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US diver on maverick mission to find Bin Laden's body

third eye

Aug 24, 2008
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It takes all kinds...

BBC News - US diver on maverick mission to find Bin Laden's body

A US salvage diver says he will scour the bottom of the north Arabian Sea to hunt for the body of Osama Bin Laden.

Bill Warren says that he wants to establish once and for all whether the al-Qaeda leader was killed by US forces in May, and then buried out at sea.

Mr Warren, 59, says his search will begin in about four weeks time, and will cost around $400,000 (£245,000).

He admits it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack, but maintains it is not an impossible mission.

Mr Warren, who runs a California-based salvage company and has worked on 200 ship wrecks, told the BBC he had "some doubts" as to whether Osama Bin Laden was dead because the US government had not showed any images of the body.

Should he succeed in his mission, he says, he will photograph and video the corpse, and also take a sample of hair - either from Bin Laden's head or his beard - for verification purposes.

Mr Warren admitted the chances of success were slim, but said modern equipment could scan large areas of the sea floor.

"I've done side scan sonar in 10,000 feet (3,000m) of water and spotted a toilet, a tyre, a coffee cup - you can actually see the ripples on the sand."

Mr Warren says his search will begin in the shallow waters off Pakistan. If that proves fruitless, then he will move to a deep water search.

He says he is hoping for a tip-off on the approximate location that the body was thrown overboard.
I suppose when you are 59 you need an adventure to end your life with a bang


His style is a bit different then popular mentality
When he was alive, he was a wanted man. When he is dead, he is still a wanted man. Come on USA give the guy a break:usflag:
I think by this time OBL would be fish poop..
fresh meat in the sea is not to be left alone..
This is just another propaganda and soon we will read in the papers


or something like that and in the end it is just gonna give more reality to the US (wrong) claims......
Must be that Hollywood guy who made the movie Finding Nemo. This one maybe titled Finding Lado.
The article does not seem to indicate a US Govt funding. Seems more like a private venture.
we had the dude with the sword who thought he could single-handedly hunt bin laden when he was reported to be alive; now we have wealthy adventure-seekers trying to dive the Arabian Sea to find bin laden when he is reportedly dead

(''buried at sea'')

so if he's caught, maybe they'll say his body was found in Bambawala-Ravi-Bedian Canal....why did we find his body and not Pakistanis :enjoy:
Waste Of Time And Money :drag:, What Will he Do with The Body In case He finds It ???
Waste Of Time And Money :drag:, What Will he Do with The Body In case He finds It ???

He will earn many times over if he finds the skeleton.
There are loads of people who do such diving to find old artifacts, possible wreckage. It is a good business.
Unless they wrote Osama's name on the body bag in which he was stuffed and thrown in, this man might never find success.

These waters are the playground of two hostile navies which every other day kill a few 'unknown' fishermen and dump their bodies in the ocean. He may end up scoring a few thousand bodies even before he gets DNA results of the first one.
Unless they wrote Osama's name on the body bag in which he was stuffed and thrown in, this man might never find success.

These waters are the playground of two hostile navies which every other day kill a few 'unknown' fishermen and dump their bodies in the ocean. He may end up scoring a few thousand bodies even before he gets DNA results of the first one.

Which hostile navies are you talking about? I am not sure that any fishermen is being killed by any navy in arabian sea.
mehhh...it's just a risky investment for a wealthy person who is adament about his view that OBL was never killed at ''A-bad'' and never buried at sea

due to risks (safety and of course possible failure) the returns on investment are pretty high

the initial investment is around $400,000; if he finds the body (which is not gonna happen, i can assure you) then imagine the amount of fame he would receive

and even if he doesnt find the body, there are authors/publishers who would still love to talk to him; Time magazine will feature him somewhere in one of their monthlys....the talkshows, the news shows --they'll host him

so the fame and financial rewards would be in his favour either way, i suppose. Strange world we live in.
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