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US daren't launch attack on Iran: Cmdr.

The US and Israel are not Iraq... Iran is no much for Israel's military superiority.
I know that US and Israel are not Iraq but weren't Israel,US and many of other countries helping them?They even came to war with their own soldiers(US) sometimes!Could Iraq capture the smallest part of Iran?Even they declared they will capture Tehran in one week!Today is the same.I know that US has a strong military but Iran is much more powerful than Israel!So don't talk about Israel with me.It's not that powerful!You think that fighting with some amateur Arab countries is similar to fight with Iran?
Keep it in your mind:Iran is not an Arab country!
I know that US and Israel are not Iraq but weren't Israel,US and many of other countries helping them?They even came to war with their own soldiers(US) sometimes!Could Iraq capture the smallest part of Iran?Even they declared they will capture Tehran in one week!Today is the same.I know that US has a strong military but Iran is much more powerful than Israel!So don't talk about Israel with me.It's not that powerful!You think that fighting with some amateur Arab countries is similar to fight with Iran?
Keep it in your mind:Iran is not an Arab country!

Do not forget Israel had close military cooperation with Iran and knows about its actual strength, not the legends of the Iranian propaganda. Iran is a paper tiger when conventional strength is concerned, its real military leverage is using terror proxies such as Hizbuallah and missiles. Iran can annoy Israel, but not defeat it. On the other hand, Israel has the military strength to strike Iran with a serious blow.

And this is what waits for Iran even without American intervention.
Do not forget Israel had close military cooperation with Iran and knows about its actual strength, not the legends of the Iranian propaganda. Iran is a paper tiger when conventional strength is concerned, its real military leverage is using terror proxies such as Hizbuallah and missiles. Iran can annoy Israel, but not defeat it. On the other hand, Israel has the military strength to strike Iran with a serious blow.

And this is what waits for Iran even without American intervention.
if so , then why you fear to do it . the funny part is you even didn't have a bomb which was able to destroy Hezbollah bunkers and you still speak of serious blow to Iran military .
Do not forget Israel had close military cooperation with Iran and knows about its actual strength, not the legends of the Iranian propaganda. Iran is a paper tiger when conventional strength is concerned, its real military leverage is using terror proxies such as Hizbuallah and missiles. Iran can annoy Israel, but not defeat it. On the other hand, Israel has the military strength to strike Iran with a serious blow.

And this is what waits for Iran even without American intervention.
It's good that you calm yourself down repeating these things for yourself.And don't you think If Israel knows a lot about Iran,Iran also knows a lot about Israel?We are not worried!Actually we are waiting for your craziness eagerly!Remember that Iran has the strongest military in the middle east but we have one important belief:We never attack a country first.So I can only tell you: DREAM...DREAM...DREAM.:lol:
Do not forget Israel had close military cooperation with Iran and knows about its actual strength, not the legends of the Iranian propaganda. Iran is a paper tiger when conventional strength is concerned, its real military leverage is using terror proxies such as Hizbuallah and missiles. Iran can annoy Israel, but not defeat it. On the other hand, Israel has the military strength to strike Iran with a serious blow.

And this is what waits for Iran even without American intervention.


lol power is a power you need to understand , direct power or indirect...
US is only concerned about their Oil lanes, It is which is stopping them mainly... Iran is strategically location that it can choke off the oil supplies for the whole world!

There is no proof that Iran have ICBM's which can reach NY or Florida! If at all there is a war then... the Brent crude will hit $250/barrel at the end of first couple of weeks itself!

Much of America's oil are supplied by Canada. I don't think Iran has ICBMs. But what kinda toys each faction have is not really the point. A new war front in the Middle East would be a very irrational decision.

The real reason why the Israelis are hungering for war is because they do not want any country in the neighborhood to challenge their nuclear position. Notice that Bibi whined about Pakistan's nuclear program in a recent interview?

All these things like:
"Iran is a state sponsor of terror"
"Iran is run by radicals and thus be freed"
Iran this, Iran that, Iran etc.

See where all that whining is leading to? They are just mere excuses to veil their real reason.

While Iran doesn't technically actually possess active nuclear weapons, they do have the technology.

The US and Israel are not Iraq... Iran is no much for Israel's military superiority.

Ah...ever the more superiority complex :lol:

Are you going to move your military all the way to Persia? Or perhaps Israel already have space ships Uncle Sam donated you with? You can barely occupy your next door Lebanon (which had almost no military).

I hope you realize just how amateurish that comment was.
Much of America's oil are supplied by Canada. I don't think Iran has ICBMs. But what kinda toys each faction have is not really the point. A new war front in the Middle East would be a very irrational decision.

