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US Asian Pivot on steroids, using insurgency as a geopolitical tool

Misleading title.

Kalu_Miah just wanted to open another thread about balkanizing Myanmar. With China and USA both trying to win over Myanmar, and India and Myanmar being good allies, not gonna happen Kalu. :rolleyes:

Myanmar will not be Balkanized but Bangladesh surely going to be isolated with their arrogant and idiotic attitude towards both India and Myanmar. :lol:

Then you will find 7th fleet sitting in Chittagong.

Yeah!! Even American nukes will be bombing Delhi in your day-dream. :rofl::rofl:
Unfortunately ethnic Bengali's have already become majority in these areas, so there is no future possibility for any insurgency to succeed. That is however not the case with the insurgencies in North East India or Myanmar.

Yup this is where Bd and India differs .. the mars assesment itself reported in every Indian case about Indian democratic process and appeasement policies to end the insurgency , however BD took the complete opposite route by outnumbering chakmas in their own land, I have to believe you that chakmas are living a good lives but it is hard to accept so, sooner or later some super daddy country gonna folk with you on the pretex of helping the chakmas, better keep them chakmas on your side.
Yup this is where Bd and India differs .. the mars assesment itself reported in every Indian case about Indian democratic process and appeasement policies to end the insurgency , however BD took the complete opposite route by outnumbering chakmas in their own land, I have to believe you that chakmas are living a good lives but it is hard to accept so, sooner or later some super daddy country gonna folk with you on the pretex of helping the chakmas, better keep them chakmas on your side.

Chakma's get priority in education and good govt. jobs. They are already in good economic situation. Bangladeshi guys love Chakma girls, intermarriage is quite common. So Chakma has become integrated with Bangladeshi socieity. Bangladeshi Ambassador to Vietnam is from Chakma ethnic group.

If you are from North East, you already know the mutual feelings of NE Indian and mainland Indians. The physical land separation is the biggest problem, only connection between these two landmass is 14 mile wide Siliguri corridor. Considering physical location and ethnic origin, NE India is in South East Asia proper, it has more in common with Burma than it has with India. So this question will come up more and more in the future as ASEAN takes off as a region and India is left lagging behind, which is already the case.

As for the Burman (Bamar) ethnic group, they are running a medieval steam roller on other ethnic groups, so Kachin, Karen, Mon and Shan ethnic insurgencies will continue. Many of them are Christians, another reason for USA/West to support both NE Indian and Burmese insurgents. For Rohingya's I do not support an insurgency, as their numbers are too small and they are vulnerable to complete purge from Arakan, also I do not support any Muslim insurgencies as USA/West is allergic to it, due to possibility of radicalization and "Islamic terror".

Speaking of Christians, I heard there is a Jewish group in NE India as well, so may be Israel should also support an independent NE with significant Judeo-Christian population:
Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

is it, do you reallllllly believe that???? :lol:

Of course, that is the secret Asian Pivot project, your media ran with that news, remember.
Then you will find 7th fleet sitting in Chittagong.

And that would make the Chinese extremely happy:rofl:

Give it up Kalu, leave the strategic jostling for the big boys. Bangladesh should focus on its development, you guys have the perfect opportunity with minimal external threat.
And that would make the Chinese extremely happy:rofl:

Give it up Kalu, leave the strategic jostling for the big boys. Bangladesh should focus on its development, you guys have the perfect opportunity with minimal external threat.

China can do little about it, ASEAN+ will be a US allied region, first and foremost.

And India is one the big boys? keep dreaming. USA is here to stay in Asia and our medium term future is with USA. It is only USA that can stabilize ASEAN+ region, liberate minority states in Burma and integrate them with ASEAN. China has supported Burman imperialists to exploit resources and to get sea access. They can still get those, but after the region is stabilized. And China would love to take Arunachal back, while working with insurgents to liberate NE India, which I believe it is already doing, so this newly independent state can become a part of ASEAN. Paresh Baruah, Commander-in-Chief of ULFA is sitting in Yunan as we write these posts, which I am sure you know.
And India is one the big boys? keep dreaming. USA is here to stay in Asia and our medium term future is with USA. It is only USA that can stabilize ASEAN+ region, liberate minority states in Burma and integrate them with ASEAN. China has supported Burman imperialists to exploit resources and to get sea access. They can still get those, but after the region is stabilized. And China would love to take Arunachal back, while working with insurgents to liberate NE India, which I believe it is already doing. Paresh Baruah is sitting in Yunan, which I am sure you know.

