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US Defense Secretary Panetta threatens ground intervention into Pakistan

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What about carrying out covert operations by special forces inside Pakistan just like OBL one.....They already said that they will station 8000 special forces soldiers. With advanced weapons and ammunition, drone strike may be replaced by these raids. No one will notice anything just like OBL one until they tell it to entire world. Also, collateral damage will be minimum and efficiency will be considerably high.
How about you Indians get off the Pakistan border and breathing heavily over us so we can deploy our troops elsewhere and implement these tactics. And raids and covert operations are more prone to collateral damage, as you never know whether or not a family will be hiding inside that hut, or a Taliban official. The objectives of this war cannot be met with force, that will just infuriate the Taliban communities even more. We need to win the hearts of the people and implement tactics from the grassroots level - Taliban brainwashing camps and madrasas.
=Ignited Mind;3035718]1900 dead soldiers in an 11 year long war is somehow a sign of defeat to you?

Super Power fighting against a Rag tag Taliban's Losing 1900 soldiers that you no off Is a Sign of Victory for you.

Control over such a large strategic tract of land for the foreseeable future is a sign of defeat to you?

LOL If u mean The Bagram base and Kabul then Yes they have control but Last i checked Afghanistan is lot more then Kabul plus at what cost.

Ability to pin-point future terrorist threats from the Afg-Pak region by means of their special forces is a sign of defeat to you?

Oh this is why they are trying desperately to blame their Loss of War on Pakistan

Eliminating the world's most dreaded network of terrorists is a sign of defeat to you?

Please share with us all the terrorist network they have finished.

Almost all of major Al Qaeda leaders are either dead or captured. Does that sound like defeat to you?

With the Help of Pakistan but we all no why you for obvious reason don't wanna mention that

Taliban has been bombed to submission so much so that they are now willing to talk and share power. Does that sound like defeat to you?

LOL last i checked USA was Giving Taliban all they wanted in exchange for negotiations does that sound like a winning Move to you.

They are eliminating their enemies in your country every other day by drone strikes. Does that sound like defeat to you?

With our Help Dahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

...and they did all this in a hostile atmosphere with a double dealing ally thousands of kilometers from their homes. Does this sound like defeat to you?

Yeah they didn't do it alone we have lost 1000s of soldiers and billions to make that happen.

lol funny how to Pakistanis 1965 is a victory and at the same time Americans have lost the Afghan war. :lol:

You are so desperate to make a loss a victory you are all over the Map now go look at their Debt before all these Adventures they had a surplus and a vibrant economy now they are in Hole and sinking even more day by day yeah i guess you can call that a victory.
Alot of misunderstanding here...

US didn't talk about War in Pakistan or attack on Pakistan. Panetta want cooperation more with Pakistan.

Asked if the US might send ground troops from Afghanistan to attack targets in Pakistan, Panetta refused to rule it out. "I’m not going to go into particulars," he said. "It’s about protecting our forces and trying to urge the Pakistanis to take the steps they have to take to control the situation."

Panetta spoke alongside Afghan Defense Minister Abdul Rahim Wardak, who called for joint action by the US-backed Afghan puppet regime and the Pakistani government in Islamabad. "I do hope," he said, "that gradually they will come to the conclusion to cooperate with us. If that cooperation starts, we will be able to disrupt their command and control, disrupt their training, disrupt their weapon recruitment and also will be able to eliminate or capture their leadership. Without doing that, I think our endeavor to achieve victory will become much more difficult."

The Pentagon is preparing for an initial withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan when the Obama administration scales down the "surge" of troops it began in 2009. Some 23,000 US troops are set to leave Afghanistan by the end of September, leaving about 68,000 in the country.

Yawn, it is boring now.
What are you rambling on about, Pakistan is still lasting through WOT and in better conditions than Iraq. And nobody here is displaying this attitude, you're the one giving your own opinion. It is not hard to figure out that Pakistan's army, with more resources and manpower, is better able to sustain the country, than the armies of Iraq and Afghanistan. Taliban is not aggressively active in all areas of Pakistan.

Pakistan was never obliterated by the worlds only superpower. Huge difference. Resources??? Iraq had among the world's largest oil reserves, manpower really means little in todays world.

The point is Iraq had a better conventional military force with more experiance than yours. They were never an impotent force as you make them out to be.

As far as sustaining the country goes, first gain control of your wild man regions. Iraq under saddam had full control of it's territory.
They did in a place near military establishment, city near capital of your country and nobody knew....now we are talking about border areas with mountainous region, minimum security......you pick which is more easier.....Point is they have the capability and equipment to carry out such operations. :smokin:
As i said earlier. Abotabbad incident, there were no clear directives. Once the lines are drawn, orders delivered through the echelons, it will be a different story. Only time will tell... but if and when the zero-hour comes (which I'm hoping against), it won't be pretty picture for anyone in the geographic region.
How about you Indians get off the Pakistan border and breathing heavily over us so we can deploy our troops elsewhere and implement these tactics. And raids and covert operations are more prone to collateral damage, as you never know whether or not a family will be hiding inside that hut, or a Taliban official. The objectives of this war cannot be met with force, that will just infuriate the Taliban communities even more. We need to win the hearts of the people and implement tactics from the grassroots level - Taliban brainwashing camps and madrasas.
True...if peace process continues and confidence building measures shows effect than Pakistan can diverge its attention towards eastern borders. Get rid of this taliban once and for all.
Pakistan was never obliterated by the worlds only superpower. Huge difference. Resources??? Iraq had among the world's largest oil reserves, manpower really means little in todays world.

