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US Army 'kill team' in Afghanistan posed with photos of murdered civilians

I m sorry to hear what happened to your family... I really am... please accept my condolences...

I would only say this to you... Did the attack on your church happened before the Americans came or after... think carefully who started all this bloodshed...

This particular attack happened after the Americans came. However, attacks on Christian churches and Assyrian communities in Iraq are nothing new, even predating the establishment of Iraq as a British protectorate after World War One. Our list of martyrs at the hands of Arabs, Mongols, Turks, and Kurds is long.

Saddam was evil... but so are the Americans...

I have to disagree about the Americans as a whole. There is no need to condemn the entire country based on the actions of a few "bad apples." That would be like condemning all Egyptians for the actions of those who assassinated Anwar Sadat, condemning all Saudis for the actions of Osama bin Laden, or condemning all Pakistanis for the actions of Musharraf.

..and so are those who kill innocent people in the name of religion

I agree wholeheartedly for are we not all the children of God?

ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ

كنيسة المشرق الاشورية الرسولية الجاثلقية المقدسة
He was sell out he was not sell out, make up your mind. This word is full of opportunitst but you only gave an xample of him. on the other hand you cant say for sure that he was an opportunist, he might have truely converted.

and no, the interpreter was very wrong for punching him, he should have done his job properly. i am amazed to see double standards in here.
i agree for the punch ;) you're right

but when someone goes like this cry he is christian he doesn't seem to be a faithful guy but someone who wanted to find opportunity
let's imagine he like christianity , which is his right, why acting this way?

i have friends in central asia countries who say me there are many evangelist groups who tried so much to convert people
this world doesn't need a religion war
this world doesn't need that a religion attacks another religion or forbid another
i can see from royalist group on facebook: there are some evangelist groups linked to them: they spend time to insult Islam. If we say any good point about our religion and say they should refrain their hatred : they accuse us (the green, the real ones) to be the governement the savage islamists as they say

i know you write with your education your tolerance and i like this
i think anyway we should write with doubts , you're right
This particular attack happened after the Americans came. However, attacks on Christian churches and Assyrian communities in Iraq are nothing new, even predating the establishment of Iraq as a British protectorate after World War One. Our list of martyrs at the hands of Arabs, Mongols, Turks, and Kurds is long.
Chiites could say the same
But the least is to work together and stop blaming the nation and the other all citizens.
Some christian groups here and US are always using you to say all bad about our religion: look Egypt look Iraq. But they never see anything good that could happen : when for exemple christians and muslims in Egypt walked together for asking security and then freedom.
I have to disagree about the Americans as a whole. There is no need to condemn the entire country based on the actions of a few "bad apples." That would be like condemning all Egyptians for the actions of those who assassinated Anwar Sadat, condemning all Saudis for the actions of Osama bin Laden, or condemning all Pakistanis for the actions of Musharraf.
I agree with you
but don't blame too much Musharraf: it is over exagerated to make such comparison with OBL or the islamists who killed Anwar al Sadat

I agree wholeheartedly for are we not all the children of God?
i respect this beautiful religion of christianity
but in the name of God there are many wars: evangelist in their websites in US just treat us as retards, and insult our prophet
There is a respect to learn between our religions.
You can see on this forum some israelis came to see fake verses about the duty of muslims to kill Jews
We need to work for respect and not for supremacy of one religion
my religion teacher always teached me you can't be a muslim if it doesn't come from heart
take care
and the US blames gaddafi for human rights violation. If the US is genuinely concernede for human rights adn deaths of innocent civilians it should go adn bomb israel first!
i agree for the punch ;) you're right

i know you write with your education your tolerance and i like this
i think anyway we should write with doubts , you're right

but when someone goes like this cry he is christian he doesn't seem to be a faithful guy but someone who wanted to find opportunity
let's imagine he like christianity , which is his right, why acting this way?

Dorood Hussein bro, this person might have been genuine, or an opportunist, we shouldnt jump to conclusions according to our assumptions and call him sell out etc. please see the following links, these are only 2 examples of many many other cases.

