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US hikes Pakistan aid by 40%

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indian is in no position to give aid to afghanistan, do you get it yet or no?
atleast pakistan manages to feed 80 percent of its people well.
indian cant feed 60 percent of its people
and they are trying to do nation building?
your saying india is already doing enough?
how are they doing enough when 60 percent of its people cant even sleep on a full stomach, while the government is giving out billions to other countries and spending billions on new planes ect.?

What a load of bullshit you are talking about. :lol: Pakistan's economy run on American aid, billions of American dollars (more than 20 billion since 9/11) has saved Pakistan economy from going bankrupt.

India is a self-sufficient country having enough resources to tackle our problems, not like Pakistan depending everything on aid even defence budget.
What a load of bullshit you are talking about. :lol: Pakistan's economy run on American aid, billions of American dollars (more than 20 billion since 9/11) has saved Pakistan economy from going bankrupt.

silly monkey lol
stick to one thing at a time, now that you have no answer to what i said your going to bring up the aid thing?
i think india needs aid more then us seeing how 60% poverty vs 23%
your economy is growing at a huge rate but your lucky it is because if it didnt do atleast this much india would be deeper in poverty.

India is a self-sufficient country having enough resources to tackle our problems, not like Pakistan depending everything on aid even defence budget.

are guna admit what i said about india? or just ignore it?
you don't have enough resources to tackle your problems, and even if you do then why do you still have

you seem to be in denial.
silly monkey lol
stick to one thing at a time, now that you have no answer to what i said your going to bring up the aid thing?
i think india needs aid more then us seeing how 60% poverty vs 23%
your economy is growing at a huge rate but your lucky it is because if it didnt do atleast this much india would be deeper in poverty.

are guna admit what i said about india? or just ignore it?
you don't have enough resources to tackle your problems, and even if you do then why do you still have

you seem to be in denial.

Why are you providing fake data. :omghaha:
big claims your making there. sure india has the 10th biggest gap but look at its population if it didn't have at least that much india would even survive for the next 20 yrs.
indians give afghans around 2 billion dollars
and you have around 15 percent of people below the poverty line meaning they live on less than a dollar a day. instead of giving money to a foreign country why not give it to your own people who are starving?
any thing else you want to hear on that?

im pretty sure it does all that but the fact remains
60 percent of people in india live on less then 2 dollars a day.
india has the largest hungry population on earth probably even more then all of africa.

you are the one who keeps changing the subject just like your going after you read what i said above, instead of admiting it your going to move on to something else and then say i keep moving to other subjects.
i dont reply becuase i have a life other sitting on the computer and be smartass like you,
weather i kill you or not your not going to admit it lol obviously,
oh and im not a hardcore ganster btw, im just a average pakistani thats it i was just making a point how when it comes to pakistanis and indians pakistanis are the alpha males.

not enough indians to use as punching bags i guess lol.

LOL no life looser who sees Pakistanis as alpha males xD No surprise why Pakistan is where it stands today :rolleyes:

1. I am not making big claims, I am referring to FACTS.
2. Kid, eradicating poverty takes its time and our rate of millions annually is pretty good. The aid money going to Afghanistan is from the budget from the Ministry for Foreign affairs, they spend how they think is the best. Every state in India has self responsibilities including education, healthcare, social welfare etc... thast why some states have Human development values comparable to Europe and others to Africa.
The money that goes to Afghanistan comes from the Union government, and its a tiny tiny fraction of our GDP.
+ You think that we give them money just for fun? no. Afghanistan is in out immediate neighbour hood and a stable terror free Afghanistan without Taliban is better for our development as well, same goes for Pakistan.

3. You dont reply, because you simply dont know how to have a civic discussion....
LOL no life looser who sees Pakistanis as alpha males xD No surprise why Pakistan is where it stands today
so pakistanis are not the alpha males? lol, silly monkey
for the amount of monkeys we face in each war we do hell of a job out numbered atleast 4 to 1.
you guys are very lucky their arent a billion pakistani lions becuase then we'd just eat you monkeys up lol.
look at your average pakistani then look at your average indian monkey and then tell me who the alpha males are.

1. I am not making big claims, I am referring to FACTS.

they are only facts becuase india has millions of monkeys in sweat shops working their ***** off so i can buy stuff here in america for a good price.
if india had 176 million people what do you think their gdp would be?
do you not realize that your gdp is so big only becuase of your population nothing else, everything you guys have is becuase of your population size, there arent alot of resources in india they arent the smartest people in the world obviously.
if pakistan had a billion people our gdp would be in the trillions as well lol, i mean thats the least it could be since there is a billion of you.

