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US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A suspected U.S. drone fired two missiles at a vehicle in Pakistan's northwest tribal region on Monday, killing at least four suspected militants, intelligence officials said.
The incident was followed by a second drone strike on a house nearby, but no one was killed in that attack, the intelligence officials said.
Both strikes took place about 25 kilometers (16 miles) west of Mirsanshah, the main town in North Waziristan, one of seven semi-autonomous tribal districts in northwest Pakistan.
This is the third known drone attack this year in Pakistan, which has had tensions with the United States after a NATO attack left 24 Pakistani soldiers dead in November.
U.S. officials rarely discuss the CIA's drone program in Pakistan, though privately they have said the covert strikes are legal and an effective tactic in the fight against extremists.
Exclusive: How Pakistan helps the U.S. drone campaign

By Chris Allbritton
ISLAMABAD | Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:12am EST

(Reuters) - The death of a senior al Qaeda leader in a U.S. drone strike in Pakistan's tribal badlands, the first strike in almost two months, signaled that the U.S.-Pakistan intelligence partnership is still in operation despite political tensions.

The Jan 10 strike -- and its follow-up two days later -- were joint operations, a Pakistani security source based in the tribal areas told Reuters.

They made use of Pakistani "spotters" on the ground and demonstrated a level of coordination that both sides have sought to downplay since tensions erupted in January 2011 with the killing of two Pakistanis by a CIA contractor in Lahore.

"Our working relationship is a bit different from our political relationship," the source told Reuters, requesting anonymity. "It's more productive."

U.S. and Pakistani sources told Reuters that the target of the Jan 10 attack was Aslam Awan, a Pakistani national from Abbottabad, the town where Osama bin Laden was killed last May by a U.S. commando team.

They said he was targeted in a strike by a U.S.-operated drone directed at what news reports said was a compound near the town of Miranshah in the border province of North Waziristan.

That strike broke an undeclared eight-week hiatus in attacks by the armed, unmanned drones that patrol the tribal areas and are a key weapon in U.S. President Barack Obama's counter-terrorism strategy.

The sources described Awan, also known by the nom-de-guerre Abdullah Khorasani, as a significant figure in the remaining core leadership of al Qaeda, which U.S. officials say has been sharply reduced by the drone campaign. Most of the drone attacks are conducted as part of a clandestine CIA operation.

The Pakistani source, who helped target Awan, could not confirm that he was killed, but the U.S. official said he was. European officials said Awan had spent time in London and had ties to British extremists before returning to Pakistan.

The source, who says he runs a network of spotters primarily in North and South Waziristan, described for the first time how U.S.-Pakistani cooperation on strikes works, with his Pakistani agents keeping close tabs on suspected militants and building a pattern of their movements and associations.

"We run a network of human intelligence sources," he said. "Separately, we monitor their cell and satellite phones.

"Thirdly, we run joint monitoring operations with our U.S. and UK friends," he added, noting that cooperation with British intelligence was also extensive.

Pakistani and U.S. intelligence officers, using their own sources, hash out a joint "priority of targets lists" in regular face-to-face meetings, he said.

"Al Qaeda is our top priority," he said.

He declined to say where the meetings take place.

Once a target is identified and "marked," his network coordinates with drone operators on the U.S. side. He said the United States bases drones outside Kabul, likely at Bagram airfield about 25 miles north of the capital.

From spotting to firing a missile "hardly takes about two to three hours," he said.

The security source said very few innocent people had been killed in the strikes. When a militant takes shelter in a house or compound which is then bombed, "the ones who are harboring him, they are equally responsible," he said.

"When they stay at a host house, they (the hosts) obviously have sympathies for these guys."

He denied that Pakistan helped target civilians.

"If ... others say innocents have been targeted, it's not true," he said. "We never target civilians or innocents."

The New America Foundation policy institute says that of 283 reported strikes from 2004 to Nov 16, 2011, between 1,717 and 2,680 people were killed. Between 293 and 471 were thought to be civilians -- approximately 17 percent of those killed.

The Brookings Institution, however, says civilian deaths are high, reporting in 2009 that "for every militant killed, 10 or more civilians also died." Pakistan's interior minister, Rehman Malik, also said in April 2011 that "the majority of victims are innocent civilians."

Still, despite its public stance, Pakistan has quietly supported the drone program since Obama ramped up air strikes when he took office in 2009 and even asked for more flights.

According to a U.S. State Department cable published by anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks, Pakistan's chief of army staff General Ashfaq Kayani in February 2008 asked Admiral William J. Fallon, then-commander of U.S. Central Command, for increased surveillance and round-the-clock drone coverage over North and South Waziristan.

The security source said Pakistan's powerful spy agency, the Directorate of Inter-Services Intelligence, also was supportive of the strikes, albeit privately.

Exclusive: How Pakistan helps the U.S. drone campaign | Reuters

were is air force of this country ? :cry: not even one shot fired on drone by air defense forces .:angry:

---------- Post added at 08:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 AM ----------

U.S. drone attack kills 10 in Pakistan: officials

MIRANSHAH, Pakistan | Tue Feb 7, 2012 11:28pm EST

(Reuters) - A U.S. drone aircraft killed 10 suspected militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan region near the Afghanistan border on Wednesday, security officials and residents said, the fifth such strike this year.

The unacknowledged Central Intelligence Agency drone program, a key element in U.S. counter-terrorism efforts, was apparently halted after a November NATO air attack from across the Afghan border killed 24 Pakistani soldiers enraged Pakistan.

