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US Defense Secretary Panetta threatens ground intervention into Pakistan

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I thought ALL you guys had AK's. :sniper:
Yups. All licensed. Though I haven't seen mine for a couple of years now. Additionally: Not just AK's. P9 + steyr + mp9.
But nowhere near to (legal + illegal) guns in the US.

But not interested anymore. My dad used to tell me, one day you'll loose interest son, man was he right or what!
bro , you've got the right idea

we need to float a simple slogan --- 'aik goli , aik amreki' ( one bullet , one american )

it should be declared wajib on all 180 million Pakistanis to kill at least one american , should they attack our country

bro you can't twist the religion and declare certain things wajib whenever you feel like it

as for the slogan, there are far more americans than bullets! And most americans require a lot more bullets to go down :) if you know what i mean
Yups. All licensed. Though I haven't seen mine for a couple of years now. Additionally: Not just AK's. P9 + steyr + mp9.
But nowhere near to (legal + illegal) guns in the US.

But not interested anymore. My dad used to tell me, one day you'll loose interest son, man was he right or what!

MP9 is cool, good for home defense, up close stuff. I have a S&W MP15 Carbon ( an M-4 clone, really nice, though) a Highpoint 995 (pretty cool, cheap 9mm carbine for the home) an 870 shotgun, a Highpoint .40 and a few other handguns. The .40 is so big and ugly that if you run out of rounds you can beat the person with it. But I love it. For U.S. $180 you can't beat it. :guns:
MP9 is cool, good for home defense, up close stuff. I have a S&W MP15 Carbon ( an M-4 clone, really nice, though) a Highpoint 995 (pretty cool, cheap 9mm carbine for the home) an 870 shotgun, a Highpoint .40 and a few other handguns. The .40 is so big and ugly that if you run out of rounds you can beat the person with it. But I love it. For U.S. $180 you can't beat it. :guns:
Man you're even a bigger collector/gun-buff than me :D
Excluding the automatics, I have certain vintage items:

1. Colt .45 (1911 issue) with inscription from King Edward V (given to my great grand dad)
2. Churchill 12 bore shotgun (don't remember the year - something between 1920 - 1940)
3. Cogswell and Harrison 12 bore shotgun (same as above)
4. Lions & Lions 12 bore shotgun (same as above)
And about half a dozen more shotguns, sadly forgot all their names! :D

In handguns, not much, but I used to love my Makarov. Briefly I owned a H&K 9mm, but boy, was it a piece of sh**. I mean there was some sort of a delay with the internal trigger.
Another keyboard warrior.
Don't degrade is sentiments. Even if he is at keyboard, he has will of a warrior. You got to respect patriotism and one's wish to stand for the defense of his country, even if they are at the keyboard at the moment.
You got it.::tup:

I thought ALL you guys had AK's. :sniper:

On average, every Pakistani is armed with atleast something. In case of a all out war, there will be atleast 10 civillian to one soldier ratio and in that case, if Pakistani armed forces have approximately 500,000 armed men. There will be atleast 500,0000 civilians that would be willing to protect the country from the invaders because 70% or more of Pakistan's population is youth.
Pakistan can not and it will not go down without a significant loss of life and infrastructure to any invader and that is a fact!
I think they have achieved all of their objectives in AfPak region for which they went to war. How else do you define success?

Winners celebrate their victories, reward their soldiers and host flags of their country everywhere they can. Here America is mourning its economy, weeping at dead bodies of sliders, begging NATO for greater support and at the same time blaming regional allies for supporting resistant. You as a person can surely take American side but in the haste of favoring don't step lines of sensibility and rationality.

Are you talking about the same supplies that you never really blocked?

Oh really? Got any proves to back your claim?

Mr. Panetta is saying..

If killer bees didn't stop biting me, I am going to attack their hives. Mindless Penetta RUN buddy RUN.. its your chance to save remaining breaths.
Any attack on Pakistan would have an element of surprise. US will certainly go for a preemptive nuclear strike so that Pakistan has little or no chance of retaliating against India and disturbing South Asian security.

Most probably, tactical nuclear missiles from USS Carl Vinson would capitulate Pakistan's war-fighting capability within a few minutes. Military and air bases with nuclear plants would be targeted and taken out. Most of pakistan's air force would be destroyed on ground. For the remaining: F-18s from Afghanistan and F 22s from UAE would establish complete air superiority over Pakistani airspace within a few hours.

After that, India would naturally invade and take over Pakistan. US would not have to launch the ground invasion by itself and a ground invasion by US is unlikely. It would be very easy for India to take over Pakistan after the initial nuclear strike and air blitz by US.

On average, every Pakistani is armed with atleast something. In case of a all out war, there will be atleast 10 civillian to one soldier ratio and in that case, if Pakistani armed forces have approximately 500,000 armed men. There will be atleast 500,0000 civilians that would be willing to protect the country from the invaders because 70% or more of Pakistan's population is youth.
Pakistan can not and it will not go down without a significant loss of life and infrastructure to any invader and that is a fact!

Even if they are armed with RPGs it does not matter. It just takes one nuclear bomb to kill 5 million people armed with nothing but rifles.
The best strategy to defeat America would be to give them some breathing space before tightening their throat to the next level again. USA is dieing itself, all we need is to wait and give the process its time. Consider how you catch a big fish. You never let it go free but you always keep it in a feeling that she was free and in control even when every moment it was getting weaker, tired and powerless. Firepower alone wouldn't bring us success, we need to be tactful as well.

