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US Demands Indian Army To Battle The Taliban in Afghanistan

Whatchu talking about? The US made demands to the Taliban, which they did not meet, that's why they were attacked.

1. Deliver to the US all al-Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan

2. Release all imprisoned foreign nationals

3. Protect foreign journalists, diplomats and aid workers

4. Close immediately every terrorist training camp, and hand over every terrorist and their supporters

5. Give the United States full access to terrorist training camps for inspection

The US wanted Taliban to come to the table right after the major operations were over.

.......:rofl:............and disobeying all of that, the americans didn't want to destroy the afghan Taliban, especially in the wake of 9-11.........:lol:......they weren't feeling vengeful at all....... :disagree:

The americans have thrown trillions of dollars in 18 years, used ALL the MOST deadliest and powerful weapons available to mankind bar nukes, yet have NOT managed to destroy the afghan taliban.......:azn:

In fact they have become more stronger.....:azn::


Let india dare send just 50k soldiers into afghanistan. Im so much excited just reading this. I hope they send atleast 50k soldiers into afghanistan.

Need to send at least 500,000 with FULL logistical support. Hopefully they will.....8-)
.......:rofl:............and disobeying all of that, the americans didn't want to destroy the afghan Taliban, especially in the wake of 9-11.........:lol:......they weren't feeling vengeful at all....... :disagree:

The americans have thrown trillions of dollars in 18 years, used ALL the MOST deadliest and powerful weapons available to mankind bar nukes, yet have NOT managed to destroy the afghan taliban.......:azn:

In fact they have become more stronger.....:azn::


Need to send at least 500,000 with FULL logistical support. Hopefully they will.....8-)
come on modi...these were the very invaders of your mother india who ransacked and plundered her. its payback time modi, send over your 500k troops...go on, let's see you pump your 56 inch moobs, do it for your mother india!!! :devil:
Don't forget to send the following for the MANORANJAN of the Talbans .
On a more serious note I don't think this can happen due a logistical and supply issue - How will India transport its troops to A-stan and how will it sustain a supply line?? Obviously Pakistan will never allow this via its soil. So the only other option is via Iran. Again this will be an extremely unlikely and extremely expensive logistical option since Pakistan won't allow any Indian ships through its EEZ zone which means indian ships have to travel more distance before reaching Iran. Then from Iran reaching the Western borders of A-stan, and then make their journey all the way to Kabul. Improbable if not impossible. And not to mention Iran will turn into an enemy of Taliban if it allows this to happen.
On a more serious note I don't think this can happen due a logistical and supply issue - How will India transport its troops to A-stan and how will it sustain a supply line?? Obviously Pakistan will never allow this. So the only other option is via Iran. Again this will be an extremely unlikely and extremely expensive logistical option since Pakistan won't allow any Indian ships through its EEZ zone which means indian ships have to travel more distance before reaching Iran. Then from Iran reaching the Western borders of A-stan, and then make their journey all the way to Kabul. Improbable if not impossible.
no no, we'll allow their troops through to afghanistan, not a problem! 8-)
During the British Raj, the Indian soldiers indeed accompanied the British officers in their couple of campaigns into Afganistan. Unfortunately, nobody could come back....
You really think this was a surprise announcement by Trump?

Wishful thinking at its best.




They have been planning to put PMCs on this for a long time.

In fact, there is a thread running here on PDF with a report on BW's entry.

It is highly possible that BW won't be the lone contractor in such a big operation.

Remember Trump's agenda was to pull out the US Army - not to disengage from Afghanistan.

There are only these many times in one's life that you get an access to such a strategic location.

With BW, you don't have to worry about a lot of things operationally mate.

These guys are free to shoot any threat they feel; they are free to interrogate anyone they envisage as a threat to their operations and definitely armed enough to take out even paramilitary units of our region, if it comes to that.
Black water can't do jack if US shuts all its basis in Afghanistan. The reason US wants to have 2-3 basis in Afghanistan is to provide security to black water.

Last time I checked, Taliban are agreeing to 2-3 bases, however, they are wanting to have equal number of bases in the United States.

And if, black water tries to operate without US army cover, it will be blown away. Any white, or black Americans will not be safe at all and will be on the mercy of Taliban.. This is how Talibs operate. When they want US out, they in fact want all westerners out.
Only one way I could think of black water can operate .. Under a burqa... This is how western journalists were operating in Afghanistan in Taliban era.

So keep your wishful thinking to yourself unless you know the modus operandi of the forces working in Afghanistan

One more thing, Indian presence will not be allowed too.. That's coming from haqqanis... Lolll

These guys are free to shoot any threat they feel; they are free to interrogate anyone they envisage as a threat to their operations and definitely armed enough to take out even paramilitary units of our region, if it comes to that.
And you think US marines were not doing all that? They were free to do and were operating like an unchecked force in Afghanistan. Remember, US didn't give rights to prisoners of war as it announced that they aren't bound to follow Geneva conventions in this war.. And then they lost.
Indian soldiers can operate under Blackwater. If I remember correctly a normal soldier retires after 17 years of compulsory service. So he is around 35 to 36 years old. I just googled and 40000 defense personnel retire every year. It will be good earnings for a cpl of years and they can kill a few talibans as a bonus.
India vs Taliban - No match.
Where the world super power's war machines miserably failed, what a hunger stricken army could do?
They still remembers and feel the wrath of LTTE.
Indian soldiers can operate under Blackwater. If I remember correctly a normal soldier retires after 17 years of compulsory service. So he is around 35 to 36 years old. I just googled and 40000 defense personnel retire every year. It will be good earnings for a cpl of years and they can kill a few talibans as a bonus.

I doubt they will take non-Americans.
I doubt they will take non-Americans.
It's a pvt company and if I remember correctly they had recruited non Americans for non combat duties before in Iraq.
And the govt agencies can also enhance their profile on pakistan's afghan border with a few of their own men. It's a win win.
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