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US Drone Strikes mosque during Fajr prayer

Twin strikes kill 8 militants, including Uzbek fighters

By Our Correspondent
Published: May 25, 2012

An eyewitness told The Express Tribune that the impact of the strikes razed the mud house to the ground in which militants were residing.

At least eight militants, four of them Uzbek fighters, were killed in twin drone strikes early Thursday in the Esokhel area of Mir Ali, a sub-division of the North Waziristan Agency, a security official said.

According to the official, two missiles struck a house and a mosque near the Esokhel graveyard around 5:30 am. An eyewitness told The Express Tribune that the mud house sanctuary of the militants collapsed following the drone attack.

Five people were killed in the house, while the other three died near a mosque close by,” said a local, on the condition of anonymity.

The drone strike also left the mosque partially damaged.

Soon after the strike, local militants surrounded the house and shifted the bodies to an undisclosed location, said a witness.

Four militants were killed in a similar drone strike in Miramshah, headquarters of the North Waziristan Agency a day earlier.

Thursday’s strike brought the death toll from such strikes to 12 in two days, officials told AFP.
A neighbour, Mohammad Rafiq, told AFP the attack triggered a fire at the compound of the house where militants were exercising in the courtyard.

Twin strikes kill 8 militants, including Uzbek fighters – The Express Tribune

Note that this report does not say ANYONE in the mosque was injured or killed.
After last summit pace of Drone strike increase dramatically ????
What were the names of these Uzbeks, what violent acts had they carried out? What Justification does the US give to kill these particular three guys?

Also I repeat, it is abhorrent that you are not questioning the sanity of the attack of choosing Fajr prayers a time of general congregation of town folk, which WILL kill everybody in the congregation right?

Thats why we Pakistanis have been saying the US has no right to do these drone attacks just because the NWA operation has not happened. As a foreign force it just doesn't have the regard for the loss of life in Pakistan that we would have had.

This attack, like so many things the United States seems to be doing (refusal to meet the President, last minute invite, legislating against Pakistan) all seem to take a pattern of overt enmity towards Pakistanis. This is the next step, to Punish Pakistanis by killing our general population under one pretext or the other.

People laughed when the thread "Does US want to invade Pakistan" was created.

They won't be laughing when it actually happens sooner or later, at this rate with the current Tyrannical rulers in power, I don't doubt it happening .
Twin strikes kill 8 militants, including Uzbek fighters

By Our Correspondent
Published: May 25, 2012

An eyewitness told The Express Tribune that the impact of the strikes razed the mud house to the ground in which militants were residing.

Note that this report does not say ANYONE in the mosque was injured or killed.

Talib sympathizers will ignore this sadly.

However as a Pakistani I am ashamed that my country's law enforcement agencies are sitting on the ringside, as if this is a WWF style fight between Militants and Americans.

This is not good.

FATA is our land. We should be in their fighting and killing militants. This is not American's job to hunt criminals in our area, it is our job.

Pakistan army has already gone into 6 out of 7 tribal agencies. So the excuse of FCR regulations is no longer there., It is time for us to cleanse the last remaining territory aka North Wazirastan.

Once we are truly controlling our territory aka NW, then there will be no need for drone strikes.

So we should be raising our voice in support of Pak army going to North Wazirastan instead of chirping like little birds, chirping against drones.,


Talib sympathizers will ignore this sadly.

However as a Pakistani I am ashamed that my country's law enforcement agencies are sitting on the ringside, as if this is a WWF style fight between Militants and Americans.

This is not good.

FATA is our land. We should be in their fighting and killing militants. This is not American's job to hunt criminals in our area, it is our job.

Pakistan army has already gone into 6 out of 7 tribal agencies. So the excuse of FCR regulations is no longer there., It is time for us to cleanse the last remaining territory aka North Wazirastan.

Once we are truly controlling our territory aka NW, then there will be no need for drone strikes.

So we should be raising our voice in support of Pak army going to North Wazirastan instead of chirping like little birds, chirping against drones.,


Thanks buddy the surprising part was someone from outside have to convince you that land you officially own should be in your control. The operation in FATA and SWAT was started after convincing from US. Even today NW operation is not started. Then people blame US for drones, how can they not look at their own fault.
US is launching the drones. I understand, its completely justifiable to protest against them then.

But why isn't anyone protesting against Zardari? He's the dude who signed an agreement to let the Drones operate in the first place.
US is launching the drones. I understand, its completely justifiable to protest against them then.

But why isn't anyone protesting against Zardari? He's the dude who signed an agreement to let the Drones operate in the first place.

Why not PA, they signed the agreement in the first place and Zardari grandfathered it. Also, Zardari can be blamed when he has full power, if PA continues to interfere in governance they should take the blame too.
Thanks buddy the surprising part was someone from outside have to convince you that land you officially own should be in your control. The operation in FATA and SWAT was started after convincing from US. Even today NW operation is not started. Then people blame US for drones, how can they not look at their own fault.

