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US eyes Port Blair as new drone base

US is not asking India to hand over any base. But US is asking to land drone on a base. Its not handing over of any territory.

We can't accede to either demands..this isn't some emergency MRO related landing..but an operational/routine one. We didn't give it to the Soviets when they stonewalled you guys in 71 for us and we won't give it to you. On this negotiations are impractical..unless...by the remotest of chances..China declares war on us tomorrow..even then it would be a long shot.
We can't accede to either demands..this isn't some emergency MRO related landing..but an operational/routine one. We didn't give it to the Soviets when they stonewalled you guys in 71 for us and we won't give it to you. On this negotiations are impractical..unless...by the remotest of chances..China declares war on us tomorrow..even then it would be a long shot.

did the Soviets ever ask for a base in India? I don't think they believe that their ships can compete with the US carrier task force.
did the Soviets ever ask for a base in India? I don't think they believe that their ships can compete with the US carrier task force.

They asked for it specially because while a Kirov can threaten a CBG it cannot offensively project force like a CBG in the high seas..nor does it have the independent operational capacities of a CBG..such cruisers require nearby extensive basing and shore facilities...nothing can match a CBG on the high seas. Needless to say, we refused. Neither troop stationing nor lending of bases will be allowed. Treaties and alliances sans such peculiarities are another matter. Any government which does try to do so will get booted out of power..its non-negotiable for the people here. Other than that people are free to speculate and cook up scenarios.
They asked for it specially because while a Kirov can threaten a CBG it cannot offensively project force like a CBG in the high seas..nor does it have the independent operational capacities of a CBG..such cruisers require nearby extensive basing and shore facilities...nothing can match a CBG on the high seas. Needless to say, we refused. Neither troop stationing nor lending of bases will be allowed. Treaties and alliances sans such peculiarities are another matter. Any government which does try to do so will get booted out of power..its non-negotiable for the people here. Other than that people are free to speculate and cook up scenarios.

Well, its time for people of India to get use to American military presence in your country and support the leaders that think along this line. There is no shame when allow US planes to base in Indian bases.
Well, its time for people of India to get use to American military presence in your country and support the leaders that think along this line. There is no shame when allow US planes to base in Indian bases.

The people of India have a mind of their own and will decide on their own. If the US pushes too hard it will only be detrimental for the relations between the two nations. Other than that keep fantasizing. We do not expect you to fight a war with China for us..which happens to be the only nation in the continent capable of posing a grave risk and we don't need you to fight one for us with Pakistan..which has slipped to a shadow of its former self. I believe we are at an impasse.
did the Soviets ever ask for a base in India? I don't think they believe that their ships can compete with the US carrier task force.

I didn't think ever know anything , read about Russian Black Fleet, Equivalent to US fleet in old time, right now Russian has missile cruiser which can take down any AC anytime.
Well, its time for people of India to get use to American military presence in your country and support the leaders that think along this line. There is no shame when allow US planes to base in Indian bases.

There are no leaders currently in India who support allowing foreign troops to operate Indian bases. If you have any evidence to the contrary, please do provide the same.

Indians during the height of the cold war, refused bases to our best allies, the Soviets/Russians. The Americans for all that you point out are not trusted by either bureaucrats, technocrats or politicians. The armed forces too while co-operating will not go in for allying with other militaries.

And it has nothing to do with shame/respect/dignity or whatever you are making it out to be. We follow our own policies and our own interests. That is paramount. And till date we have a higher record of being anti US in the UN, than even China. Indian territory is just that. Indian territory. We do not see the need for Americans to come into our neighbourhood, since this does not suit us.
No country should dare to violet the sovereign of our country. The US is eyeing bay of Bengal and Andaman sea for a very long time, First they eyed Bangladesh and now Andaman.
No country should dare to violet the sovereign of our country. The US is eyeing bay of Bengal and Andaman sea for a very long time, First they eyed Bangladesh and now Andaman.

I am sure that no regime no matter what, will allow a foreign country to have an established base. Not even Maino Madam can afford that.

Strategic exercises, joint partnerships, defense dialogues, exchange of technologies, exports and imports etc is fine. But base is a big No.
Alliances are not bad..but alliances can also be made without handing over bases. One is not the sine qua non for the other to occur. That's all I am saying man.

What is the use of alliances when you donot co-operate physically on the ground. I donot know if this true or not but i read it somewhere that Kennedy had offered to lend airforce to India in 1962... can we seriously claim that had India accepted this what would happned to the war?? Or indeed post 1962?? No we cannot say for certain but only speculate. We cannot defend alone especially aganist Chinese aggretion.

Again i will bring Mahabharat.. Did pandav formed the alliances just for namesake?? When it is said that arjun alone had defeated the entire kuru forces at viraat. Any way India doesnot need to handover port blair to USA.. like pakistan has handed over gwader to chinese... but surely we can look at the possibility of working together there.. tell me why should US help us if they don't get anything out of it. After all they too are worried about chinese.

One is always the sine qua non for the other to occur after all what is the use of such an alliance that we cannot use to send a message to chinese that you may be stronger than us militarily but we will make it up with our allies who will not mind open confrontation with you if you force us in that position.
Like I said before, readind some Indian posters comments further proves the majority of Indians lack STRATEGIC SENSE
Like I said before, readind some Indian posters comments further proves the majority of Indians lack STRATEGIC SENSE

Please do enlighten us with your sense of strategy and how it forwards our cause.
I don't mind this deal if US pressuraize UK to hand over the British Indian Ocean Territories to India.
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