We certainly are in the region. USA presence in the region is obviously helpful, even for India, but don't let them get too close. You don't want to antagonize China too much. Hosting the USN 7th fleet will be like painting a giant red mark on your head, inviting trouble. You don't want your backyard to be the flashpoint between two super powers.

Insurgency in NE is dying its cold miserable death, sooner or later these insurgents and their supporters will give up, India is only getting stronger and in a better position to take care of such niggling issues.

China will not do anything to antagonize Myanmar, ditto with the US, and balkanizing Myanmar will serve neither of their purpose. China needs access to the Andaman Sea, US needs a land border with China. This can only be achieved if Myanmar is kept intact. So as I said, not going to happen.
Chakma's get priority in education and good govt. jobs. They are already in good economic situation. Bangladeshi guys love Chakma girls, intermarriage is quite common. So Chakma has become integrated with Bangladeshi socieity. Bangladeshi Ambassador to Vietnam is from Chakma ethnic group.

If you are from North East, you already know the mutual feelings of NE Indian and mainland Indians. The physical land separation is the biggest problem, only connection between these two landmass is 14 mile wide Siliguri corridor. Considering physical location and ethnic origin, NE India is in South East Asia proper, it has more in common with Burma than it has with India. So this question will come up more and more in the future as ASEAN takes off as a region and India is left lagging behind, which is already the case.

As for the Burman (Bamar) ethnic group, they are running a medieval steam roller on other ethnic groups, so Kachin, Karen, Mon and Shan ethnic insurgencies will continue. Many of them are Christians, another reason for USA/West to support both NE Indian and Burmese insurgents. For Rohingya's I do not support an insurgency, as their numbers are too small and they are vulnerable to complete purge from Arakan, also I do not support any Muslim insurgencies as USA/West is allergic to it, due to possibility of radicalization and "Islamic terror".

Speaking of Christians, I heard there is a Jewish group in NE India as well, so may be Israel should also support an independent NE with significant Judeo-Christian population:
Bnei Menashe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Of course, that is the secret Asian Pivot project, your media ran with that news, remember.

You are claiming equality for Chakmas after their ethnic cleansing. Where ever Bangladeshis go, they just get hatred of local people.
You are claiming equality for Chakmas after their ethnic cleansing. Where ever Bangladeshis go, they just get hatred of local people.

There was no ethnic cleansing of Chakma, only Indian funded and trained agents were routed out. Bangladesh is too small to be imperialist, but NE states are Indian colonial empire, most knowledgeable NE Indians want liberation and this trend will only increase with time. No one wants to be dominated by a "foreign" ethnic group from another region.

And what are these places where Bangladeshi's are hated?
We certainly are in the region. USA presence in the region is obviously helpful, even for India, but don't let them get too close. You don't want to antagonize China too much. Hosting the USN 7th fleet will be like painting a giant red mark on your head, inviting trouble. You don't want your backyard to be the flashpoint between two super powers.

Insurgency in NE is dying its cold miserable death, sooner or later these insurgents and their supporters will give up, India is only getting stronger and in a better position to take care of such niggling issues.

China will not do anything to antagonize Myanmar, ditto with the US, and balkanizing Myanmar will serve neither of their purpose. China needs access to the Andaman Sea, US needs a land border with China. This can only be achieved if Myanmar is kept intact. So as I said, not going to happen.

Bangladesh has no choice but to get close to USA to kick out Indian influence in Bangladesh. If China does not like that, that is too bad, but survival is first. You are kind of missing the picture here, USA is not just going to be here in Bay of Bengal or Bangladesh, but all of ASEAN as well, so China and India should get used to US presence, in this region. EU, Japan and South Korea will also be heavily involved following the US lead.

Indian North East states' desire for self-determination will only grow stronger with time, once ASEAN economies take off and leave Indian economy in the dust. Increasing prosperity will make them more aware of their rights and options.
Self-determination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China may not go against Burma, but USA may, if the minorities like Kachin, Karen, Mon and Shan do not stop fighting and there is no sign that they will. USA can get a land border with China if they support the insurgency in Burma, much more easily, it is unlikely unreliable and irresponsible Bamar's are going to give it to them. Asian pivot hopefully will give a life line to all minority insurgents in NE India and Burma, so they can fight and win their independence from regional imperial colonizers. After Burma minorities gain their independence, China can still can get their sea route, either through Bamar land or through minority land.