2. Kid, eradicating poverty takes its time and our rate of millions annually is pretty good. The aid money going to Afghanistan is from the budget from the Ministry for Foreign affairs, they spend how they think is the best. Every state in India has self responsibilities including education, healthcare, social welfare etc... thast why some states have Human development values comparable to Europe and others to Africa.
The money that goes to Afghanistan comes from the Union government, and its a tiny tiny fraction of our GDP.
+ You think that we give them money just for fun? no. Afghanistan is in out immediate neighbour hood and a stable terror free Afghanistan without Taliban is better for our development as well, same goes for Pakistan

of course it takes time no body is denying that, what i am saying however is that the poverty in india is so severe that it could not afford to be giving aid to other countries.
shouldnt that money be given to your fellow indians so they eat? or should they be given to afghans who on the otherside of pakistan?
would you rather see a indian kid eat a good meal or an Afghani kid?
sure its part the budget of the foreign ministry or what ever but would it rather not be better used in india instead? and if so why not? why act like your a superpower when your not , your a broke *** country who cant even feed its own people but sees it important to build other nations? does that make sense?
so what states are like europe in india?lol

seems to me you guys are just giving them money to seem like an important country at the expense of your own people.

3. You dont reply, because you simply dont know how to have a civic discussion....

i dont reply becuase i dont know how to have a civil conversation? says the guy talk s h i t in the tread titled pakistan gets 40% increase in aid from usa.
so what does me not replying have to do anything with not having a civil conversation?
see this is why you guys are starving cuz your stupid.
so pakistanis are not the alpha males? lol, silly monkey
for the amount of monkeys we face in each war we do hell of a job out numbered atleast 4 to 1.
you guys are very lucky their arent a billion pakistani lions becuase then we'd just eat you monkeys up lol.
look at your average pakistani then look at your average indian monkey and then tell me who the alpha males are.

they are only facts becuase india has millions of monkeys in sweat shops working their ***** off so i can buy stuff here in america for a good price.
if india had 176 million people what do you think their gdp would be?
do you not realize that your gdp is so big only becuase of your population nothing else, everything you guys have is becuase of your population size, there arent alot of resources in india they arent the smartest people in the world obviously.
if pakistan had a billion people our gdp would be in the trillions as well lol, i mean thats the least it could be since there is a billion of you.

of course it takes time no body is denying that, what i am saying however is that the poverty in india is so severe that it could not afford to be giving aid to other countries.
shouldnt that money be given to your fellow indians so they eat? or should they be given to afghans who on the otherside of pakistan?
would you rather see a indian kid eat a good meal or an Afghani kid?
sure its part the budget of the foreign ministry or what ever but would it rather not be better used in india instead? and if so why not? why act like your a superpower when your not , your a broke *** country who cant even feed its own people but sees it important to build other nations? does that make sense?
so what states are like europe in india?lol

seems to me you guys are just giving them money to seem like an important country at the expense of your own people.

i dont reply becuase i dont know how to have a civil conversation? says the guy talk s h i t in the tread titled pakistan gets 40% increase in aid from usa.
so what does me not replying have to do anything with not having a civil conversation?
see this is why you guys are starving cuz your stupid.

LOL you are more stupid than you look like....

1. alpha males my @ss :omghaha:, better educate yourself. You tried to get back Kashmir 4 times and always failed and even paid with half of your country lol. Again shows why this country stands where it stands today...
2. Bigger population does not mean a higher GDP, again it shows your poor knowledge in economics dumbo.
The state Maharashtra has a GDP which is roughly as big as Pakistans ENTIRE GDP and grows with 16 % anually.
But this state has a population of "just" 112,372,972 people. Can you now see that you are merely talking pure BS ?!
3. More money wont help, there are other problems like corruption and bureaucratic incompetence, thats why millions of tons of food are rotting each year in storage facilities. A few billion more wont help much, again, there are many challenges for India, not only inside India. And without stability and security, there is no chance for economic success, a Pakistani should know it by now :rolleyes:

Just keep crying, we have enough money, dont tell us how to have economic success hardcore alpha male :omghaha:

And a Pakistani calling India a broken country? Again shows you intellectual finesse. India is not topping the failed state index, India is not being ripped apart by Talibanis and military dictatorship, India is not one of the weakest economies.

Even the Tata Groups revenue is roughly the half of your entire GDP lol

4. Compare the latest high Human Development Index values of states like Kerala and any other state in south Asia.

5. You cannot have a conversation without calling yourself "alphamales" :omghaha: and without calling others monkey?

How old are you? Did not any one teach you how to have a discussion with arguments backed with proof and sources? :fie:
40% hike in Aid. Well, will Pakistan accept it and go back to same old relationship, or this time take a stand and don't repeat it ?
LOL you are more stupid than you look like....

