have gone from $90 billion/yr to over $200 billion/yr against all odds thats how resilient and resource full we are.

And get ready to increase that AId to Afghanistan by significant numbers if you wanna safe NA as i assure you they are going to need it this time.
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L o L one Indian claimed ''oh well we don't use the aid money for military'' use, another claim ''we don't get aid'' and now you ''well we receive aid but we give out aid'' to whom not the poor of the country but to Afghanistan and thats for obvious reasons.

Some fact checking was always in order , so after I was notified of how bad " AID " was , I reminded these kids that India was the largest recipient of that bad thing until 1992 from the Crown and still receives it to this day , even if I accept that the AID is being force fed to them and that they do not require it now , would it change the fact that they were receiving it for decades for whatever purposes and still receive it through NGO's ?

What Pakistan receives today can at best be considered reimbursements , not AID because we are fighting the War on Terror which has had a negative toll on our entire economy , law and order situation and infrastructure not to mention the uncertainty and terror we have faced and what we have sacrificed since the beginning of war in '01 ...
LOL @Cheetah786, the difference between Pakistan and India is - India can do without the aid, while Pakistan cant doo without aid.

If you are so foolish to believe that an amount of a couple billions ( 1.4 here ) can run a country of 180 million people , then only God can help you !
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L o L one Indian claimed ''oh well we don't use the aid money for military'' use, another claim ''we don't get aid'' and now you ''well we receive aid but we give out aid'' to whom not the poor of the country but to Afghanistan and thats for obvious reasons.

That indeed is true..

We give out much more aid than we receive

Amid thunderous applause from the leaders and representatives of 15 African countries at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Singh announced a line of credit worth $5 billion "to help achieve the development goals of Africa". "There is a new economic growth story emerging from Africa. Africa possesses all the prerequisites to become a major growth pole of the world… India will work with Africa to realise its vast potential… It is in this spirit that I wish to outline some initiatives for the consideration of our African partners," Singh said on the eve of Africa Day.
The $5.4 billion aid offered at the first Summit in Delhi in 2008 focused on regional integration through infrastructure development.
Read more at: India gives $5-billion aid to Africa : Rest of the World, News - India Today

India has set up its own international aid agency similar to USAID and UK's Department for International Development (DFID), with an estimated corpus of a sizable $15-billion to be spent over the next five years. This new agency, called Development Partnership Administration (DPA), will oversee all the development partnership projects that India will undertake in developing countries around the world.

About ten years ago, Indian foreign aid projects were very limited both in terms of resources and geographical spread. However, today the reach of Indian aid has spread around the world with more than 60 countries benefiting from India sponsored projects.

India sets up global aid agency

In the mid-1980s, India was the world’s largest recipient of foreign aid. Today foreign aid is less than 0.3% of GDP. Seven years ago India announced that it would only accept bilateral development assistance from five countries (Germany, Japan, Russia, the UK, and the United States) in addition to the EU. Now it appears that the list is dwindling. India also declined international assistance after both the 2004 tsunami and the 2005 earthquake in Kashmir.

Although there are no consolidated figures on the total foreign assistance that India provides, the estimates are rising. India allocated approximately $547 million to aid-related activities in 2008. It is now the fifth largest donor to Afghanistan (with commitments over $1 billion since 2001) and is increasingly seeking out new recipients – India’s aid to Africa has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 22% over the past ten years. India’s aid programs are increasingly including countries outside the immediate neighborhood of Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Nepal.


If you are so foolish to believe that an amount of a couple billions ( 1.4 here ) can run a country of 180 million people , then only God can help you !

You forgot aid that Pakistan receives from Saudi Arabia, Japan, UK etc etc.
You forgot aid that Pakistan receives from Saudi Arabia, Japan, UK etc etc.

Enlighten me of the amount , cant be greater or even 25% of what US reimburses us ...
That indeed is true..

We give out much more aid than we receive

Amid thunderous applause from the leaders and representatives of 15 African countries at the African Union headquarters in Addis Ababa, Singh announced a line of credit worth $5 billion "to help achieve the development goals of Africa". "There is a new economic growth story emerging from Africa. Africa possesses all the prerequisites to become a major growth pole of the world… India will work with Africa to realise its vast potential… It is in this spirit that I wish to outline some initiatives for the consideration of our African partners," Singh said on the eve of Africa Day.
The $5.4 billion aid offered at the first Summit in Delhi in 2008 focused on regional integration through infrastructure development.
Read more at: India gives $5-billion aid to Africa : Rest of the World, News - India Today

India has set up its own international aid agency similar to USAID and UK's Department for International Development (DFID), with an estimated corpus of a sizable $15-billion to be spent over the next five years. This new agency, called Development Partnership Administration (DPA), will oversee all the development partnership projects that India will undertake in developing countries around the world.

About ten years ago, Indian foreign aid projects were very limited both in terms of resources and geographical spread. However, today the reach of Indian aid has spread around the world with more than 60 countries benefiting from India sponsored projects.

