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you quote the heros of stromfront and then say I like them :lol:

I have quoted you the biggest scientific study specifically on the field, debunking it and you want play Chinese checkers with it. You have nobody but a debunked old scientist, all of them having neither the background in this field or some that went upon a hypothesis, flynn " a political scientist" who went on the assumption that IQ was a valid standard and then came up with how it plays out on the races. - then one of them who is called a madmen by own peers...

So basically, you could not come up with just one single famous scientist, even though I have repeatedly asked you to.

You stand corrected. You are a liar and a charlatan.

Everyone in the scientific community agrees with me, and you know it; keep searching desperately on Google, I promise you that you will NOT find a single famous scientist that disagrees with the validity of IQ.

So much for Indian intelligence.
So basically, you could not come up with just one single famous scientist, even though I have repeatedly asked you to.

You stand corrected. You are a liar and a charlatan.

Everyone in the scientific community agrees with me, and you know it; keep searching desperately on Google, I promise you that you will NOT find a single famous scientist that disagrees with the validity of IQ.

So much for Indian intelligence.

I have shown you the world's biggest study on this BY MANY in the scientific community! and you keep wanting to ignore it because your bigoted , racist hero is the only one you will listen to.

There is no one but one flaming racist and another who did not even study the IQ theory- rather assumed it was right , a ' political scientist' one of one - who came up with results based on the assumption that IQ is a valid data point to judge intelligence.

The biggest study done ever on it debunks it and you keep asking us to go with the the Chinese theory of sciences

IQ myth debunked by Canadian researchers - Technology & Science - CBC News
Scientists debunk the IQ myth: Notion of measuring one's intelligence quotient by singular, standardized test is highly misleading Scientists Debunk the IQ Myth: Notion of Measuring One's Intelligence Quotient by Singular, Standardized Test Is Highly Misleading

This study is cited in every scientific journal and "Fractionating human intelligence," was written by Adrian M. Owen and Adam Hampshire from Western's Brain and Mind Institute (London, Canada) and Roger Highfield, Director of External Affairs, Science Museum Group (London, U.K).

Neuron - Fractionating Human Intelligence - study itself
I have shown you the world's biggest study on this BY MANY in the scientific community! and you keep wanting to ignore it because your bigoted , racist hero is the only one you will listen to.

There is no one but one flaming racist and another who did not even study the IQ theory- rather assumed it was right , a ' political scientist' one of one - who came up with results based on the assumption that IQ is a valid data point to judge intelligence.

The biggest study done ever on it debunks it and you keep asking us to go with the the Chinese theory of sciences

IQ myth debunked by Canadian researchers - Technology & Science - CBC News
Scientists debunk the IQ myth: Notion of measuring one's intelligence quotient by singular, standardized test is highly misleading Scientists Debunk the IQ Myth: Notion of Measuring One's Intelligence Quotient by Singular, Standardized Test Is Highly Misleading

This study is cited in every scientific journal and "Fractionating human intelligence," was written by Adrian M. Owen and Adam Hampshire from Western's Brain and Mind Institute (London, Canada) and Roger Highfield, Director of External Affairs, Science Museum Group (London, U.K).

Neuron - Fractionating Human Intelligence - study itself

First of all, you are a retard. You neglected to even read any of the studies you just pulled out of your bum by doing a quick Google search. Did you just type "refute IQ" in Google search and pull up the first thing that came to mind?

What we found is that the brain regions associated with whatever the 'G Factor' is – what general intelligence is – actually housed more specialized systems, not just one," he explained.

So what? How does this refute the fact that IQ is valid in assessing differences in intelligence, even though it might not be a perfect indicator?

You are lazy and incompetent. Read your OWN references.

And where are those intelligent scientists? Why haven't you referenced a single one? You pull up TWO studies, one from a third rate university, and this somehow concludes the debate?

Retard, I can do the same thing. For every two studies you post, I can post 100 on my side. Face it, you don't know what you're talking about.