The real reason why the Israelis are hungering for war is because they do not want any country in the neighborhood to challenge their nuclear position. Notice that Bibi whined about Pakistan's nuclear program in a recent interview?

All these things like:
"Iran is a state sponsor of terror"
"Iran is run by radicals and thus be freed"
Iran this, Iran that, Iran etc.

See where all that whining is leading to? They are just mere excuses to veil their real reason.

While Iran doesn't technically actually possess active nuclear weapons, they do have the technology.

Ah...ever the more superiority complex :lol:

Are you going to move your military all the way to Persia? Or perhaps Israel already have space ships Uncle Sam donated you with? You can barely occupy your next door Lebanon (which had almost no military).

I hope you realize just how amateurish that comment was.

Israel has the military capabilities to reach Iran: missiles (SSM and cruise missiles), Air Force, and airborne military units.

Israel defeated again and again all its enemies, and there is no Middle East country which can challenge its superiority. The proof for that is that no one of the degenerate regimes around Israel even tries to launch a military attack, like in 1948 and 1973.

Hizbuallah and Hamas are just terror organisations and are no real threat to Israel which can easily defeat them. They know that, and they sit quiet in order not to risk Israeli retaliation. Hizbuallah sit idle since it has been defeated in 2006 and Hamas makes efforts to avoid direct confrontation with Israel.

Iran is a paper tiger with inadequate conventional capabilities and are no much to Israel's sophisticated military technologies.
Israel has the military capabilities to reach Iran: missiles (SSM and cruise missiles), Air Force, and airborne military units.

Israel defeated again and again all its enemies, and there is no Middle East country which can challenge its superiority. The proof for that is that no one of the degenerate regimes around Israel even tries to launch a military attack, like in 1948 and 1973.

Hizbuallah and Hamas are just terror organisations and are no real threat to Israel which can easily defeat them. They know that, and they sit quiet in order not to risk Israeli retaliation. Hizbuallah sit idle since it has been defeated in 2006 and Hamas makes efforts to avoid direct confrontation with Israel.

Iran is a paper tiger with inadequate conventional capabilities and are no much to Israel's sophisticated military technologies.

Whatever floats your boat buddy :lol:

But do wake us up when you actually do bomb Iran to the stone ages other than playing as mere key board warriors.

Don't blame us for whatever happens in the Middle East after, and the economic state after.

You guys can never put your ego out of the equation in anything :lol:
Israel has the military capabilities to reach Iran: missiles (SSM and cruise missiles), Air Force, and airborne military units.

Israel defeated again and again all its enemies, and there is no Middle East country which can challenge its superiority. The proof for that is that no one of the degenerate regimes around Israel even tries to launch a military attack, like in 1948 and 1973.

Hizbuallah and Hamas are just terror organisations and are no real threat to Israel which can easily defeat them. They know that, and they sit quiet in order not to risk Israeli retaliation. Hizbuallah sit idle since it has been defeated in 2006 and Hamas makes efforts to avoid direct confrontation with Israel.

Iran is a paper tiger with inadequate conventional capabilities and are no much to Israel's sophisticated military technologies.

Very well said, nirreich.

lol power is a power you need to understand , direct power or indirect...
Afghanistan is not the correct analogy to judge military power of any nation, let alone US. Afghanistan is a different ball game.
Israel has the military capabilities to reach Iran: missiles (SSM and cruise missiles), Air Force, and airborne military units.

Israel defeated again and again all its enemies, and there is no Middle East country which can challenge its superiority. The proof for that is that no one of the degenerate regimes around Israel even tries to launch a military attack, like in 1948 and 1973.

Hizbuallah and Hamas are just terror organisations and are no real threat to Israel which can easily defeat them. They know that, and they sit quiet in order not to risk Israeli retaliation. Hizbuallah sit idle since it has been defeated in 2006 and Hamas makes efforts to avoid direct confrontation with Israel.

Iran is a paper tiger with inadequate conventional capabilities and are no much to Israel's sophisticated military technologies.

You might be underestimating Iran a bit though , If Iran strikes a 50 odd missiles towards Israel and even if 10 missiles reaches its intended targets they can cause huge damage to cities like tel aviv , Haifa etc .... those damages would be too huge to risk a war with Iran....

You might win the war but with lot of destruction to your own men and infrastructure , since you are so close in distance to Iran!
WHY ISRAEL WILL decisively defeat IRAN if there is an all-out war.

1.Israel has more than 200 atomic devices vs Iran which may have 1 soon.Even if Iran bought nuclear devices from other rogue states, the retaliation from Israel would be the equivalent of 2,000 plus hiroshimas.

