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US found Zia ‘most patriotic liar’ on nukes, reveal declassified memos

what da haq? :wacko:
Hey, that was my pun! I made it on one of those godawful "Haq's musings" threads.

A political leader even the famed and anti-American Mullah politicians would have fared much worse than them both , that is for sure . The difference between both though is that unlike Musharraf , Zia still had a choice of " limited engagement " or " leaving the Afghans alone " and not participating in the war for American interests at all , because lets be honest even if we had not interfered back then , would Afghanistan have suddenly found stability and gone into the Soviet/Communist control ? No , the guerrilla warfare would have raged on and they still would have been fighting with the Communists , the same bloodbath , warlords , religious fanatics , drug wars and insane madness that goes on the other side of Khyber Pass today would have been present , even without us poking our nose in and trying to act as the guardians of Ummah . We ruined our country , for God's sake , because of that . That he chose the wrong one was his blunder , Musharraf on the other hand didn't enjoy this luxury and had to settle for the " lesser of two evils " . I mean , after all the Commander of the Faithful wasn't threatened to have this country bombed back to stone ages , right ? Remember the current War on Terror doesn't start from the attack on twin towers , it has it roots deep in the " Afghan Jihad "

To be fair though, the Afghan variety of extremist menace is not the only one plaguing Pakisan, is it? The anti-India groups nurtured by the state have also bitten Pak hard. Most of them are based in Pakistani Punjab. Many succesive govts have patronized those fellows. But yes, the ones on your N-W are the biggest problem for you now.
It is an open secret that Pakistan began focusing on the development of nukes in January 1972. Later AQ Khan joined the nuclear weapons program, and, with ZA Akbar headed the Kahuta Project.

The Chinese trained Pakistani scientists, (just like the Russians had done for them) brought them to China for lectures, even gave them the design of the CHIC-4 device, which was a weapon that was easy to build a model for export.

During Bhutto's term in office, China tested Pakistan's first bomb for her in 1990 at Lop Nur, a Chinese testing site. That's why the Pakistanis were so quick to respond to the Indian nuclear tests in 1998 since they already had a tested device, thanks to the Chinese.
dont post your family pics here

your extremists Talibanis brothers were and are the biggest murderers and bhatta khors and hippocrats they wanted an all out war and are now fighting each other and accusing each other of murder and mayhem charges ..
No one match the record of target killing and torture of Altaf ................. he is the expert in this
50000 civilians killed so far by extremists that's just in Pakistan if we do a global count there must be 100's of thousands ... They ruined the name and charm of Islam
Altaf in his 30 years has killed more than what TTP has killed
Not being judgmental about other aspects, every leader does what is necessary, and there is nothing wrong bluffing adversaries.

While whatever he said may sound as lie to the US diplomats, a lot of things that they themselves say may sound as lies to the Pakistanis.Its all about a matter of perspective, all part of the game.Liar is a very strong word to use here.
Same old propaganda , same old conspiracy theories . Rumors , hearsay , wild conjectures and allegations is what it is . Beijing sure did provide assistance for Pakistan's nuclear program in the beginning , but it had its limit like everything else . The delivery of actual designs and testing nuclear programs for Islamabad seems far fetched , unrealistic and just ' too good to be true ' and why even stop at that ? The Chinese should have just shipped a handful of nukes , maybe allowed us to produce more in their own facilities and be done with it . All I see behind these " rationalizations " is the mindset and thought pattern that Islamabad just couldn't have done anything by herself and hence needs to import/buy/reverse engineer/steal e.t.c . If you haven't read about that , the Pakistanis had been cold-testing nukes as early as 1983 at Kirana Hills - Punjab and till 1990 around 24 tests were conducted , these are facts now . The tests proved the capability of the country to successfully detonate a nuclear weapon , whenever it chose to , whenever the circumstances permitted or whenever the need arised . The need of " alternate theories " just isn't there , you see
And do you also term as conspiracy the fact that Pakistan acquired missile technology from North Korea in exchange for nuclear technology?
and champions of truth like you want the government to disclose everything like good kids and wait for the good fairy to reward them by placing sweets under their pillows.

Your totally idiotic comments hint at your immaturity and total ignorance about international politics, instead of wasting your time on this forum, you should watch tom and jerry on tv.

Most pathetic liar.
During Bhutto's term in office, China tested Pakistan's first bomb for her in 1990 at Lop Nur, a Chinese testing site. That's why the Pakistanis were so quick to respond to the Indian nuclear tests in 1998 since they already had a tested device, thanks to the Chinese.

Same old propaganda , same old conspiracy theories . Rumors , hearsay , wild conjectures and allegations is what it is . Beijing sure did provide assistance for Pakistan's nuclear program in the beginning , but it had its limit like everything else . The delivery of actual designs and testing nuclear weapons for Islamabad seems far fetched , unrealistic and just ' too good to be true ' , why even stop at that ? The Chinese should have just shipped a handful of nukes , maybe allowed us to produce more in their own facilities and be done with it . All I see behind these " rationalizations " is the mindset and thought pattern that Islamabad just couldn't have done anything by herself and hence needs to import/buy/reverse engineer/steal e.t.c . If you haven't read about that , the Pakistanis had been cold-testing nukes as early as 1983 at Kirana Hills - Punjab and till 1990 around 24 tests were conducted , these are facts now . The tests proved the capability of the country to successfully detonate a nuclear weapon , whenever it chose to , whenever the circumstances permitted or whenever the need arised . The need of " alternate theories " just isn't there , you see
Yes we did, and their is nothing wrong with selling your expertise in one field and acquiring some other expertise in exchange. The whole US space program was started by German scientists coerced by CIA to desert Germany.

I won't even touch on the "indigenous indian achievements" in science and technology.......LOL

And do you also term as conspiracy the fact that Pakistan acquired missile technology from North Korea in exchange for nuclear technology?
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