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US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province


Apr 7, 2008
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US fighter jet downs Syrian plane in Raqqa province
US says the plane dropped bombs near coalition-backed forces, while Syria says its jet was flying in anti-ISIL mission.


A file photo of an F/A-18E Super Hornet [US Navy/Seaman Weston A. Mohr via REUTERS]
A US fighter jet has shot down a Syrian government plane in Syria's Raqqa province, officials from both sides have said.

The US-led coalition on Sunday said it downed the plane after it dropped bombs on American-backed forces fighting ISIL in northern Syria. Yet, the Syrian army said its jet was on a combat mission against the armed group's fighters near the city of Raqqa, ISIL's de-facto capital in Syria.

The incident came as a monitoring group reported the first ground fighting between Syrian government troops and the US-backed alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters.

READ MORE: 'Staggering' civilian deaths in US-led Raqqa offensive

"At 6:43pm (17L43 GMT), a Syrian regime SU-22 dropped bombs near SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) fighters south of Tabqa and, in accordance with rules of engagement and in collective self-defence of Coalition partnered forces, was immediately shot down by a US F/A-18E Super Hornet," the Combined Joint Task Force said in a statement.

ISIL resists Syrian rebel bid to take Raqqa
It said that two hours earlier, forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad attacked SDF fighters in the town of Ja'Din south of Tabqa, "wounding a number of SDF fighters and driving the SDF from the town".

Coalition aircraft then stopped the pro-government forces' initial advance with a "show of force", the coalition said, adding that it does "not seek to fight the Syrian regime, Russian or pro-regime forces" but would not "hesitate to defend itself or its "partnered forces from any threat".

Earlier on Sunday, the Syrian army said that "the so-called international alliance today noon targeted the jet over the area of al-Rasafa in the southern countryside of al-Raqqa while it was on a combat mission against the terrorist Daesh", using an Arabic acronym of ISIL, which is also known as ISIS.

The pilot of the jet went missing after this "flagrant aggression", the army's command added in a statement, according to Syria's state news agency SANA.

READ MORE: Syria's civil war explained from the beginning

The US-led coalition has in recent weeks escalated its aerial bombing campaign in northern Syria and Raqqa province. US-backed forces have encircled the city of Raqqa and captured several districts from ISIL fighters.

The Syrian army has also taken territory from retreating ISIL fighters in the western Raqqa countryside and seized back some oil fields and villages that had been under the group's control for almost three years.

Following the downing of the Syrian plane, clashes between government troops and coalition-backed fighters broke out in two villages some 40km south of the city of Raqqa, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

So this was reported by al Jazeera? That sits in a country which signed a 15bn deal two days ago with the USA.

That's incredibly too easy
Why is the Syrian regime even allowed air traffic after those alleged chemical weapons attack?

Its just a lost cause the middle east now.
Syrian air force can drop another chemical attack and they will still be able to fly and drop barrel bombs and continue in their life... (thx to their RU pimp) after maybe few tomahawks and few strikes from few Western countries...for few days... and it will be back to normal again..; barrrel bmbs and so on...

Middle east a lost cause? well how could they be a lost cause when they never had a "cause" in the first place...
Syrian air force can drop another chemical attack and they will still be able to fly and drop barrel bombs and continue in their life... (thx to their RU pimp) after maybe few tomahawks and few strikes from few Western country...for few days... and it will be back to normal again..; barrrel bmbs and so on...

Middle east a lost cause? well who could they be a lost cause when they never had a "cause" in the first place...

Nah man. Nobody cares its his own people he is killing. I am just voicing concerns of the human loss. Appalling even by middle East's standards.

Well lost cause for peace. Its only downhill now. They are hell bent on self destruction and its only a matter of time.

Political gains though are too tempting for others involved so it just started getting messy.

Its either time for some big compromises or total collapse. Their choice
this is because of those kurds. They have openly become America's, and Zionist tools of the region.

They are trying to unite a territory with Iraqi kurds and declare "independence" and become a permanent vassal of American interests against iran and possibly turkey.

this Kurdish terrorist entity threatens both Iranian and Turkish long term interests... It is beyond time iran and turkey united to teach them a nice lesson in my opinion.
this is because of those kurds. They have openly become America's, and Zionist tools of the region.

They are trying to unite a territory with Iraqi kurds and declare "independence" and become a permanent vassal of American interests against iran and possibly turkey.

this Kurdish terrorist entity threatens both Iranian and Turkish long term interests... It is beyond time iran and turkey united to teach them a nice lesson in my opinion.

The likes of Turkey and Iran are never going to allow a Kurdistan in their territory. The Kurds cannot even create their territory in Iraq. They are being used by the Americans as cannon fodder.

This latest incident highlights that the war in Syria is very complex. Even under Trump, things could escalate badly between the various stakeholders.
The likes of Turkey and Iran are never going to allow a Kurdistan in their territory. The Kurds cannot even create their territory in Iraq. They are being used by the Americans as cannon fodder.

This latest incident highlights that the war in Syria is very complex. Even under Trump, things could escalate badly between the various stakeholders.

well , Erdogan is fucking up Turkey from within and his action is weakening Turkey unity ... I don't think he is after Turkey interest in region ...
well , Erdogan is fucking up Turkey from within and his action is weakening Turkey unity ... I don't think he is after Turkey interest in region ...

Depends on which side you are. Iranians mostly oppose Erdogan because he favors the Saudis.

You do realize that most Turks support Erdogan?
I find those people fool who believed in US propaganda that Iraq got chemical weapons.

Unfortunately, there are still naive people who believe once again the US propaganda that Assad forces used chemical bomb, even if US provided no proof and there were no investigations from UN.
Why is the Syrian regime even allowed air traffic after those alleged chemical weapons attack?

Its just a lost cause the middle east now.
Why? Because Russia. As long as it remains convenient for Russia to use Syria as a distraction, Syria will continue to remain in turmoil.

I find those people fool who believed in US propaganda that Iraq got chemical weapons.

Unfortunately, there are still naive people who believe once again the US propaganda that Assad forces used chemical bomb, even if US provided no proof and there were no investigations from UN.
Except, we know for a fact that Assad had chemical weapons, and there is plenty of evidence that chemical weapons were used, and Assad is the only one with the capability and technical know how to produce, develop, and deploy such weapons in Syria.

This isn't some great conspiracy theory. Keep in mind, the US wanted to STAY OUT of dealing with Syria, which is how Russia got so easily involved.

FYI, Iraq wasn't blamed for having chemical weapons, it was accused of having nuclear wmds. Iraqi chemical weapons were tolerated, nothing more.
majority could be wrong and this is proven fact by history time after times ....

Then you should go for minority rule, don't you think so? Why do you have elections?

well , Erdogan is fucking up Turkey from within and his action is weakening Turkey unity ... I don't think he is after Turkey interest in region ...

We understand why you are so frustrated. BTW, what is your opinion regarding FETO? Since you think that Erdogan is fucking up you must be one of those who thinks that the FETO terrorists were on the right track, right?
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