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US asks Pakistan to stop the groups that carry out terrorism in India

US opposes linking Pak aid to cross-border attacks

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration does not favour a Congressional legislation that would link US aid to Pakistan to the elimination of cross-borer attacks into India, a senior US official said on Thursday.

'We do not want restrictions to make it impossible to achieve the goals that we all share,’ Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher told a briefing in Washington.
I only want to ask people of Pakistan.. Do they really want to terrorize people of India by sending terrorists or LETetc are running without your information or knoledge.

Don't create multiple ID's.
Banned again!
US opposes linking Pak aid to cross-border attacks

WASHINGTON: The Obama administration does not favour a Congressional legislation that would link US aid to Pakistan to the elimination of cross-borer attacks into India, a senior US official said on Thursday.

'We do not want restrictions to make it impossible to achieve the goals that we all share,’ Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher told a briefing in Washington.

Dont worry, in a couple of years, they will do that as well. And you would hate US for that. 1 year ago Pakistan laughed off the rumours that miltary aid will be linked with conditions. But here you are accepting both the conditions and the aid. Continue with the same policies against India, one more attack in India and the tables will completely turn against Pakistan.
No need to worry, in a couple of years we will see who is left with any tables or what.
We've been dealing with the US for more than six decades we know our way around perfectly. Never in history have we allowed US to be in dictating position, infact she's losing territory to Sino-Pak allience and Obama Administration is aware of that hence the change of heart.
Obama and Hillary both have taken a different approach, you might have noticed that both are talking in mutual interests instead of blatantly pushing Pakistan to take actions.

I have confidence in this Administration, she's much smarter than the previous one and I'm sure she'll continue this positive approach towards Pakistan.

"We do not want restrictions to make it impossible to achieve the goals that we all share,’ Assistant Secretary of State Richard Boucher told a briefing in Washington. "
No need to worry, in a couple of years we will see who is left with any tables or what.

I agree

Am wondering if GoP has any left some months from now ..... with the way things are in Pakistan?:cheers:
We've been dealing with the US for more than six decades we know our way around perfectly.

Right, you have been excellent blackmailers till date & US has heeded to you so far. So far, means till Bush era. After Obama took over, you have had to swallow some bitter pills. Even though US is not yet treading the path that India wants it to, it is slowly turning the direction. Remember Obama's statement. He said that US policies are like big ships. They can not take U turns on the spot. They need time for that. So the ship has just started to turn, just a matter of time when you see a U turn.
Interesting how Boucher's comments get turned into something else to sensationalize for Indian audiences.
I think you're investing far too much into the 'stopping vs. elimination' semantics. The US foreign policy is clear on this point, the state of Pakistan has to dismantle and remove all traces of the terrorism infrastructure that thrives within its borders so as to neutralize the ability of Pakistan based organizations to carry out acts of terrorism upon the citizens of other nations, particularly India. It doesn't seem like this matter is really up for interpretation or debate; or at least that is not what the US and Indian administrations are expecting from Pakistan.

AgNoStIc MuSliM said:
Back to Boucher's comments - Pakistan has been 'stopping' such groups from carrying out attacks in India, and in Kashmir.

There is no fool proof guarantee that any nation can provide, and the fact that an attack like Mumbai is the exception instead of the norm indicates how much 'stopping' Pakistan has done.
Most nations don't make fool proof guarantees because they don't have to. When it comes to export of terrorism, Pakistan is inexorably unique in that it has developed an unparalleled infrastructure which farms, nurtures, trains, funds and harbors terrorist institutions (although the generic term organizations is often used) to orchestrate acts of subversive war and terrorism upon other states as a front line foreign policy tool. As far as the diplomatic cadres in the US and UN are concerned, this fact isn't lost upon anyone, that much I can personally assure you. When it comes to terrorism, Pakistan isn't considered as just any other state, simply because it isn't.

Mumbai was by no means an out of the blue exception; it was a direct consequence of a multi decade process which has enabled the rise of terrorist institutions who specialize in exactly these kinds of activities. I don't think its possible to expect the Indians (or the world for that matter) to just 'move on' and 'get over' this one attack since it was a supposed aberration. Because it wasn't, and the fact of the matter is that each and every terrorist attack always carries the potential of leaving an indelible mark which then sets off a chain reaction of consequences which ends up altering the parameters for the entire situation permanently.