India sets up global aid agency

In the mid-1980s, India was the world’s largest recipient of foreign aid. Today foreign aid is less than 0.3% of GDP. Seven years ago India announced that it would only accept bilateral development assistance from five countries (Germany, Japan, Russia, the UK, and the United States) in addition to the EU. Now it appears that the list is dwindling. India also declined international assistance after both the 2004 tsunami and the 2005 earthquake in Kashmir.

Although there are no consolidated figures on the total foreign assistance that India provides, the estimates are rising. India allocated approximately $547 million to aid-related activities in 2008. It is now the fifth largest donor to Afghanistan (with commitments over $1 billion since 2001) and is increasingly seeking out new recipients – India’s aid to Africa has grown at a compound annual growth rate of 22% over the past ten years. India’s aid programs are increasingly including countries outside the immediate neighborhood of Afghanistan, Bhutan, and Nepal.


You forgot aid that Pakistan receives from Saudi Arabia, Japan, UK etc etc.

Topic was Americans increase aid to pakistan by 40% to which some Indian fan boys jumped in and claimed pakistan can't survive without that Aid are you with me so far.

since you are so good with numbers unless its all a illusion tell me can a country of 180million run on or drown without 1.4 billion/yr yes or no don't go around in circles.

Now back to India giving out Aid even thought this isn't the topic. I will go ahead and make a comment on this subject and thats as far as i will go. I will not respond to the this again as for some strange reasons i say potato i am told about tomato.

Indias Aid to Africa isn't for The goodness of African but more to do with securing opportunities for Indian business or for reserving rights for mining industries plus Most important trying to fight Beijing's influence in these stats.

Most stats including USA don't give out the so called Aids cause its will benefit the recipient far from it.The nature of development aid business is such that large sums of donated money in fact return to the donor country in the form of contractual payments to consultants and manufacturers. Former World Bank president James Wolfensohn in 2004 at the 16th Annual Bank Conference said about Development Economics in Washington DC where he offered his candid views about how development aid was misspent by donors. In 2003-04 development aid was estimated at $58 billion of which $14 billion were pocketed by the consultants alone.
Enlighten me of the amount , cant be greater or even 25% of what US reimburses us ...

While American development assistance once constituted the lion’s share of aid to Pakistan, the major multilateral development banks now provide more than half of all donor aid to Pakistan. Of the $4 billion in development assistance recorded by the State Bank of Pakistan in 2009, $2.6 billion came from multilateral organizations and development banks. Several non-OECD countries, most significantly China and Saudi Arabia, now give significant amounts of aid.


Saudi aid normally comes in the form of religious or educational aid - so cannot put a figure on it - but it's estimated to be in Billions.

Japan has been giving aid to Pakistan since the 1950's

UK gives about 250 Million aid every year.

Topic was Americans increase aid to pakistan by 40% to which some Indian fan boys jumped in and claimed pakistan can't survive without that Aid are you with me so far.

since you are so good with numbers unless its all a illusion tell me can a country of 180million run on or drown without 1.4 billion/yr yes or no don't go around in circles.

Now back to India giving out Aid even thought this isn't the topic. I will go ahead and make a comment on this subject and thats as far as i will go. I will not respond to the this again as for some strange reasons i say potato i am told about tomato.

Indias Aid to Africa isn't for The goodness of African but more to do with securing opportunities for Indian business or for reserving rights for mining industries plus Most important trying to fight Beijing's influence in these stats.

Most stats including USA don't give out the so called Aids cause its will benefit the recipient far from it.The nature of development aid business is such that large sums of donated money in fact return to the donor country in the form of contractual payments to consultants and manufacturers. Former World Bank president James Wolfensohn in 2004 at the 16th Annual Bank Conference said about Development Economics in Washington DC where he offered his candid views about how development aid was misspent by donors. In 2003-04 development aid was estimated at $58 billion of which $14 billion were pocketed by the consultants alone.

I'll leave out your rhetoric - understand this - aid given is both monetary and in kind where India finances a lot of developmental activity, Indian aid program has helped more than 60 countries - so your rhetoric that it's for such such purposes is BS. India has been giving aid from the 1950's - though it was pretty small - but has ballooned over the years and India will soon be among the biggest aid givers soon - because the UK is cutting down aid by the bucket loads.

India has been giving aid to the tune of 3 billion every year since 2003.

China doesn't give AID to Pakistan , it instead invests in projects or helps in developing infrastructure by providing soft loans ... Even a sum of 2.3-3 billion at most in total cant run a country of the 6th largest population in the world , the point being ?
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China doesn't give AID to Pakistan , it instead invests in projects or helps in developing infrastructure by providing soft loans ...

Those soft loans are at extremely low rates of interests and most times the bulk of it is written off, it's kind of to keep the aid recipient interested in actually putting it to good use. Though I am not quite certain about the relations between Pakistan and China. Ir also comes down to not making it too obvious that it's a handout.
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Those soft loans are at extremely low rates of interests and most times the bulk of it is written off, it's kind of to keep the aid recipient interested in actually putting it to good use. Though I am not quite certain about the relations between Pakistan and China.

Even if they are , they cant in any way be counted as AID :) ... I , personally , am not aware of loans being written off by the Chinese ... Building infrastructure and providing opportunities for trade and economy to flourish is the Beijing's modus operandi , they know too well where does money given to Pakistan lands in usually ...
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