And for China, the biggest bonanza will be to get their Arunachal back or at least see Indian Army out of this area, once NE India starts moving towards self-determination. So to unhinge NE India will be a joint China-USA project.
There was no ethnic cleansing of Chakma, only Indian funded and trained agents were routed out. Bangladesh is too small to be imperialist, but NE states are Indian colonial empire, most knowledgeable NE Indians want liberation and this trend will only increase with time. No one wants to be dominated by a "foreign" ethnic group from another region.

And what are these places where Bangladeshi's are hated?

Did Indian settlers cause demographic explosion in Chittagong Hill Track.
Bangladesh has no choice but to get close to USA to kick out Indian influence in Bangladesh. If China does not like that, that is too bad, but survival is first. You are kind of missing the picture here, USA is not just going to be here in Bay of Bengal or Bangladesh, but all of ASEAN as well, so China and India should get used to US presence, in this region. EU, Japan and South Korea will also be heavily involved following the US lead.

Indian North East states' desire for self-determination will only grow stronger with time, once ASEAN economies take off and leave Indian economy in the dust. Increasing prosperity will make them more aware of their rights and options.
Self-determination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China may not go against Burma, but USA may, if the minorities like Kachin, Karen, Mon and Shan do not stop fighting and there is no sign that they will. USA can get a land border with China if they support the insurgency in Burma, much more easily, it is unlikely unreliable and irresponsible Bamar's are going to give it to them. Asian pivot hopefully will give a life line to all minority insurgents in NE India and Burma, so they can fight and win their independence from regional imperial colonizers. After Burma minorities gain their independence, China can still can get their sea route, either through Bamar land or through minority land.

And for China, the biggest bonanza will be to get their Arunachal back or at least see Indian Army out of this area, once NE India starts moving towards self-determination. So to unhinge NE India will be a joint China-USA project.

Stick to the topic at hand, stop bringing North East issues into this, as I said insurgency in North East is dying down, look at the stats. India can finish the insurgency in the N.E. if it wants, but no point diverting whole lot of world attention towards ourself. Low intensity warfare is working effectively for us.

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in India's Northeast ::South Asia Terrorism portal

India has very good relationship with ASEAN and ASEAN is not expansionist and has no interest in the North East of India, you sure have a vivid imagination:cheesy:

China is not going to attack India to satisfy Kalu_miah's wet dreams. India-China bilateral trade will hit $100 Billion in couple of years. The benefits of China attacking India far outweigh the costs, and lets not forget India's nuclear deterrent.

Coming back to the topic, you rant on about ASEAN power and here you are advocating the balkanization of ASEAN member state, whats the go with that? No more ASEAN pride? Or you already realised that Bangladesh will never be accepted in ASEAN?:lol:

Don't forget all of Indo-China region is full of different ethnic groups, no country in the region would want to have a precedence of division of country on ethnic lines. So ASEAN as well as India will make sure no such thing ever occurs in the neighbourhood.

Coming to Bangladesh, you will remain under Indian influence forever, whether you like it or not. America won't do anything in Bangladesh against the wishes of India, infact I ll go as far as saying that America is showing interest in Bangladesh at the behest of India.

Get rid of pro China BNP, bring in pro India AL, and then bring in America, worked like a charm. Bangladesh will loose CHT before India or Myanmar looses any territory.
Did Indian settlers cause demographic explosion in Chittagong Hill Track.

No, but Indians trained and funded an insurgency, so these Bengali settlers are what they got as a reward as neighbors, thanks to Indian interference. Now they get along perfectly well, no major problems there, unlike the repression we see in NE India or Burma.

Northeast India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Political unrest