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In Kambakhsh's case, he was only putting some questions before his teacher, and thats how he was accused of that crime, not sure if you have heard of Abdul Rahman, who was lucky to be freed.

i can see from royalist group on facebook: there are some evangelist groups linked to them: they spend time to insult Islam. If we say any good point about our religion and say they should refrain their hatred : they accuse us (the green, the real ones) to be the governement the savage islamists as they say

these guys are dangerous and hatemongering people.
The US military has already condemned the actions of the few individuals. In a statement released Sunday, calling their actions and photos “repugnant to us as human beings and contrary to the standards and values of the United States Army.”

A total of 12 Soldiers from this unit have been found guilty of 76 charges. Of the 12 soldiers, 5 are on trial for premeditated murder, eight face charges for drugs, and eight stand accused of assaulting another soldier. The charges include "wrongfully photographing and possessing visual images of human casualties."

As you can see the US military as well as we at CENTCOM do care about these despicable actions and do not leave those so accused unaccountable.
“When allegations of wrongdoing by soldiers surface, to include the inappropriate treatment of the dead, they are fully investigated,” the Army statement said. “Soldiers who commit offenses will be held fully accountable.”

“We apologize for the distress these photos cause,” the Army statement said. “The actions portrayed in these photographs remain under investigation and are now the subject of ongoing U.S. court-martial proceedings, in which the accused are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.”

On the other hand, and as you can see, the investigation started last year, long before any publication published the photos which were used as proof of evidence in the court. publishing them or not will have no effect on the ongoing trial.

Can anyone cite a condemnation from Taliban when they kill or mutilate their innocent victims, let alone the conduct of investigations that subject members to trial for terrorism and indiscriminate murder?

Is it not easy to use such deplorable incidents to stir anti-American feelings? We, unlike the Taliban, do not ignore and take wrong doing lightly. In fact we take such behaviors very seriously and act according to the rule of law.

CDR Bill Speaks
DET- United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
Where is this outrage when the tali bunnies blow up civilians? Where is this particular outrage when people are slaughtered in sectarian violence all in the name of God? Where is this outrage when people are killed when they simply voice their opinions? Where is this outrage when people put out statements justifying killing of innocents in the name of religion? Where was this outrage when bombs were placed in eviscerated bodies of innocent victims?

These are aberrant acts of a few, not the norm - which a delusional brainwashed mind so desperately wants to believe. The men who committed these acts are being tried and will be punished by courts of law as well as military courts.

Can you expect justice for most if not all the victims of religious fundamentalism?

The outrage is always there and spoken off, all forms of extremism should not be tolerated and be condemned. unfortunately condemnations occur but people choose to ignore those parts, i hear a lot of this in the western world. As a muslim I condemn all forms of extremism,especially those who use the name of Islam to justify their abominations.

I also STRONGLY condemn STATE SPONSORED TERRORISM that are causing havoc in the world (Especially Western ones, as it indicates elements of racism).

These BASTARD so called Soldiers initiated these MURDERS because they had been brainwashed in seeing muslims as worse than animals. These bastards (and there are many of them) need to be executed in order to deter others. In the western world there has been that much negativity done by Zionist sponsored media about muslims, that if it continuose then it could result in attrocities as those in Bosnia.

However, I am also aware of the many terrorist who are supported by numerous governments in Pakistan to cause further instability and mayhem - to get the country folk to fight one another and then the WEST can send its WAR MACHINE to give their version of DEMOCRACY - as it is happening in Libya.
lanat in logo par....human rights aur war laws ki baat karte han...Allah ka azaab aye inn kafiron par...
We, unlike the Taliban, do not ignore and take wrong doing lightly. In fact we take such behaviors very seriously and act according to the rule of law.

you kill more than the taliban could ever kill.

actions are greater than words am afraid, and just before this 9 boys gathering firewood were murdered by nato, what of them? nothing as usual.
What I want to know is at what point did any of it seem like a good idea to them? The pych evaluation for the armed forced should be a rad more strict, imo.

These kids played too much Call of Duty games.

No, because none of the said soldiers were dual wielding sub machine guns and sprinting around
Yup, all Americans are the same and think the same and act the same. Grow up

Yeah like you guys are free from the stereotyping. Disgusting. American foreign policy seems to be run by trigger happy rednecks. Well the poses are the same, just the people have changed. first it was Iraqis, then Afghans, well we shall see Libyans next.
they should send those losers to al-Qaeda, let them deal with it!!
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