Many Pakistanis who chirp against drones do not even live in Pakistan. you have to keep this in mind.

However your characterization of this issue is a bit over-simplistic.

Pakistan army is dealing with Islamist insurgency since the early 90s (Many Islamists will deny this). And they have been very deliberate in launching military ops in FATA.

95+% of media in Pakistan has no concept of nationalism (unlike Indian media), so the army has to be mindful of the mass-support in light of such $tupid media.

Remember lal-masjid? Do you know that Pak army soldiers who gave their lives have been treated as scoundrels while the Mullah Ghazi the burqa posh hasina is the hero.

Only few days ago Pak supreme court has sided with Mullah burqa posh.

In such a poisonous environment, Pak army is hesitant.

However me thinks it is high time Pak army went into NW to kick out Qaida goons. Majority of Pashtoons in the area have been held hostage by Qaida on the ground, while being bombed by Americans from the air. Talk about catch 22.

Only Pak army can liberate those Pashtoons and we should take their side now.

Many Pakistanis who chirp against drones do not even live in Pakistan. you have to keep this in mind.

However your characterization of this issue is a bit over-simplistic.

Pakistan army is dealing with Islamist insurgency since the early 90s (Many Islamists will deny this). And they have been very deliberate in launching military ops in FATA.

95+% of media in Pakistan has no concept of nationalism (unlike Indian media), so the army has to be mindful of the mass-support in light of such $tupid media.

Remember lal-masjid? Do you know that Pak army soldiers who gave their lives have been treated as scoundrels while the Mullah Ghazi the burqa posh hasina is the hero.

Only few days ago Pak supreme court has sided with Mullah burqa posh.

In such a poisonous environment, Pak army is hesitant.

However me thinks it is high time Pak army went into NW to kick out Qaida goons. Majority of Pashtoons in the area have been held hostage by Qaida on the ground, while being bombed by Americans from the air. Talk about catch 22.

Only Pak army can liberate those Pashtoons and we should take their side now.


Partly understand however I have some questions. Do you think it was a mistake to allow creating militants on your own soil without thinking about negative repercussion. I know you needed them in war against USSR, but then did you seriously tried to control them?

On the other side, if you have not controlled them and you are helpless but other countries are getting impact, they have right to protect themselves.
Partly understand however I have some questions. Do you think it was a mistake to allow creating militants on your own soil without thinking about negative repercussion. I know you needed them in war against USSR, but then did you seriously tried to control them?

On the other side, if you have not controlled them and you are helpless but other countries are getting impact, they have right to protect themselves.

Before I make a feeble attempt to answer your questions (Many Indians will continue asking the same questions if if they read my response), let me explain how Militants are "created" as you put it.

FYI, Militants are "created" in the wombs of their mothers, just like "graduate students" are created in their mothers' wombs.

Just like Indian graduate students looking for "funding" from American universities, Militants go to their Mad-house madrassahs for "funding".

These Mad-house Madrassahs in turn get the money from Arab sheesh-kabob sheiks. (just like American universities get money from American sheiks).

Coming back to your question.

Pakistan was going to be the channel for transferring American and Arab funds to the mad-house madrasssahs and Muj-Mujahideens no matter what.

So we cannot question now the decisions made in 1970s and 80s after Commies invaded Afghanistan.

Remember Commies came first, Muj only responded.

With due respect, your question is more like Monday morning quarter backing.

Our issue these days is not much about Muj from mad hourse madrasshas.

Our issue is with Pakistanis settled in USA, UK, Canada who live and bread in the West and yet create Jihad in their adopted countries and their mother country.

Within Pakistan, we are just confused. We are suffering from uncertainty about economy, lack of electricity, high unemployment, and ethno-religious strife.

Our media is 95+ Islamist and communist or both. Thus our true-nationalism among civilians is at the lowest level unfortunately.

Muj, Talib, and Mullahs are simply taking advantage of this.

However I strongly feel that Pak army must go into NW in the coming months. We'll suffer heavily but in the end it will be good for my beautiful country.

Imagine if Pakistan would strike a Church full of Christian worshipers in the US all hell would break loose.
Do they really get mad and hunt them down? You know we have no tolerance for terrorists whether foreign or domestic to make sure that other countries have an excuse to bomb on American soil if we allow them to grow and expand to attack those countries. If Pakistan can't do the job, then someone will.

Oh I'm sorry, they are MUSLIM terrorists. Happy now? In any case we don't need approval to bomb mosques and others just cause other MUSLIM terrorists bombed them just for the heck of it. We bomb it if its being used for military purposes.

There is something called Sovereignty... Pakistan has one and u need to respect it....
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