Mainstream science on intelligence: An editorial with 52 signatories, history, and bibliography



Steve Sailer: iSteve: The Stereotype Threat scientific scandal

Social Programs That Work


Amazon Web Services, NIH: 1000 Genomes Project now publically available | ZDNet

Information Processing: @google: Genetics and Intelligence


The g-factor of international cognitive ability comparisons: the homogeneity of results in PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS and IQ-tests across nations - Rindermann - 2007 - European Journal of Personality - Wiley Online Library

A systematic literature review of the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans

National IQs: A review of their educational, cognitive, economic, political, demographic, sociological, epidemiological, geographic and climatic correlates

Case for Non-Biased Intelligence Testing Against Black Africans Has Not Been Made: A Comment on - Cronshaw - 2006 - International Journal of Selection and Assessment - Wiley Online Library

In Defense of a Disputed Study of Construct Validity from South Africa - Rushton - 2006 - International Journal of Selection and Assessment - Wiley Online Library

The dangers of unsystematic selection methods and the representativeness of 46 samples of African test-takers

The average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans: Comments on Wicherts, Dolan, and van der Maas



Correlations between estimates of state IQ and FBI crime statistics

IQ, skin color, crime, HIV/AIDS, and income in 50 U.S. states

The association between county-level IQ and county-level crime rates

Estimating state IQ: Measurement challenges and preliminary correlates
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So what? How does this refute the fact that IQ is valid in assessing differences in intelligence, even though it might not be a perfect indicator?

Ya flaming storm front bigot. Here is the conclusion from the ' biggest and latest study'. Crystal Clear .

Furthermore we see how you are still a 3rd world country even after having so called 7 trill GDP ( No 2). Chinese will always under perform- how many more examples of your real intellect do we show.

An individual's IQ score — long-held as the standard measure of human intelligence — is not a valid way of assessing brainpower, say Canadian researchers.

What makes one person more intellectually able than another? Can the entire distribution of human intelligence be accounted for by just one general factor? Is intelligence supported by a single neural system? Here, we provide a perspective on human intelligence that takes into account how general abilities or “factors” reflect the functional organization of the brain. By comparing factor models of individual differences in performance with factor models of brain functional organization, we demonstrate that different components of intelligence have their analogs in distinct brain networks. Using simulations based on neuroimaging data, we show that the higher-order factor “g” is accounted for by cognitive tasks corecruiting multiple networks. Finally, we confirm the independence of these components of intelligence by dissociating them using questionnaire variables. We propose that intelligence is an emergent property of anatomically distinct cognitive systems, each of which has its own capacity.
Ya flaming storm front bigot. Here is the conclusion from the ' biggest and latest study'. Crystal Clear .

Furthermore we see how you are still a 3rd world country even after having so called 7 trill GDP ( No 2). Chinese will always under perform- how many more examples of your real intellect do we show.

And I refuted this by posting numerous studies refuting your TWO studies. Furthermore, I gave you an indication of your own inferior intellect by asking you, multiple times, to point out at least TWO major scientists today in this field that do not agree with the validity of IQ.

You jumped around the question because of your stupidity. THERE ARE NONE.

And anyone who claims that China will "always under perform" is probably inferior himself, if he can't recognize how different the China of today is from even the China of 5 years ago.

1980 - 2nd poorest country by GDP PPP per capita

2012 - 93rd richest country by GDP PPP per capita

2018 - 74th richest country by GDP PPP per capita (IMF estimate)

2024 - 55th richest country by GDP PPP per capita (IMF estimate)

And as we all know, China has a habit of surpassing predictions by a large margin.

You know who will under perform forever? Your people. Indian IQ - 82

Page 23:

Ya flaming storm front bigot. Here is the conclusion from the ' biggest and latest study'. Crystal Clear .

Furthermore we see how you are still a 3rd world country even after having so called 7 trill GDP ( No 2). Chinese will always under perform- how many more examples of your real intellect do we show.

More Evidence That Intelligence Is Largely Inherited: Researchers Find That Genes Determine Brain's Processing Speed

Best evidence yet that a single gene can affect IQ - health - 16 April 2012 - New Scientist

BGI Genomics will be posting their results soon enough, and for the first time in history, we will know the specific genes that code for intelligence (or reduce it).

