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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

China, daddy is asking something.

then tell your daddy this: we're going to use it as a training platform for future carriers for the creation of a blue water navy that can project power far away from Chinese shores and to protect Chinese interest wherever they may be.

now go tell that to your daddy.
Neither India nor any other countries you mentioned really has any design to "overthrow" the United states. If it happens, we want it to be organic, evolutionary and above all, peaceful. India specifically, has maintained a carrier fleet from the late sixties no one had issues with it then. No one has issues with it now.

And neither does China.
Mostly because, they dont like/trust China. It really isn't a question of ethics or about "who is right".
i have to agree with Mech. They have mixed feelings, and are not able to hide the feelings.
Not because that China is not democratic, just because China is getting stronger, may threaten the position of U.S. one day.

but let me answer for the dumb Chinese government, "We have aircraft for world peace".

Omg couldn't they find a better press spokesperson for the states department? I thought it was an Onion news spoof and waited for a punchline the whole friggin time.
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chinese were thinking how that big aircraft carrier floats on the surface of water....... so best way was to build your own. i grantee you sir USA they wotmake any other.....
We will be using this carrier to protect freedom of navigation in the seas around Hawaii and California, where there are vital Chinese interests.

In addition we will be using this carrier to provide the humanitarian aid that local governments sometimes cannot provide, such as in Hurricane Katrina.

The carrier will also be used for enforcing no fly zones against brutal regimes cracking down on protesters, like the one in London.
You don't know how happy the Viets are among this news, they masturbate themselves everywhere from barber shops to beer bars to online forums. The Viets though the daddy has rescued and accepted Vietnam as U.S.'s new ally!!!
We will be using this carrier to protect freedom of navigation in the seas around Hawaii and California, where there are vital Chinese interests.

In addition we will be using this carrier to provide the humanitarian aid that local governments sometimes cannot provide, such as in Hurricane Katrina.

The carrier will also be used for enforcing no fly zones against brutal regimes cracking down on protesters, like the one in London.

The primary task for our carrier battlegroup is to protect our SSBN force. So it can launch its SLBMs safely during the nuclear war.
We will be using this carrier to protect freedom of navigation in the seas around Hawaii and California, where there are vital Chinese interests.

In addition we will be using this carrier to provide the humanitarian aid that local governments sometimes cannot provide, such as in Hurricane Katrina.

The carrier will also be used for enforcing no fly zones against brutal regimes cracking down on protesters, like the one in London.
The current mess in Somalia is an excellent opportunity for the PLAN to demonstrate how capable is China with her new toy. China can take the lead where the UN failed. Let US known how is that going.
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