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US Army 'kill team' in Afghanistan posed with photos of murdered civilians

ofcourse all Americans are not like this. I have so many friend in America and they are great people.
Cartoon violence? I'm not a phychiatrist, so I can't tell you what causes depravity.

okay. for the time being I assume that they get wrongly infer these acts to be holy and justified heavily influenced by their superiors training and motivational propoganda...
It's like asking what cause Hitler to decide to kill all the Jews. A sick mind is a sick mind, regardless of the country they reside


Where is this outrage when the tali bunnies blow up civilians? Where is this particular outrage when people are slaughtered in sectarian violence all in the name of God? Where is this outrage when people are killed when they simply voice their opinions? Where is this outrage when people put out statements justifying killing of innocents in the name of religion? Where was this outrage when bombs were placed in eviscerated bodies of innocent victims?

These are aberrant acts of a few, not the norm - which a delusional brainwashed mind so desperately wants to believe. The men who committed these acts are being tried and will be punished by courts of law as well as military courts.

Can you expect justice for most if not all the victims of religious fundamentalism?
It's like asking what cause Hitler to decide to kill all the Jews. A sick mind is a sick mind, regardless of the country they reside

the hypothesis of Hilter to decide and kill all jews is itself a creation of a sick mind ! a sick mind is a sick mind regardless of the country they reside !

: no more talks on it, its off topic !
Why don't you enlighten us with the tale of your love for America?

There is not much to tell other than the facts that they provided me with a university education second to none that allowed me to provide for my family and they actually saved my life and the lives of my family. I am able to work in the United States without fear that my neighbors will burn my house and kill my family because we do not practice the same religion as they do.

Do you have any other questions, my child?

If not, have a blessed day.

ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ
This one does not seem to be an American soldier. The uniform and helmet are wrong.

By the way, do you know that the website that you linked has itself a link to a site claiming that in the early part of this century that Pakistan would have had to give up vast parts of its territory to Afghanistan which is why Pakistan "invented" the Taliban? Please, do more research on your "sources."

Cm on- The pics are real isn't it? Only that should concern you- even some times CNN has links to a terrorist websites- what does it show?- CNN not credible?- :tdown:


They look not American to you?-
The US occupation in the Middle East has been a never ending series of atrocities. From torture to rendition to Abu Graib. Countless civilians dead and now a rogue hit squad. Makes you wonder what else is being covered up never to see the light of day. What is done by American soldiers are the responsibilities of the country. You cannot call the occupation a gift of America and then wash your hands when American soldiers go rogue. These bloods are on American hands. You can be sure of that.

Lovers of the devil of our times, the United Snakes of America conveniently forget these atrocities and still think that the US is out to do some good for the world... I have said this before, that media is their damage control... they are doing these kind of things all the time... its only sometimes they get exposed... countless cases prove this... the last time this one soldier got high on some drugs at a party and disclosed that he has collected fingers and skulls of Afghans that he shot dead for fun... there have been cases like this in Iraq as well with the Hajis...

The poor people only pray to God that He will send someone to protect them... may Allah grant the families of the victims Sabr...
There is not much to tell other than the facts that they provided me with a university education second to none that allowed me to provide for my family and they actually saved my life and the lives of my family. I am able to work in the United States without fear that my neighbors will burn my house and kill my family because we do not practice the same religion as they do.

Do you have any other questions, my child?

If not, have a blessed day.

ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ

and you are OK with that? The rest of Iraq can go to hell... wow you got a job... thats downright sick...

You remind me of a story where certain sell out Afghans were applying for American visas/passports and there was this man from Pakistan translating for the Afghan... suddenly the Afghan went on a rant against Islam and started saying that he actually wants to become a Christian and that he has read the bible and that Quran is the devil's book... at this point the translator looked at the Afghan... clenched his fist and hit him in the nose with a mighty punch... security was called and the translator left cursing this person as well as the Fasad that the Americans had started in the country...