2.The 200 plus Israeli atomic devices are unstoppable by Iran i.e. up to 80 can be launched by submarines and the rest by ICBM or F-15s or F-16s

3.Israel has the world's most advanced anti-ICBM missile umbrella which may be impenetrable by Iranian Shahib missles . Iran can only deliver their 1-2 atomic warheads by ICBMs with no other delivery capabilities.

4.Israel has a satellite system with multiple types of spy satellites which have reached the limit of possible resolution (defraction limit) generally thought to be about 10 centimeters and their satellite system is all weather. Together with their advanced UAV capabilities , this allows Israel to possess the most detailed photos and real-time imaging of all Iranian military installations .

5.The military technological difference between Israel and Iran is wide.
Israel has about 10% of the world-wide arms export market which based solely on merit and immensely competitive. IF anything, it is nothing short of a miracle and a tremendous tribute to Israel (jewish ) expertise that they sell to so many countries which never take the side of Israel in any dispute. There are those ,who imply much of Israel's technological edge is due to massive American aid. However, that aid also has restrained the development of Israeli military technology. American military contractors regularly and understandably, attempt to undermine Israeli sale of military technology when it is in direct competition with American contractor's efforts to sell abroad.
Israel might have double the foreign military technologic sales if the US had never blanketly prohibited Israel selling directly to PRC. This is understandable.

Iran sells nothing in world wide arms market. Their highly publicized Shahib 3 missle is nothing but a supped up version of the the 63 year old V2 Nazi ballistic missle. Israel supplies Israeli-developed military technology to most of the world's top militaries including the USA, India, and China. China’s J10 fighter is thought to be modeled on Israel's Lavi.,the Israeli developed Jet fight.

In terms of MBTs, Israel possesses 1500 consisting entirely of the modern highly regarded Merkava. Iran has approx. 500 all obsolete models including the T 72. In front-line aircraft Israel has approximately 800 with more than 500 being upgraded F15s and F16s. Israel also possesses in air refueling capabilities. Iran has about 250 front-line combat aircraft consisting mostly of obsolete older US and Russian fighters. It has no known in air refueling capability.
Israel also is way ahead in production and use of UAVs and sells various models to many countries including Great Britain. There are other areas of military technology Israel is far more advanced than Iran.

The yield of Israel’s arsenal is much ,much greater than anything Iran could develop in the near future. Israel could also expand it’s arsenal at the same rate or even at a greater rate than Iran. Israel is a world leader in high technology. It has the most companies on NASDAQ , the listing of the top high tech companies in the world , except for the US. It is also a world leader in the computer field. Those who believe Israel’s high tech sector is just due to the yearly military aid from the US couldn’t be more wrong. Although Iran is much larger than Israel the majority of Iran’s industry is concentrated in Tehran. Tehran is located in a bowl. It is almost perfected situated to suffer maximum damage from a nuclear strike. Israel also has a second strike capability with their 5 Dolphin submarines. This would not only be a second strike which Iran would have immense difficulty defending against. It also guarantees , if other neighboring countries attempt to attack Israel, they would also suffer nuclear strikes.
Israel has the military capabilities to reach Iran: missiles (SSM and cruise missiles), Air Force, and airborne military units.

Israel defeated again and again all its enemies, and there is no Middle East country which can challenge its superiority. The proof for that is that no one of the degenerate regimes around Israel even tries to launch a military attack, like in 1948 and 1973.

Hizbuallah and Hamas are just terror organisations and are no real threat to Israel which can easily defeat them. They know that, and they sit quiet in order not to risk Israeli retaliation. Hizbuallah sit idle since it has been defeated in 2006 and Hamas makes efforts to avoid direct confrontation with Israel.

Iran is a paper tiger with inadequate conventional capabilities and are no much to Israel's sophisticated military technologies.

Well said, Israel is an undefeated military power. Israel's victories in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Retribution Operations, Six Day War, War of Attrition, Yom Kippur War, 1978 South Lebanon Conflict, and the recent 2006 Lebanon War , is nothing short of military supremacy.

The Israeli Military is one of the most hardened, professional, all-out ready, military force in the world. Bar none.

Israel cannot lose a war. She will never lose a war. She is God's chosen people. All those who curse on Israel, God will curse them. All those who dare attack Israel, God will send retribution 1000x fold.

And Yes, America stands with Israel. That's unchangeable.
Well said, Israel is an undefeated military power. Israel's victories in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, Retribution Operations, Six Day War, War of Attrition, Yom Kippur War, 1978 South Lebanon Conflict, and the recent 2006 Lebanon War , is nothing short of military supremacy.

The Israeli Military is one of the most hardened, professional, all-out ready, military force in the world. Bar none.

Israel cannot lose a war. She will never lose a war. She is God's chosen people. All those who curse on Israel, God will curse them. All those who dare attack Israel, God will retribution 1000 fold.

Israel ->
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