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US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

AFP: US asks China to explain why it needs aircraft carrier

WASHINGTON — The United States said Wednesday it would like China to explain why it needs an aircraft carrier amid broader US concerns about Beijing's lack of transparency over its military aims.

"We would welcome any kind of explanation that China would like to give for needing this kind of equipment," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland told reporters when asked whether the carrier would raise regional tensions.

"This is part of our larger concern that China is not as transparent as other countries. It's not as transparent as the United States about its military acquisitions, about its military budget," she said.

"And we'd like to have the kind of open, transparent relationship in military-to-military affairs," Nuland said.

"In our military-to-military relations with many countries around the world, we have the kind of bilateral dialogue where we can get quite specific about the equipment that we have and its intended purposes and its intended movements," she said.

But China and the United States are "not at that level of transparency" to which the two nations aspire, Nuland added.

The comments came hours after China's first aircraft carrier embarked on its inaugural sea trial, a move likely to stoke concerns about the nation's military expansion and growing territorial assertiveness.

Beijing only recently confirmed it was revamping an old Soviet ship to be its first carrier and has sought to play down the vessel's capability, saying it will mainly be used for training and "research."

:rofl: :rofl: The best JOKE I have heard for a long time!!! :rofl: :rofl: Debt Ridden, Money Owing tenant asking the landlord on why does he need to have such a huge antenna on his house's roof? :rofl: :rofl:

Joke of the century- China should ask the debt defaulters and war criminals why it needs 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and 10 expeditionary group, etc.
Joke of the century- China should ask the debt defaulters and war criminals why it needs 11 nuclear powered aircraft carriers and 10 expeditionary group, etc.

Don't you know? Really? USA needs to have those assets. It is extremely important and vital for global peace and to fight against terrorism. Here is why:


:p:P :D
Does india recognize taiwan as a nation???

China will reclaim taiwan sooner or later. So stop making up such craps here.

Stupid question by USA, its ovbious why China made a aircraft carrier, is so that they can threaten smaller nations in eastern asia and scaring USA away so nations like Taiwan and VN can get assistance.
Don't you know? Really? USA needs to have those assets. It is extremely important and vital for global peace and to fight against terrorism. Here is why:


:p:P :D

You yourself know that post was bullshyt.
The americans are giddy with power. They dont even realise what a stupid question this is. At the same time as asking this question did they beg the chinese to lend them more money.
On the back of Chinese aircraft carrier:

Taiwan's 'Carrier Killer' Aims To Sink China's Carrier - Defense News

Taiwan's 'Carrier Killer' Aims To Sink China's Carrier

TAIPEI - In the event of war, Taiwan plans to sink China's new aircraft carrier, the Varyag, with its new "aircraft carrier killer" missile, the ramjet-powered supersonic anti-ship cruise missile Hsiung Feng 3. The revelation was made Aug. 10 on the same day China launched the Varyag for its first sea trials.
This mural was displayed at the Taipei Aerospace and Defense Technology Exhibition showing Taiwan Hsiung Feng 3 missiles attacking the new Chinese carrrier, Varyag. (Wendell Minnick)

The disclosure came during a preshow media tour of the biennial Taipei Aerospace and Defense Technology Exhibition (TADTE). Journalists inspecting the Hsiung Feng 3 were shocked to see a large mural of the Varyag being attacked by three Hsiung Feng 3 missiles. Two of the missiles impact the carrier's starboard bow and starboard quarter, with a third missile is en route to the ship.

The mural was reminiscent of similar displays at the 2010 Zhuhai Airshow in China, where anti-ship missiles were depicted attacking and sinking U.S. aircraft carriers.

The unveiling of the display comes at an uncomfortable time for Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou. Since coming into office in 2008, Ma has eased cross-Strait tensions and signed historic economic agreements with China.

Military officials denied that calling Hsiung Feng 3 the "aircraft carrier killer" or displaying a mural of a missile attack on the Varyag were intended to send Beijing a political message. In the past, the Taiwan military often used ambiguous phrases to describe the "enemy" without mentioning China. Therefore, the Hsiung Feng 3 display was out of synch with normal military protocol that avoids enraging China.

The military-run Chungshun Institute of Science and Technology (CSIST) produces the Hsiung Feng family of anti-ship missiles, including the Tien Kung (Sky Bow) air defense missile and the Tien Chien (Sky Sword) missile.

CSIST is working on a highly classified missile system called the Hsiung Feng 2E, which is reportedly a land-attack cruise missile capable of hitting targets on mainland China. This missile has never been displayed to the public and the military refuses to discuss its existence. Another missile program considered secret is the Tien Chien 2A, which is reportedly an anti-radiation missile designed to destroy ground-based radar systems.

A CSIST official said the Hsiung Feng 3 has been outfitted on the 1101 and 1103 Perry-class frigates for testing. "We began building the Hsiung Feng III around five years ago."

The military might field the missile inland along the coast to fend off a Chinese invasion armada, he said. The Hsiung Feng 3 has a reported range of 130 kilometers.

Also on display at TADTE was the new Tien Kung 3 (Sky Bow) air defense missile. The Tien Kung is based on the U.S.-built Patriot missile defense system. Details of its probable deployment are classified.
China should reply and say something outrageous like "to invade the United States in the next 6 months".

Perhaps the ensuing panic within the US population would demonstrate the danger of asking stupid questions.
China should reply and say something like "to invade the United States in the next 6 months".

Now wouldn't that be the biggest joke of the year?
Absolutely...We would be dead from laughing. Good strategy, though...
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