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US education only produces Morons, says famous Professor.


Mar 3, 2014
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Russian Federation
Please listen to one of the most intelligent Men on the Planet. Professor Kaku. He is talking about American Education system.

In short he says that US education is only able to produce Morons and Retards. The true brain capacity of USA comes from foreign nations, buyed with Dollars. Those dollars are based upon worthless IOU debts. USA sucking world empty with fakery and lies.

The american dream - Dream of a thief


America your pathetic agenda becoming more and more disgusting. :tdown:
High School? Yes.

American Universities? HECK NO!

American universities are some of the best institutions out there...

American high schools suck big time though
High School? Yes.

American Universities? HECK NO!

American universities are some of the best institutions out there...

American high schools suck big time though

The Foreign students play the music on the Unis.

The basic US youth are rap infested, braindead monkeys, watching reality TV shows. US Marine corps are recruiting from those youth. :lol:
Please listen to one of the most intelligent Men on the Planet. Professor Kaku. He is talking about American Education system.

In short he says that US education is only able to produce Morons and Retards. The true brain capacity of USA comes from foreign nations, buyed with Dollars. Those dollars are based upon worthless IOU debts. USA sucking world empty with fakery and lies.

The american dream - Dream of a thief


America your pathetic agenda becoming more and more disgusting. :tdown:

Maybe next time if you want to bash America, you should master English first.

It make you sounded like one of those people produced by the American Education System.

Of if this is a pun, then I don't know..

In case you don't know

No such word as buyed, it's bought.
And Fakery means lies already, so your words are redundant.
Unfortunately education is not equal in the US. If you live in a small town with a small budget you are going to get less of an education (which will be tailored towards the lowest common denominator) versus a big budget prep school which has entrance exams to raise the bar on that denominator.
High School? Yes.

American Universities? HECK NO!

American universities are some of the best institutions out there...

American high schools suck big time though

This sums it up. There's a startling difference in quality between American secondary and tertiary education.
They must have something right..surely.

The industrialization that happened in US won the two world wars
Maybe next time if you want to bash America, you should master English first.

It make you sounded like one of those people produced by the American Education System.

Of if this is a pun, then I don't know..

In case you don't know

No such word as buyed, it's bought.
And Fakery means lies already, so your words are redundant.

Oh ho and still you need foreigners to make your atoms hot. i CAN serve you a hot sausage if you wish, sweety. :lol:
It's true. America is heavily dependent on immigration for it's success unlike the 120 million Japanese who sustain a $6 trillion economy on their own with negligible immigration. Many claim the breakdown of America's family is responsible for this abysmal state

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It's true. America is heavily dependent on immigration for it's success unlike the 120 million Japanese who sustain a $6 trillion economy on their own with negligible immigration.

You ever watched a jaopanese Anime?! Those guys are crazy and creative like HELL
Please listen to one of the most intelligent Men on the Planet. Professor Kaku.

All he is saying is that immigration is good for America.

It is the politically correct thing to say and you have to put his words in the context of anti-immigration sentiment rising in some sections of American society.

If every single foreign student in American went back tomorrow, you can rest assured that America will do just fine.
Yes the SAT's are designed to find talented people who may be stuck in a mediocre school (through no fault of their own) .

My friend scored a 2350 on it and still didn't get into Harvard
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