The United States resumed attacks with the missile-firing drones in northwest Pakistan on January 10.

In Wednesday's attack, a drone fired two missiles at a house suspected of being a militant hideout in the village of Thapi, 15 km (10 miles) east of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan.

The building was completely destroyed and 10 suspected militants were killed, Pakistani security officials said.

"Almost all the men were burnt beyond recognition," a villager said after visiting the destroyed house.

"Dozens of militants arrived later and took over rescue work. They pulled out nine bodies," he said, requesting anonymity.

Security officials and villagers said the dead included foreign fighters but they did not specify their nationalities.

U.S. drone attack kills 10 in Pakistan: officials | Reuters
But didn't General Kayani suspend the Chain of command or that was only meant if US forces engaged with Pak mil.

Why not go yourself and clean this area? Why suffer such humiliation on a regular basis?
Bl[i]tZ;2575951 said:
But didn't General Kayani suspend the Chain of command or that was only meant if US forces engaged with Pak mil.

as per there words BLOODY CIVILIANS lives has no value . that order was for keep there guys on work .that was not even effected for forces . i am sure next attack on pak forces happen and they will did nothing .

but i swear my mom if USA left in this situation and pakistani forces never did any thing till last day these losers will never ever been respected for me .
as per there words BLOODY CIVILIANS lives has no value . that order was for keep there guys on work .that was not even effected for forces . i am sure next attack on pak forces happen and they will did nothing .

but i swear my mom if USA left in this situation and pakistani forces never did any thing till last day these losers will never ever been respected for me .

Imran bhai, do you really think Americans target civilians? I mean that would mean they gain nothing and waste the missile plus the human effort behind these ops as well.

Don't you think these guys are hard-core terrorists?
Bl[i]tZ;2575968 said:
Imran bhai, do you really think Americans target civilians? I mean that would mean they gain nothing and waste the missile plus the human effort behind these ops as well.

Don't you think these guys are hard-core terrorists?

my dear brother my thoughts are 1000% clear

first of all who give right to a foreign force jet to fly inside pakistan loaded with missiles bombs?
second they don't care if with one terrorist 50 or 10 civilians die
third they hit funeral prayers to hunt terrorists and killed dozens of civil
they don't know ground realities like pakistanis that why many times they hit marriage or tribe meeting too
400 kids killed till now by these drone
its a sovregn country ? nope i don't think so any forces allow foreign air craft to bomb there countrymen are not worthy to call force .
how the hell a US jet fly and bombed pakistanis daily ?what is job of PAF?

and last and worse part of this game is this one

from BBC urdu

ایسے ہی ایک اجلاس پر مارچ سنہ دو ہزار گیارہ میں حملہ ہوا جس میں کم از کم چالیس ہلاکتیں ہوئیں۔ یہ حملہ سی آئی اے کے کانٹریکٹر ریمنڈ ڈیوس کی ایک پاکستانی عدالت سے رہائی کے ایک روز بعد پیش آیا۔ ذرائع ابلاغ کے مطابق یہ حملہ سی آئی اے کے اس وقت کے چیف لیون پنیٹا کے احکامات پر کیا گیا تھا جو مبینہ طور پر ڈیوس کی گرفتاری پر شدید برہم تھے۔

?BBC Urdu? - ??? ???? - ?’???? ????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ???‘?

After release of ramound davis from Pakistan CIA head leon panetta order to attack on committee and killed 42 on civilians tribal elders by drone attack next day of RD release for teach pakistan a lesson . leon panetta was angry on arrest and trail of ramound davis .
This is the 5th strike this year.

According to Pakistani officials, those killed were not locals.

The missiles were fired at a house in the Spalga area some 12km from Miranshah, said an official. “At least nine militants were killed,” he said, adding that the building was completely destroyed.

Local sources told The Express Tribune that at around 6:50am, a huge explosion was heard. They said that those killed were “not residents” of the area. The view was shared by intelligence officials who said that there was a possibility that the men killed were from Punjab.
This is the 5th strike this year.

According to Pakistani officials, those killed were not locals.

so if they are not from that area its mean they should be bombed ? wow nice idea sir . in 2012 every pakistani should stay in his home and not to go anywhere because its a crime and you can bombed by USA if you do so :angel:
Still, civilian deaths are unacceptable. PA should take up this job in tribal areas to reduce civilian casualty.
Still, civilian deaths are unacceptable. PA should take up this job in tribal areas to reduce civilian casualty.

ohh so we have army too ? i was unaware of that sir jee. 282 times we bombed with GBUs HELLFIRE missiles and we still have army ?:cheers:

our army sleep tight now after sale there motherland to USA .now its leased by USA till WOT over and USA left. believe me Pakistani forces pose there self great men in uniform after WOT too as they win a war . in fact they did nothing and lose whole respect from eyes of nation .i was wonder some years before when i read anti pak forces i got mad . but know i am mature person i can see what they are .yes they are not worthy to be respected .
I agree with Imran...you can't bomb any country...sad.

my brother yes they can because when our ISI army capture hundreds and sale to USA early WOT time . when we allow them to do whatever in pakistan . when CIA make there own rings in pakistan . when we allow them firse unarmed drones .when we support them to do each and every thing above law .when our army look for aid more then defense of nation . then you can expect whatever from other side . i am 1000% if they shot down first drone loaded with bomb enter pakistan and get so much angry that day stop supply for nato and make so much drama in 2004 . today we never seen such days .you lose one time and you lose your sovereignty in 2004 :tdown:
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