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US concerned over caretaker interior minister’s statement


May 1, 2007
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Sunday, March 02, 2008
ISLAMABAD: United States Sunday expressed concern over caretaker minister of interior’s allegations that the US and other countries were involved in the lawless situation in Pakistan.

United States embassy in Islamabad in a statement said the American Ambassador N.W. Patterson talked to the Minister of Interior Hamid Nawaz on telephone to communicate concern over his statement.

The statement said that the minister’s statement not based on truth.

It is recalled that the caretaker minister of interior in recent interview to Arab television had said that the United States, India and Afghanistan were involved in lawlessness in Pakistan and generally it is believed that America and Afghanistan are backing the outfits involved in terrorism in Pakistan.
This is to what i was refering back in a thread of US wideing its role in the training of pakistani forces and so to increase its presence in pakistan. General Hamid actually on more the one occasions have stated such statement that US, India and Afghanistan are indeed creating problems for pakistan. His argue was also based on the fact when chinese got killed and CIA was being suspected for it.
If this is true and indeed this report has something more then what meets the eye, then perhaps its time we tell the US to butt out before they create more mess for pakistan then already it is.
The caretaker minister appears to be keen on showing that Pakistan has no control over its destiny. A sad commentary for any minister, be he in a caretaker capacity or otherwise.

But then, caretakers are always without accountability and apparently without genuine responsibility of those elected and accountable and thus can shoot their mouth just to be in the limelight!

The govt of Musharraf was an elected govt and they did what they thought was in the interest of Pakistan. To let an elected govt down is disgraceful. And what is worse, is the man is not even the elected representative of the country and just an interim figurehead thrown up by the circumstances!

He is only letting down the country of Pakistan.
Indian intelligence agency RAW involved in violent incidents:Hamid

ISLAMABAD, Mar 2 (APP): Caretaker Minister for Interior Lt. Gen. ® Hamid Nawaz Khan Sunday said there are reports that Indian intelligence agency RAW was involved in violent incidents in the country.“We are sure that RAW is involved and there is no doubt in it,” he told a private television (Aaj).
He said terrorist activities could not be sustained for long period without the help of foreign elements and there is growing perception that there might also be some other countries which are involved in these activities.

About the recent Swat incident in which a police officer was martyred and later his funeral procession was also targeted by terrorists, he strongly condemned the incident and said it seems like personal enmity and hatred against the victim.

To a question, the Minister said the Interior Ministry was studying a plan to install scanners and other equipment at cities’ exit/entry points to avoid any untoward incident.

Elaborating the point, he said three to four types of equipment are being considered to keep check on individuals and vehicles, for clearance of routes and for extensive video surveillance.

The use of this technology would also be helpful in post-event investigations, he said.

app - Indian intelligence agency RAW involved in violent incidents:Hamid
The minister is treading a dangerous course and risks offending many people but then again this statement is a reaction to abuse and attacks directed against pakistan so props to him for speaking the truth.

Basically he is saying that pakistan knows that it is being stabbed in the back by its so called allies and his public statement also sends a very obvious domestic as well as international message that at this moment in time the transitional pakistani leadership has not been blackmailed or paid off enough so as to keep quiet about it.

Lets see if he goes any further with this. I am sure there must be many many people in the pakistani government that share his view.

this is the truth, no doubt, He knows that his tenure of being minister is at end and he can speak truth freely.

Its shamfull for pakistani peoples, our so called allies are actually against us. Should we need to change our policies?
The point is that we havent seen such statements from neither the president nor the PM. And if this is true then it is indeed shamefull for both the president and the PM to keep quiet about it. If US is involved with antistate elements inside pakistan then we perhaps need to do something about it before it gets too late and these so called forces actually get successfull in stabing pakistan.
One thing for sure we shouldnt allow anymore US personal then already in Pakistan for very obivious reasons.
^ I dont think that such statements should be coming from PM or President, otherwise the whole policy which we have with US for last 8years will be effected.
That policy is to stop the US from making any excuses,after which it can try to talk abt invading Pakistan.
Obviously if there wont be any proof of US or other countries being involved, then its highly unlikely for PM or President to give a blank statement, just like that.
Certainly, its likely that foriegn hand is involved in these problems, but im sure our governement is doing something to get to a stage from where it can utter these kind of statements.
It just cannot be blankly said.

Again, if we do believe that we are in alliance with US just to get orders from them or be there friends or fight their WoT, then its foolish to say this.

We allied with them in the interest of Pakistan, not becoz they presurrized us to do so.And if we think on these lines, then the best strategy that comes to mind is the policy which we have with the US at present.
every body knows even the care taker law minister said that US wants to occupy the resources of whole region including central asia,afghanistan,Pakistan.

Their intentions are very clear.

US came to pakistan to separate Baluchistan and to disintegrate it.


Even the foregin minister kasuri has said many things regarding it.

Pres and PM and army chief know all these things .They are not fools.

They are keeping quite bcz right now Pakistan is heavily depended economically on US and it cannot resist USA.

All are waiting for the right.Once Gwadar port,Thar coal,other projects are completed and Pakisan gets economically independent.

Gets long range CMs,BMs,subs then you would see how army supports Taliban.

Army knows who is supporting terrorists in pakistan.
It has plans tooo.

I seriously doubt completion of the Thar coal project and Gawadar will have much effect on the military and economic clout that the US posesses in the area. How will a developed Gawadar stop NATO? The US will just take it over in a couple of days, what then? The Taliban lost the whole of Afghanistan in 3 days so I don't see how they could do anything in Balochistan against the US army taking over to hand power to an autonomous puppet Baloch govt.

The best approach might be the one that the govt has been taking, letting the looters plunder some wealth and co-exist in an arrangement where the US and Pakistan do not threaten each other's interests too much.

Perhaps this caretaker minister is just playing a political game of tit-for-tat with Obama/Clinton sending a message that Pakistan can make the US look bad as well by speaking the dirty truth, I don't really know. Maybe this is just a tactic to make people in the US shut up about the accusations they throw at pakistan--a war of words?

Exactly how much room does pakistan have to change it's policies? Not much I suspect, so the best thing to do is let the US dictate the terms for who gets looted and how much is looted.

This situation looks quite dangerous and I am very very surprised that the pakistani govt has let the Balochistan situation get so bad. All the Balochis want is more money and more autonomy so why not just pamper them instead of losing them? The US wants to loot and the Balochis want some more loot, both can be made happy by consessions from pakistan.
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