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US daren't launch attack on Iran: Cmdr.

Utter nonsense. The United States saved the United Kingdom through our Lend / Lease Program, then helped in the invasion of Fortress Europe, leading to the capitulation of Nazi Germany.

In addition, the United States single handedly obliterated the Japanese Empire.

Please, read history before you talk to me.

The US was secretly preparing to destroy the UK empire. However it became unnecessary to as other methods to achieve the same ends became available

How America planned to destroy BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons | Mail Online
The US was secretly preparing to destroy the UK empire. However it became unnecessary to as other methods to achieve the same ends became available

How America planned to destroy BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons | Mail Online

The United States was heavily inundated in an Isolationist Policy prior to WWII. That, incidentally, was obliterated with the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in '41.

Please, I suggest you not believe everything you read online.
The US was secretly preparing to destroy the UK empire. However it became unnecessary to as other methods to achieve the same ends became available

How America planned to destroy BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons | Mail Online

Er...wasn't the US once a British colony? While it had a powerful military, it mostly resorted to isolationism. If I remember correctly, both the UK and US were allies during WWII. The Nazis kept attacking American commercial vessels for no reason.

It was the result of facing two world wars that greatly weakened the British Empire. Hell, the Ottoman Empire fell after WWI.
Er...wasn't the US once a British colony? While it had a powerful military, it mostly resorted to isolationism. If I remember correctly, both the UK and US were allies during WWII. The Nazis kept attacking American commercial vessels for no reason.

It was the result of facing two world wars that greatly weakened the British Empire. Hell, the Ottoman Empire fell after WWI.

Well said. :)
The US was secretly preparing to destroy the UK empire. However it became unnecessary to as other methods to achieve the same ends became available

How America planned to destroy BRITAIN in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons | Mail Online
Old news...

War Plan Red - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joint Army and Navy Basic War Plan Red, also known as the Atlantic Strategic War Plan[citation needed], was a war plan by the United States in the event of war with British Empire (the "Red" forces). The war was seen as "unlikely" and "highly improbable," but was used as a planning exercise to understand the United States' ability to defend the Atlantic coast, as well as fight a two-front war with Japan and the British Empire simultaneously (as envisioned in War Plan Red-Orange).

The war was imagined as a conflict between the British Empire and the United States, as a result of commercial conflicts. The plan supposed that the British Empire would initially have the upper hand thanks to the strength of its navy, and that it would use its dominion in Canada as an springboard from which to initiate an invasion of the United States. The assumption was that this would compel the United States to engage in a war that would at first be defensive against the invading British forces, but that the US would eventually defeat the British by blockading the United Kingdom and economically isolating it.
If you imagine something, then you should have a plan for it. That does not mean you have malicious intent independent of that imagination. Back then, the thought of a war by the US against any major European power other than Britain was believed to be as unlikely as a war with the Empire of Japan. And we know how that turned out.

What a feeble attempt to portray US as somehow malevolent to Britain. The US-Britain relationship is tighter than the truly imaginary one between Pakistan and China. :lol:
It is the election year, no one will gamble his presidential election on the stake, whether it is dem or rep, all those noises were just bluff.
Old news...

War Plan Red - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you imagine something, then you should have a plan for it. That does not mean you have malicious intent independent of that imagination. Back then, the thought of a war by the US against any major European power other than Britain was believed to be as unlikely as a war with the Empire of Japan. And we know how that turned out.

What a feeble attempt to portray US as somehow malevolent to Britain. The US-Britain relationship is tighter than the truly imaginary one between Pakistan and China. :lol:

Absolutely. Britain is the mother of the United States; we are, in a symbolical sense, the child/ offspring of Great Britain. America was a colony; our laws, our judicial system, our democratic system and our military history stems from that umbilical root.

China and India are political friends; they share no cultural roots; Pakistan is culturally more similar to INDIA than China. India and Pakistan are one and the same; culturally speaking. Fact.

Why do you think people in Pakistan understand Hindi-speaking Indians; or why Hindi speakers understand Urdu speakers. Similar. They eat the same food; the music is similar; and even the cultural dynamic is intelligible (albeit, the south indians are different to northern indian/urdu languages).

Even before Islam spread to India vis-a-vis the Moghuls , all the people in the Hindus valley region were Hindu. The ancestors of today's Pakistani were Hindu, religiously speaking.

That is just historical fact.
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