While the Pakistani establishment should certainly be thanked for curbing down the level of cross border terrorism, this point in itself cannot be factored into any sort of leverage; it merely suggests how bizarrely low the bar has been set. No nation that expects the world to take its sovereignty seriously should be exporting terrorism into another country, period; just because 10 potential attacks have been reduced to 4 doesn't mean everything is OK.
No nation that expects the world to take its sovereignty seriously should be exporting terrorism into another country, period;

And we aren't - period.

The evidence on that count is clear, regardless of your 'assurances'.

India should fix her homegrown problems herself instead of blaming Pakistan for every incident to deflect responsibility and brainwash its citizens into hating Pakistan.

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Name a few Indian grown terror organizations for me which carried out these attacks. And please, exclude BJP, RSS, Congress from your list.

Oh SIMI and DI's network in India comes to mind - you figure out the rest, since its your country, instead of blaming Pakistan to brainwash your people.

Of course if you lot actually bothered to investigate those incidents properly instead of blaming Pakistan, you might have more suspects.
Oh SIMI and DI's network in India comes to mind - you figure out the rest, since its your country, instead of blaming Pakistan to brainwash your people.

Of course if you lot actually bothered to investigate those incidents properly instead of blaming Pakistan, you might have more suspects.

Ulta chor kotwal ko daante? We arent the ones getting these health warnings. We are the ones you tried to blame but failed. And contrary to that, India has managed to convince everyone, except Pakistan for obvious reasons that Pakistan has been behind 99.99% of terrorist attacks in India.
The only one brainwashed here is you, my friend.:cheesy:
Ulta chor kotwal ko daante? We arent the ones getting these health warnings. We are the ones you tried to blame but failed. And contrary to that, India has managed to convince everyone, except Pakistan for obvious reasons that Pakistan has been behind 99.99% of terrorist attacks in India.
The only one brainwashed here is you, my friend.:cheesy:

Oh no - the people who are brainwashed are the ones claiming Pakistan is behind these acts without any evidence, and that includes the Mumbai attacks.

When you have categorical evidence indicating Pakistani institutional involvement, then come rant, until then its just typical Indian propaganda and blame deflection to pacify the masses with anti-Pakistan hatred. :cheers:
And we aren't - period.

The evidence on that count is clear, regardless of your 'assurances'.

India should fix her homegrown problems herself instead of blaming Pakistan for every incident to deflect responsibility and brainwash its citizens into hating Pakistan.


While it is true that Pakistan is no longer sponsoring terrorism after 2002 & Musharraf, the evidence is far from clear. You live in the US right ? Have you read the newspaper reports about Swat fights ? Most reports will at least mention once that Pakistani Army is supporting/was supporting terrorists. Similarly, many Indians do not trust the Pakistani claims after Mumbai.

Why don't you pick up a random American and ask what he thinks of Pakistan ? I have a Pakistani friend (with a Canadian passport) who still gets stopped at every US international airport. No Indian Muslim gets treated that way (I know quite a few) even when flying with an Indian passport.

So while Pakistan may no longer support terrorists, the evidence is scant. Of course, it is impossible to prove a negative, so that makes Pakistan's case much harder.
Oh SIMI and DI's network in India comes to mind - you figure out the rest, since its your country, instead of blaming Pakistan to brainwash your people.

Of course if you lot actually bothered to investigate those incidents properly instead of blaming Pakistan, you might have more suspects.

Would a random report from NYtimes count ? It is a newspaper of record in the United States (where you live). If you think it is wrong, you can prove that wrong in courts etc.

http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/08/w...l?scp=2&sq=pakistan terrorism army isi&st=cse

American officials say there is no hard evidence to link the spy service, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence, or ISI, to the Mumbai attacks. But the ISI has shared intelligence with Lashkar and provided protection for it, the officials said, and investigators are focusing on one Lashkar leader they believe is a main liaison with the spy service and a mastermind of the attacks.

I can pick up a hundred articles like this from US newspapers or British ones... So what should I believe ? Newspapers from around the world or someone who gives no backing to his claims and who calls himself an "Agnostic Muslim" but was earlier advocating truce with Taliban ?
Oh no - the people who are brainwashed are the ones claiming Pakistan is behind these acts without any evidence, and that includes the Mumbai attacks.

When you have categorical evidence indicating Pakistani institutional involvement, then come rant, until then its just typical Indian propaganda and blame deflection to pacify the masses with anti-Pakistan hatred. :cheers:

:disagree: These words are self explanatory about where the propaganda really lies.
I have nothing more to say.
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