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US describes India as a responsible N-state

Last time i checked it was Pakistan from which not just Hindus but also rich and educated were fleeing. And If India is Horrible place then could care to tell me what adj u would use decrsibe yr beloved country.

Last I checked, alot of people were also going back to India from the West and other places Indians have emigrated to, the list inclusive of up to second generation Indians born abroad. And that's due to the growing economy and potential in India, AND the stability u get in there. Pakistan's way too unstable and volatile, and that's a definite drawback. :agree:
Pakistan has hundreds of million less hungry than India. Anyway how does it feel to be ruled by a white woman

Pakistan has same poverty levels as India and with recent floods and with bad shape of economy poverty levels are bound to be far worse in Pakistan.
yr nation since its inception has being ruled by America, Saudis, China how does it feel.
As they say, Chinese are always right

India pursuing independent foreign policy: Chinese daily

BEIJING: India has been pursuing an independent foreign policy based on its national interest, including good ties with Beijing, an influential Chines daily said today, dismissing perception that New Delhi's 'Look East Policy' is aimed at collaborating with US to contain China.

"India lately held a trilateral dialogue with the United States and Japan, and it has also close contacts with Vietnam, Myanmar and some other Southeast Asian countries," an article in the state-run People's Daily Online said today on India's Look East policy.

"However, it cannot be deemed as collaboration of the United States and India. India has been pursuing the independent foreign policy and mainly considers its own interests," it said

The article said "it is hard to imagine that India will completely follow the foreign policies of the United States".

"India has an all-round diplomatic policy and it both maintain relations with the United States" and takes account of "relations with other countries".

It said India keeps "a close contact with Russia, Japan and the European Union countries and its relation with China is also positive," it said.

Stating that India had submitted "positive proposals" at the recently held BRICS summit in New Delhi, the daily said "it is groundless to think its Look East Policy' and the American strategy of eastward transfer are converging", it said.

The daily said while the strategy of eastward transfer "catered to the psychology of India's misgivings and precautions against China, it "also manifested its enthusiasm".

The article is second such write up by Chinese state-run think tanks in recent months, acknowledging that New Delhi was pursuing an independent policy, dismissing earlier perceptions that India's East Asia push into Beijing's neighbourhood was aimed at containing China.

no different to all you indians trying to leave India

oh really, More than 12000 pakistanis want to be Indian

Govt eases citizenship rules for Pak refugees - Hindustan Times
Pakistan has hundreds of million less hungry than India. Anyway how does it feel to be ruled by a white woman

Pakistan also has almost 1billion people LESS than India does Aryan. Your country has a whole load on its hands just trying to keep 4 provinces together:guns:. That's just the size of one part of India, which seems to be doing way better than u guys are right now.

So quit trying to make mindless comparisons here.:angry:
Ahh shucks- thank you Mr Uncle Sam, now you've given your seal of approval I can sleep safely at night now!! If the US stopped thinking of themselves as the world police/ voice of the World they'd win a few more friends.
no different to all you indians trying to leave India

Apart from nonsense articles from dubious authors, do remember that Pakistan immigration rate is almost 5 times higher (or was it 10) than India ;)

:rofl: just realized there is 30 Indians and two Pakistani on this thread. Quality against quantity. keeping rest of forum clean I suppose

You actually spent time counting :rofl:
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