I would nt be surprised actually if your job is to sing the praises of the United States on forums such as this...
and you are OK with that?

Am I OK with what? Your question is not clear.

The rest of Iraq can go to hell... wow you got a job... thats downright sick...

I did not say the rest of Iraq can go to Hell. How is getting a job sick? Would you prefer I took handouts? May I assume you moved to Ireland for the weather, or do you have a job there?

You remind me of a story where certain sell out Afghans were applying for American visas/passports and there was this man from Pakistan translating for the Afghan... suddenly the Afghan went on a rant against Islam and started saying that he actually wants to become a Christian and that he has read the bible and that Quran is the devil's book... at this point the translator looked at the Afghan... clenched his fist and hit him in the nose with a mighty punch... security was called and the translator left cursing this person as well as the Fasad that the Americans had started in the country...

I am not certain how this relates to me. My family has been Christian since before Mohammed was born and remains Christian to this day. We came to the United States thanks to my employment as an interpreter after my wife died in an attack on our church. I am not in the habit of attacking the religion of others. Are you?

I would nt be surprised actually if your job is to sing the praises of the United States on forums such as this...

I should be so lucky. I am employed by a security firm since my petroleum engineering experience is somewhat outdated. I hope to return home someday.

Have a blessed day.

ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ

كنيسة المشرق الاشورية الرسولية الجاثلقية المقدسة
and you are OK with that? The rest of Iraq can go to hell... wow you got a job... thats downright sick...

You remind me of a story where certain sell out Afghans were applying for American visas/passports and there was this man from Pakistan translating for the Afghan... suddenly the Afghan went on a rant against Islam and started saying that he actually wants to become a Christian and that he has read the bible and that Quran is the devil's book... at this point the translator looked at the Afghan... clenched his fist and hit him in the nose with a mighty punch... security was called and the translator left cursing this person as well as the Fasad that the Americans had started in the country...

I would nt be surprised actually if your job is to sing the praises of the United States on forums such as this...

MBQ, how come this person be a sell out? He simply changed his religion, there is no shortages of people who change their religion, and that interpreter's job was to interpret, not to punch people.
Am I OK with what? Your question is not clear.

I did not say the rest of Iraq can go to Hell. How is getting a job sick? Would you prefer I took handouts? May I assume you moved to Ireland for the weather, or do you have a job there?

I am not certain how this relates to me. My family has been Christian since before Mohammed was born and remains Christian to this day. We came to the United States thanks to my employment as an interpreter after my wife died in an attack on our church. I am not in the habit of attacking the religion of others. Are you?

I should be so lucky. I am employed by a security firm since my petroleum engineering experience is somewhat outdated. I hope to return home someday.

Have a blessed day.

ܥܕܬܐ ܩܕܝܫܬܐ ܘܫܠܝܚܝܬܐ ܩܬܘܠܝܩܝ ܕܡܕܢܚܐ ܕܐܬܘܪ̈ܝܐ

كنيسة المشرق الاشورية الرسولية الجاثلقية المقدسة

I m sorry to hear what happened to your family... I really am... please accept my condolences...

I would only say this to you... Did the attack on your church happened before the Americans came or after... think carefully who started all this bloodshed...

Saddam was evil... but so are the Americans... and so are those who kill innocent people in the name of religion
MBQ, how come this person be a sell out? He simply changed his religion, there is no shortages of people who change their religion, and that interpreter's job was to interpret, not to punch people.

He was nt a sell out... he was just an opportunist who hatched a plan to get a quick visa... am glad the translator punched him!!!
He was nt a sell out... he was just an opportunist who hatched a plan to get a quick visa... am glad the translator punched him!!!

He was sell out he was not sell out, make up your mind. This word is full of opportunitst but you only gave an xample of him. on the other hand you cant say for sure that he was an opportunist, he might have truely converted.

and no, the interpreter was very wrong for punching him, he should have done his job properly. i am amazed to see double standards in here.
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