1. alpha males my @ss :omghaha:, better educate yourself. You tried to get back Kashmir 4 times and always failed and even paid with half of your country lol. Again shows why this country stands where it stands today...
lol silly monkey lol,
you are in such daniel kasamey lol
do you not see that you only won becuase you had a million army?
while pakistan had a quarter of that?

2. Bigger population does not mean a higher GDP, again it shows your poor knowledge in economics dumbo.
The state Maharashtra has a GDP which is roughly as big as Pakistans ENTIRE GDP and grows with 16 % anually.
But this state has a population of "just" 112,372,972 people. Can you now see that you are merely talking pure BS ?!
no sh it sherlock lol
i was talking about india as a whole , the only reason your gdp is over a trillion is becuase you have over a billion people, otherwise you monkeys are incapable of going over a trillion with a population of a trillion.
you talking about one state who has a population of over a 100 million
and a state that has city with majority of your millionaires.
the place your film industry is located which makes money from all over the world,
so the gdp of that state is inflated by the rich not that majority that 112 people doing good or something.
the state makes money off the 900 million other indians.

3. More money wont help, there are other problems like corruption and bureaucratic incompetence, thats why millions of tons of food are rotting each year in storage facilities. A few billion more wont help much, again, there are many challenges for India, not only inside India. And without stability and security, there is no chance for economic success, a Pakistani should know it by now :rolleyes:
did you figure the bolded part all by your self?lol

so what your telling me is that you have the money but your just too incompetent?
while pakistanis who dont have money seem to be very capable of feeding most of its population lol.

Just keep crying, we have enough money, dont tell us how to have economic success hardcore alpha male :omghaha:
you dont have enough money just stop fooling your self, if you had enough money you wouldnt power shortages, you wouldnt have poverty, you have clean facilties for your people but you don't, you would have good schooling but you don't. do you get it yet or no

and im glad your starting to realize who the alpha males are:pakistan:

And a Pakistani calling India a broken country? Again shows you intellectual finesse. India is not topping the failed state index, India is not being ripped apart by Talibanis and military dictatorship, India is not one of the weakest economies.
do you not see what is happening in india? just the other day i was talking to an indian and he said india is taxed out of it a ss by the government thats the government of india has money while the people dont even have food. and even after being taxed out of their a ss they still cant get good food, 24 hr electricity.
pakistan is at war which is almost over and we guna come out stronger then you after the war i hope you know that and i hope your prepared for that, are military now has been exprienced and toughened up while your are still sissies, india always has to have at least twice the soldiers as pakistan to even do anything lol, even with inferior equipment we manage to hold off an army at least more then twice the size of us and that was before the war on terror imagine now after all that fight and expreince our troops got, what will you guys do now? send alll your reserves too? lol
Even the Tata Groups revenue is roughly the half of your entire GDP lo
the same tata whose cars catch fire while parked?
you what "tata" means in pakistan? lol
it does has half our gdp tho and i could care less becuase in the end of the day your still poverty stricken, twice as worst as a country much poorer then you.
so be proud of that my little monkey friend

4. Compare the latest high Human Development Index values of states like Kerala and any other state in south Asia.

so what? even if karela does have high hdi does that make india less poor overall?

5. You cannot have a conversation without calling yourself "alphamales" :omghaha: and without calling others monkey?

i just speak the truth thats all my little monkey friend lol.
why dont you go out and pick on a pakistani and find out who the alpha males are lol.

How old are you? Did not any one teach you how to have a discussion with arguments backed with proof and sources? :fie:

dont worry about how old i am,
i just cant help but laugh and th hypocrisy in what your said, im not even going to say nothing on that lol
Cmon , dont praise your Army, when Indian comes your Army start knocking door each country to stop India, See the Wiki leak cables ...... truth hurts..

Most of people goes hungry are Muslims which came from BL and Rothangs muslims which comes to india and commit crimes.

Tata group can buy entire PAK , you dont know how much debt PAK has. :)

The PAK govt asked the Same TATA group 500 Sumo (MUV) which Tata rejected., MOst of your county run on Indian tyres....

We know how PAK army is against some armed mens which are not trained by any Country, Look Indian Army , you trained Sikh militants , Indian army controlled them , You trained Kashmiri terrorist , Indian army controlled them , and when some unarmed mens start attacking you , you called , PAK is on WAR , we killed more PAK trained terrorist then your can produced.

People who pay taxes can get 24x7 elect. but some lower Muslims which want to utilised things for free , . In-fact after division , muslims should be in PAK, then india will be more progressive then today.
This thread has turned into a two way fight, which is not the purpose of this thread.

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