The isolation of the Northeastern states began earlier as a result of British imperialism, when the region was cut-off from its traditional trading partners (Bhutan, Myanmar and Indo-China).[16] In 1947 Indian independence and partition made this a landlocked region, exacerbating the isolation that is being recognized lately, but not studied yet.[17] Soon it became a captive market for mainstream India.[18]
The northeastern states, having a comparatively small electorate (3.8% of India's total population) are alloted just 25 out of a total of 543 seats in the Lok Sabha (4.6% of the total number of seats).
The northeastern states are home to many ethnic groups, that are engaged in self-preservation[dubious – discuss][citation needed]. In the early days of Indian independence, there were serious revolts for independence due to religious, cultural and ethnic differences. The insurgencies were suppressed by the Indian army, but remained active. In recent times, some of these struggles have turned more violent again, leading to proliferation of armed insurgent groups, like the ULFA, NLFT.,[19] NDFB[20] and NSCN.[21] Soon after the Sino-Indian War of 1962 and especially after the rise of insurgency in the region, security influence on policies has increased.[22]
Of late there is a wide recognition among policy makers and economists of the region that the main stumbling block for economic development of the Northeastern region is the disadvantageous geographical location.[23] The coming of globalisation propagates deterritorialisation and a borderless world which is often associated with economic integration. With 98 percent of its borders with China, Myanmar, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Nepal, Northeast India has better scope for development in the era of globalisation.[24] As a result, a new policy developed among intellectuals and politicians that one direction the Northeastern region must be looking to as a new way of development lies with political integration with the rest of India and economic integration with the rest of Asia, with East and Southeast Asia in particular as the policy of economic integration with the rest of India did not yield much dividends. With the development of this new policy the Government of India directed its Look East policy towards developing the Northeastern region. This policy is reflected in the Year End Review 2004 of the Ministry of External Affairs, which stated that: “India’s Look East Policy has now been given a new dimension by the UPA Government. India is now looking towards a partnership with the ASEAN countries, both within BIMSTEC and the India-ASEAN Summit dialogue as integrally linked to economic and security interests, particularly for India’s East and North East region.”[25]
However, the heavy and privileged status of the security forces in Northeast India, as well as seeming discriminatory treatment against Northeast Indians remain factors that contribute to tensions in the region. For example, the hunger strike by Irom Chanu Sharmila following the "Malom Massacre" has not received wide-spread coverage in India. [26]

Irom Chanu Sharmila - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irom Sharmila Chanu (born March 14, 1972), also known as the "Iron Lady of Manipur" or "Mengoubi" ("the fair one")[1] is a civil rights activist, political activist, and poet from the Indian state of Manipur. Since 2 November 2000, she has been on hunger strike to demand that the Indian government repeal the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958 (AFSPA), which she blames for violence in Manipur and other parts of India's northeast.[2] Having refused food and water for more than 500 weeks, she has been called "the world's longest hunger striker".[3]
Then you will find 7th fleet sitting in Chittagong.

The word Balkanization make the Indians soil their you know what.

On Topic

I don't see anything happening to Burma anytime soon. West is working to enhance the relationship. IMO the Burmese used up a lot of the newly earned capital.

It will continue to remain status quo with occasional tantrums from the Burmese.
Stick to the topic at hand, stop bringing North East issues into this, as I said insurgency in North East is dying down, look at the stats. India can finish the insurgency in the N.E. if it wants, but no point diverting whole lot of world attention towards ourself. Low intensity warfare is working effectively for us.

Fatalities in Terrorist Violence in India's Northeast ::South Asia Terrorism portal

India has very good relationship with ASEAN and ASEAN is not expansionist and has no interest in the North East of India, you sure have a vivid imagination:cheesy:

China is not going to attack India to satisfy Kalu_miah's wet dreams. India-China bilateral trade will hit $100 Billion in couple of years. The benefits of China attacking India far outweigh the costs, and lets not forget India's nuclear deterrent.

Coming back to the topic, you rant on about ASEAN power and here you are advocating the balkanization of ASEAN member state, whats the go with that? No more ASEAN pride? Or you already realised that Bangladesh will never be accepted in ASEAN?:lol:

Don't forget all of Indo-China region is full of different ethnic groups, no country in the region would want to have a precedence of division of country on ethnic lines. So ASEAN as well as India will make sure no such thing ever occurs in the neighbourhood.

Coming to Bangladesh, you will remain under Indian influence forever, whether you like it or not. America won't do anything in Bangladesh against the wishes of India, infact I ll go as far as saying that America is showing interest in Bangladesh at the behest of India.

Get rid of pro China BNP, bring in pro India AL, and then bring in America, worked like a charm. Bangladesh will loose CHT before India or Myanmar looses any territory.

Say that to this lady Irom Shormila Chanu in photo above. NE Indian insurgency is very much part of the topic, in the OP I posted, please read it again, if you have not read it.

Bangladesh is India's neighbor, but you will have less influence here than even in Pakistan and you can kiss goodbye to your RAWamy agents, they are history. If anything we will have influence in your West Bengal, because of common language.
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