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US catches Afghan govt 'red handed' in plotting with Pakistani Taliban: Report


Feb 2, 2007
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The United States has caught the Afghan government secretly conniving with the Pakistani Taliban in an attempt to acquire a stronger position in a regional power game, The New York Times reported on Tuesday.

According to the report, the “disrupted plan involved Afghan intelligence trying to work with the Pakistan Taliban, allies of al Qaeda, in order to find a trump card in a baroque regional power game that is likely to intensify after the American withdrawal next year, the officials said. And what started the hard feelings was that the Americans caught them red-handed.”

The article comes just as a tripartite meeting between Nawaz Sharif, Hamid Karzai and David Cameron got underway in London, a meeting in which Karzai reportedly planned to push Pakistan into revealing the locations for Mullah Baradar.

Afghan govt caught transporting Latif Mehsud to Kabul

Tipped off to the plan, United States Special Forces “raided an Afghan convoy that was ushering a senior Pakistan Taliban militant, Latif Mehsud, to Kabul for secret talks last month, and now have Mehsud in custody.

“Publicly, the Afghan government has described Mehsud as an insurgent peace emissary. But according to Afghan officials, the ultimate plan was to take revenge on the Pakistani military.”

The New York Times further reported that a “favorite complaint of Afghan officials is how Pakistani military intelligence has sheltered and nurtured the Taliban and supported their insurgency against the Afghan government.

“Now, not content to be merely the target of a proxy war, the Afghan government decided to recruit proxies of its own by seeking to aid the Pakistan Taliban in their fight against Pakistan’s security forces, according to Afghan officials. And they were beginning to make progress over the past year, they say, before the American raid exposed them.”

The raid and the Afghan anger resulting from it was reported in news months ago, but the purpose and other details behind the Afghan plan have only now come to light.

Afghan officials claim that the Afghans thought they could “later gain an advantage in negotiations with the Pakistani government by offering to back off their support for the militants.”

Aiding the Pakistani Taliban was, the Afghans say, an “opportunity to bring peace on our terms.”

The New York Times acknowledged that the botched Afghan operation will now lend weight to Pakistani claims of militants in Afghanistan presenting Pakistan with a constant threat, claims which nobody in the international community previously heeded.

“American officials said they were also worried that the Afghan actions would give credibility to Pakistani complaints that enemies based in Afghanistan presented them with a threat equivalent to the Afghan insurgency.”

‘Mutually beneficial relationship’

Karzai is reportedly furious at the US action, while a former Afghan official claims Afghans merely wanted a ‘mutually beneficial relationship’ with the Pakistani Taliban.

“In the Afghan telling, the theft of their prized intelligence asset is an egregious example of American bullying, and President Hamid Karzai remains furious about it.”

“Afghan officials dismissed American admonishments about the dangers of working with militants as the kind of condescension they have come to expect. No one in Karzai’s government was naïve enough to believe they could turn the Pakistan Taliban into a reliable proxy, said a former Afghan official familiar with the matter.

“‘I would describe what we wanted to do was foster a mutually beneficial relationship,’ the former official said. ‘We’ve all seen that these people are nobodies — proxies.’”

So karzai's plan failed miserably, He must have planed it with indians together.
So karzai's plan failed miserably, He must have planed it with indians together.

aint pakistanis were claiming that USA govt has a hand in it and made it a tripartite matter(India-Afghanistan-USA) and Pakistani Taliban is a USA's proxy against Pakistan????then how come its USA who exposed them???not in the right track,are we??as for Pakistani Taliban's link with India,we despise anything that has relation with Al-Qaeda.even Pakistan Govt didn't blame India for that(i wonder why).they instead blamed their own army op in their tribal areas

but look what we got here..Afghanistan already learnt to fight against proxy with proxy.
This is great news for Pakistan. Hopefully the other country(a wolf under sheep skin) will also be exposed.:sniper:
Everyone recognizes the Taliban is the real power-broker. Evidently, it's completely irrelevant who Washington instates as 'the government', because Afghanistan has its own political centre of gravity.
Everyone recognizes the Taliban is the real power-broker. Evidently, it's completely irrelevant who Washington instates as 'the government', because Afghanistan has its own political centre of gravity.

Washington needs to take a lesson from China, include Hong kong and Taiwan in it GDP figures or in their sphere of control- but in reality have next to zero power over them
You have it in reverse, my rapist friend. HK and TW are never included in China's GDP figures. But in HK's case, Beijing has the final say, in the rare instances when it chooses to intervene, over all executive matters. For example, most political analysts believe Beijing was behind HK's refusal to surrender whistleblower and political dissident Edward Snowden.
Pakistan Army should enter Afghanistan and take on these people... enough is enough...

Pakistan have always worked for the betterment of Afghan People but they always back stab us
After USSR invasion, Huge number of these Afghans lived in Pakistan , even this clown Afghan PM. Still huge Afghan people living in Pakistan..

We should sent them all back, cut off any trade with them , seal off the entire border and then they will learn who they need to work with and be friends... OR pay the price...

Anyone Travelling towards Pakistan Border should be killed if they do not have valid authorization and shown clearly which PAF can see from the sky , PAF need to play its role and take on anyone coming towards Pakistan border....

Take the War on their door steps and then they will learn. Why Only Pakistan allow them all the food and Transit trade facilities and they always back stab us? I Mean there are other countries around Afghanistan, they should try to get Transit trade from them,.... we have given it for long time without any Taxes ... so enough is enough...
Hog wash,Karzai is lobbying for Us troops to be removed from Afghanistan. This the result.USA will never leave.the old silk route still has some impact in international politics. Russia, India, Pakistan and China. All within arms reach from Afghan frontier.USA will remove Karzai soon and put one of their stooge in power.until that stooge rise from his ashes and find love for his country.
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