Its a definate objective to kill USA in Afghanistan but we should do it the way which suites Pakistan the most. Think through the mind of Kyani if you may.
On average, every Pakistani is armed with atleast something. In case of a all out war, there will be atleast 10 civillian to one soldier ratio and in that case, if Pakistani armed forces have approximately 500,000 armed men. There will be atleast 500,0000 civilians that would be willing to protect the country from the invaders because 70% or more of Pakistan's population is youth.
Pakistan can not and it will not go down without a significant loss of life and infrastructure to any invader and that is a fact!

There was a discussion on this, the member "legend" refuted this assertion that every civilian can perform in the same way as a military person. Disorganized resistance is often more destructive to ones self than the enemy.

In such scenarios there is a very large tendency for different armed groups to pop up and begin fighting one another, some in favor of the foreign enemy, some against it.
Ethnic clashes become common, and groups form around these bondings. I suspect the Balochi tribes would rather fight for their independance than against the US for Pakistan.

Same goes for religious groups. We will certainly see armed shia, sunni groups busy fighting one another.

This entire sccenario has been played out many times. Russia, and the US both have seen it happen. I dont expect anything to be different.
Which of Tom Clancy's novel did you read recently? :D Have a drink and go to bed d***!
Any attack on Pakistan would have an element of surprise. US will certainly go for a preemptive nuclear strike so that Pakistan has little or no chance of retaliating against India and disturbing South Asian security.

Most probably, tactical nuclear missiles from USS Carl Vinson would capitulate Pakistan's war-fighting capability within a few minutes. Military and air bases with nuclear plants would be targeted and taken out.

And? What about the nukes? They're not located @ nuclear plants.

Most of pakistan's air force would be destroyed on ground. For the remaining: F-18s from Afghanistan

What about our ground assets & markers? By now, you should know that they can spot a fruit-fly coming our way. Afghanistan will be toasted in the mean-time. Don't counter this with OBL episode. Then you were not adversaries, now you're... You should know this after what happened to your special seal team *

and F 22s from UAE would establish complete air superiority over Pakistani airspace within a few hours.

As soon as we get a whiff, UAE and A-Rabs are the first targets of our "Strategic" assets.
Try explaining that to the millions of expats dead in those countries - how is that for strategic depth right in our backyard :D I bet you forgot this variable?

After that, India would naturally invade and take over Pakistan.

Never going to happen. India has a working parliament, long standing record of making the "right" decision; Contrary to majority of Pakistani "public" opinion they deserve more credit for their mature foresight. Conclusion: India will not be duped by double dealing US of A, and at the cost of "pin prick" that is Pakistan, get in bed with the vipers (US of A). So dream on!

US would not have to launch the ground invasion by itself and a ground invasion by US is unlikely. It would be very easy for India to take over Pakistan after the initial nuclear strike and air blitz by US.

* US troops are most welcome.

Even if they are armed with RPGs it does not matter. It just takes one nuclear bomb to kill 5 million people armed with nothing but rifles.

If all of the above comes true. Then US will have a protracted war on it's hand, till hell freezes over!
What do they say about barking dogs ? :azn:

Desperately issuing statements will not do the trick for you ! :P

P.S Next time Panetta , do not threaten a country which you are begging to open routes for you and every other day your officials request to co operate in Afghanistan ! Makes you look like a bi polar !
Barking dogs seldom bite"
So we don't care about their foolish barkingz. Let them bark and bark and get tired by themselves.Love these kinda frustrating comments from poor Mr. Panetta. Oh Poor Panetta don't cry now We have sympathies with U.I know U got betrayed and left alone to fight ure own war with the Ragtag mountain warriors.And so sad that U getting contined bashing from these warriors..:D
There was a discussion on this, the member "legend" refuted this assertion that every civilian can perform in the same way as a military person. Disorganized resistance is often more destructive to ones self than the enemy.

In such scenarios there is a very large tendency for different armed groups to pop up and begin fighting one another, some in favor of the foreign enemy, some against it.
Ethnic clashes become common, and groups form around these bondings. I suspect the Balochi tribes would rather fight for their independance than against the US for Pakistan.

Same goes for religious groups. We will certainly see armed shia, sunni groups busy fighting one another.

This entire sccenario has been played out many times. Russia, and the US both have seen it happen. I dont expect anything to be different.

Yeah you really don't know Pakistan man. Pakistan is not USA or Russia. Whatever will happen will be the opposite of what you just said. In reality, if Pakistan is attacked, Shia Sunni people will unite. In case, everyone will unite to defeat the invaders. Pakistani's can be corrupt, they can be anything you want to call them but once someone tries to harm them (specially an outsider), all it takes will be one radio call from General Kiyani to the public and they will start gathering like never before.
Each additional post I read, written by you: I'm convinced that you're not just juvenile, but a complete moron.

There was a discussion on this, the member "legend" refuted this assertion that every civilian can perform in the same way as a military person. Disorganized resistance is often more destructive to ones self than the enemy.

In such scenarios there is a very large tendency for different armed groups to pop up and begin fighting one another, some in favor of the foreign enemy, some against it.
Ethnic clashes become common, and groups form around these bondings. I suspect the Balochi tribes would rather fight for their independance than against the US for Pakistan.

Same goes for religious groups. We will certainly see armed shia, sunni groups busy fighting one another.

This entire sccenario has been played out many times. Russia, and the US both have seen it happen. I dont expect anything to be different.
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