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US found Zia ‘most patriotic liar’ on nukes, reveal declassified memos

The most pathetic yet funny comment I have read after a long time on this forum.
whatever floats your boat bro
If you make fun of your own religion, how do you expect others not to? And also the freedom that you are taking for granted was given to you by many Shaheeds..so brother I don't want to float any boat, just a reminder
An exit strategy should be designed, before you engage; and should evolve during the engagement.

I can argue that there was no exit strategy after such extensive , thorough and whole hearted involvement . If there was anything to control from the beginning , it was the involvement itself . You have got to honor a pact with the devil , specially the one which had such great control of the mind and hearts of the masses afterwards .
whatever floats your boat bro

you are confused decide what path you wish to choose .. its one of them ""confused or pathetic"" ...

pathetic give me a fatwa (jo marzi) .. funny makes me eligible for a thank
No he was not but for most mayhem going on in Karachi Pig Altaf is definitely involved
I can argue that there was no exit strategy after such extensive , thorough and whole hearted involvement . If there was anything to control from the beginning , it was the involvement itself . You have got to honor a pact with the devil , specially the one which had such great control of the mind and hearts of the masses afterwards .
You'd be arguing rightly then. Because I have yet to see an exit strategy!
I can argue that there was no exit strategy after such extensive , thorough and whole hearted involvement . If there was anything to control from the beginning , it was the involvement itself . You have got to honor a pact with the devil , specially the one which had such great control of the mind and hearts of the masses afterwards .
I could never ever blame Zia or Musharraf for their decisions in Afghanistan because at that time if you had a 'Noora' like government then the USA would've had permanent bases in Pakistan and we would've became a state like Syria or Libya.
If Zia ul had not been assassinated, he would have successfully dismantled all the jahadi groups that were formed in 80s to fight Soviets in pakistan. He was fully capable of getting things done. It was the weak leaders that succeeded him who lacked the leadership qualities of Zia ul haq that caused the mess that we have today, it is NOT the fault of Zia ul haq.

When Gen. Zia ul haq and Gen. Akhtar Abdur rehman were alive , pakistan was in safe hands. But unfortunately whole top military echelon got wiped out during that infamous sabotage of 1988 plane crash.

I could never ever blame Zia or Musharraf for their decisions in Afghanistan because at that time if you had a 'Noora' like government then the USA would've had permanent bases in Pakistan and we would've became a state like Syria or Libya.

Dont insult Gen. Zia ul haq by comparing him to that coward dummy musharraf. You are lowering the stature of Gen. Zia by doing so.
If Zia ul had not been assassinated, he would have successfully dismantled all the jahadi groups that were formed in 80s to fight Soviets in pakistan. He was fully capable of getting things done. It was the weak leaders that succeeded him who lacked the leadership qualities of Zia ul haq that caused the mess that we have today, it is NOT the fault of Zia ul haq.

When Gen. Zia ul haq and Gen. Akhtar Abdur rehman were alive , pakistan was in safe hands. But unfortunately whole top military echelon got wiped out during that infamous sabotage of 1988 plane crash.

Dont insult Gen. Zia ul haq by comparing him to that coward dummy musharraf. You are lowering the stature of Gen. Zia by doing so.
To me they are the same, thats my opinion, you have yours :p:
Dont fall for it people. We dont need some country to tell us or justify our love for our former leaders.

Lets not forget who killed Zia ul Haq.
You'd be arguing rightly then. Because I have yet to see an exit strategy!

Doesn't exist , this theoretical ' exit strategy ' then . Had it existed , we either would have been out of this mess or well working to get out .

Chalooo @Secur - He at least did something good ! :coffee:

And I'm still waiting for my apology ! :angry:

Abbbb deiii bhiii deiiiii apology - Izzat ka sawal haiii ! :ashamed:

Alright then .

Apologize , what for , mate ? :what:
Chalooo @Secur - He at least did something good ! :coffee:
bro, he lost land,
They are bound to praise the man who worked for advancement of American interest in the region , now aren't they ? The ' most patriotic liar on nukes ' then who started the journey to the path of self destruction , where the country is today . Extremism , radicalization and terrorism are the order of day , all hail to the Commander of the Faithfuls Zia-ul-Haq . The man who started the Afghan Jihad and introduced and supported the " Jihadi " mindset in Pakistan , the consequences of which are more than apparent in the country . Not to mention his other gifts to the country - Afghan refugees , Kalashnikov and Heroin culture . My countrymen really have short term memories , I mean looking at the comments . Praise the man for his good qualities but do not forget his bad ones , the latter as it happens outweigh the former by a big margin .
not to forget, he lost land of almost 4000 sq km of land ! in siachen glacier, no patriotic Pakistani can ever forgive this guy for such a heinous crime against the country, he foolishly went ordering the gears for high mountain conditions from the same source, from which the Indians were ordering theirs ! :hitwall: this guy should have been court marshalled & shot, this man zia-ul-haq has caused more harm to Pakistan then any other leader in history how can some one like him is beyond me :disagree:
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