I suspect that in 4-8 weeks time you'll be eating your hat.
Your intellectual deficit is clear and out in the open. I can't speak for the other members on this forum, nor do I take responsibility or credit for what they have said. How about directing your worthless responses to the right person next time? If you are going to respond to me, do not tell me about what others have said.
And yet you have no problems attributing to all Chinese superior IQs. No one is asking for you to take responsibility for what others say on the Internet, but if you are going to make blanket attributions to a particular group and when members of said group consistently failed to live up to those attributes, which in this case it is that supposedly 'high Chinese IQ'...:lol:

Please see post 121 for one such example. Being intelligent does not mean having all knowledge in all areas, I have no problems admitting there are many things I am ignorant about, 'Chinese physics' for one, but if a person is supposedly endowed with a 'high IQ' that came from his ancestors, he should have enough brains to know when to STFU, especially when he has no experience in the subjects relevant to the theme of this forum.

Yea, they are *Chinese*. You are supposed to be an *American*. See the difference?
It does not matter. You are Chinese and called others out for their broken English. I would have thought that for a publicly accessible Internet forum with members coming from many parts of the world, a common language is a good thing for the community and if said common language is not one's native, others should be kind enough to understand. But apparently not the Chinese. They use broken English but criticize others for the same.

I just spewed a plethora of evidence on the topic, and your response is "racist, blah blah, enviroment, not worth my time."

It is EXACTLY what I said you would say in my response to you above, and I knew this simply because of the way you speak. In your attempts to sound deep and knowledgeable, you use such simple concepts to explain what are very technical and abstruse subjects. Maybe it passes the level of general knowledge on this forum, but I see your chicanery for what it truly is.

You see what I mean? You are referring to events that I'm not aware of, stories that don't concern me (nor do I care for them to). You know you can't attack any of my points, for the simple fact that you don't have anything that could possibly measure up to my specific knowledge on the subject. So instead you resort to ad hominems and anecdotal evidence.

Also, your sample size is one, you scientifically illiterate 'scientist'. And you think you're intelligent...
It is not worth my time. I have interacted with people from many races and nationalities. At home and overseas. Intelligence does not equate to wisdom or knowledge and from what I see of you regarding race and IQ, it have no effects on gullibility as well. I met individuals with severe broken English and yet able to grasp technically complex things quicker than some of my fellow American-English and British-English speakers, and all of them have much darker skin tones to boot. :lol:

Buddy...There are no shortages of both scientific and lay literature on the subject of IQ, its measurement, and supposedly racially sourced, and how race based IQ is simply wrong.

Here is one of them...

Amazon.com: The Mismeasure of Man (Revised & Expanded) (9780393314250): Stephen Jay Gould: Books

When the Chinese people rid themselves of the belief that females are inferior to males, as evident by the abortions of females, beliefs in palmistry and assorted 3rd world voodoo-like religions, come back and tell the rest of us who uses broken English on how superior the Chinese are.
I don't know of any sane Pakistanis who harbor the delusion that China (or anyone else) can challenge US military might. Even if they could, no country is going to risk US military ire for the sake of someone else.

The US is the reigning hyperpower and any realist will quickly realize that, at the end of the day, might is right.
Next time you prepare to suck up to the Chinese, go look in the mirror and see how darker is your skin tone compares to them. Then look at what the Chinese say about people like you in this forum.

And yet you have no problems attributing to all Chinese superior IQs. No one is asking for you to take responsibility for what others say on the Internet, but if you are going to make blanket attributions to a particular group and when members of said group consistently failed to live up to those attributes, which in this case it is that supposedly 'high Chinese IQ'...:lol:

Please see post 121 for one such example. Being intelligent does not mean having all knowledge in all areas, I have no problems admitting there are many things I am ignorant about, 'Chinese physics' for one, but if a person is supposedly endowed with a 'high IQ' that came from his ancestors, he should have enough brains to know when to STFU, especially when he has no experience in the subjects relevant to the theme of this forum.

It does not matter. You are Chinese and called others out for their broken English. I would have thought that for a publicly accessible Internet forum with members coming from many parts of the world, a common language is a good thing for the community and if said common language is not one's native, others should be kind enough to understand. But apparently not the Chinese. They use broken English but criticize others for the same.