The point is Iraq had a better conventional military force with more experiance than yours. They were never an impotent force as you make them out to be.

As far as sustaining the country goes, first gain control of your wild man regions. Iraq under saddam had full control of it's territory.
Pakistan has control of Taliban regions and is implementing tactics to keep them away from reaching large cities like Lahore and Islamabad. As long as drone strikes are being sent, Taliban will keep infuriating and a new breed will be born. Pakistan is working to stop the issue, we have captured and killed several Taliban officials and assisted the US with many operations. You are undermining Pakistan's military capability and power. Taliban will keep coming back as long as different measures are not set in place to reach an agreement or peace. I am confident that once this current government ruling Pakistan is out power, new officials will be able to implement tactics and a peace strategy. The Taliban is far from being defeated yet.
Pakistan was never obliterated by the worlds only superpower. Huge difference. Resources??? Iraq had among the world's largest oil reserves, manpower really means little in todays world.

The point is Iraq had a better conventional military force with more experiance than yours. They were never an impotent force as you make them out to be.

As far as sustaining the country goes, first gain control of your wild man regions. Iraq under saddam had full control of it's territory.
Mr. Wright. You couldn't be more Wrong. Intention was to contain them inside Afghanistan. Beautifully achieved!
As i said earlier. Abotabbad incident, there were no clear directives. Once the lines are drawn, orders delivered through the echelons, it will be a different story. Only time will tell... but if and when the zero-hour comes (which I'm hoping against), it won't be pretty picture for anyone in the geographic region.
Not just messy, it might spiral out to full scale war...destabilizing entire region.
=Wright;3035733]Iraq actually won their war with Iran. What did you win?

Excuse me

Iraq sustained an 8 year war. You couldn't last more than some weeks.

Iraq was fighting the war With the Help of Half the world and still lost

This attitude that you are somehow better then Arab's is really stupid. Last I recall they conquered you, not the other way around.

Its not Attitude its reality Get used to of it my Indian Friend.
Pakistan was never obliterated by the worlds only superpower. Huge difference. Resources??? Iraq had among the world's largest oil reserves, manpower really means little in todays world.

The point is Iraq had a better conventional military force with more experiance than yours. They were never an impotent force as you make them out to be.

As far as sustaining the country goes, first gain control of your wild man regions. Iraq under saddam had full control of it's territory.

If America is such a 'kharpainch' (meaning a showoff looser ) then they can bring it to the battle field instead of just passing wind.
america has been unable to do much against Pakistan because quite simply it cannot , end of the day we do have a nuclear deterrent that will make any aggressor think before launching a full scale war against us
Not just messy, it might spiral out to full scale war...destabilizing entire region.
Well the sad part is, the only defense we have is "Disproportionate response". Now that does not bode well for either one of the regions countries. However, think hard. What are US's broader objectives in this "game theory". They know it's a zero-sum game for India and Pakistan... BUT.... What about them? Ponder long and hard over it. Our generals are aware of it, as are yours, and so are the Chinese. Think. Think. Think. Extrapolate!
True...if peace process continues and confidence building measures shows effect than Pakistan can diverge its attention towards eastern borders. Get rid of this taliban once and for all.
Fact is Pakistan cannot adequately stop these Taliban alone as we don't have enough military resources and manpower to do so.

The only thing Pakistan army can do is keep major cities safe and keep social and civial unrest from ever occurring - which unfortunately happened in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Pakistan Army is deployed at Indian border, Afghanistan border, & several cities throughout Pakistan. "War" can break out at all fronts, and the first thing we need to do is implement a peace agreement with India.

Pakistan needs the help of all NATO coalition members and Non-NATO allies like India in order to combat terrorism.

So far, Pakistan is more concerned of Indian forces barging into Pakistan than the Taliban - that is precisely why we let the Americans do our dirty work for us and most troops are deployed on Indian border.
^ yeah agree with this...Pakistan won't leave western border unguarded even a little bit. But special forces of Pakistan, ISI and american forces can achieve more than drone attacks. All it depends is how much US trusts ISI.
Alot of misunderstanding here...

US didn't talk about War in Pakistan or attack on Pakistan. Panetta want cooperation more with Pakistan.

Yawn, it is boring now.
Media might be twisting Panetta's words. But in the end, it's not going to help improve relational ties between Pakistan and the US, and will just result in the average American saying "Kill those Pakistanis!" and the average Pakistani saying "Kill those Americans!" These threats being reported by the media back and forth and by officials are just infuriating the general public of both countries.
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