It is not worth my time. I have interacted with people from many races and nationalities. At home and overseas. Intelligence does not equate to wisdom or knowledge and from what I see of you regarding race and IQ, it have no effects on gullibility as well. I met individuals with severe broken English and yet able to grasp technically complex things quicker than some of my fellow American-English and British-English speakers, and all of them have much darker skin tones to boot. :lol:

Buddy...There are no shortages of both scientific and lay literature on the subject of IQ, its measurement, and supposedly racially sourced, and how race based IQ is simply wrong.

Here is one of them...

Amazon.com: The Mismeasure of Man (Revised & Expanded) (9780393314250): Stephen Jay Gould: Books

When the Chinese people rid themselves of the belief that females are inferior to males, as evident by the abortions of females, beliefs in palmistry and assorted 3rd world voodoo-like religions, come back and tell the rest of us who uses broken English on how superior the Chinese are.

Want to see the sex ratios and abortion of females in Vietnam and India?

AmCham Vietnam | Gender imbalance threatens crisis in Vietnam

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Abortion causing huge gender imbalance in Vietnam, UN admits

BBC News - UN warns on Vietnam birth ratio

Vietnam in the face of growing gender imbalance | VOV Online Newspaper


SGGP English Edition- Gender imbalance worrisome for Vietnam

News VietNamNet

Gender imbalance at birth terrible Implications | DBV | VietNam News

India's skewed sex ratios: Gendercide stings | The Economist

The full extent of India's 'gendercide' - Asia - World - The Independent

‘All Those Little Faces’: Elizabeth Vargas Explores India’s ‘Gendercide’

I have never believed in IQ bullshit, and I don't need a western created measure of intelligence or praise from foreigners to feel assured or proud of myself. I have said this repeatedly and me and other Chinese members like Type 052 and ChineseTiger1986, have attacked dumbasses like the "Korean" member East Asia United and Speeder_2 over their masturbation sessions on "high" east asian IQ. That does nothing to temper our very hostile feelings towards Indians, and Vietnamese.

its funny how @JayAtl is obsessed with Hongkongers calling mainlanders locusts when Indian people like Bal Thackery and his Shiv Sena engaged in violent attacks against non-Maharashtrians like Biharis in Mumbai.
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More Evidence That Intelligence Is Largely Inherited: Researchers Find That Genes Determine Brain's Processing Speed

Best evidence yet that a single gene can affect IQ - health - 16 April 2012 - New Scientist

BGI Genomics will be posting their results soon enough, and for the first time in history, we will know the specific genes that code for intelligence (or reduce it).

I suspect that in 4-8 weeks time you'll be eating your hat.
You mean like this...

Best evidence yet that a single gene can affect IQ - health - 16 April 2012 - New Scientist
A massive genetics study relying on MRI brain scans and DNA samples from over 20,000 people has revealed what is claimed as the biggest effect yet of a single gene on intelligence – although the effect is small.

There is little dispute that genetics accounts for a large amount of the variation in people's intelligence, but studies have consistently failed to find any single genes that have a substantial impact. Instead, researchers typically find that hundreds of genes contribute.

Following a brain study on an unprecedented scale, an international collaboration has now managed to tease out a single gene that does have a measurable effect on intelligence. But the effect – although measurable – is small: the gene alters IQ by just 1.29 points. According to some researchers, that essentially proves that intelligence relies on the action of a multitude of genes after all.

"It seems like the biggest single-gene impact we know of that affects IQ," says Paul Thompson of the University of California, Los Angeles, who led the collaboration of 207 researchers. "But it's not a massive effect on IQ overall," he says.
YOUR source.
And yet you have no problems attributing to all Chinese superior IQs.

That's because it is a scientific fact that the mean Chinese IQ is higher than that of Vietnam or India, or even every European country. You don't like it? I don't care.

he should have enough brains to know when to STFU, especially when he has no experience in the subjects relevant to the theme of this forum.

Exactly. When someone is referring to the genetic differences that come from contributions due to different frequencies of certain alleles (which code for what we perceive to be intelligence), people like Gambit should keep their incompetent mouths shut.

You are Chinese and called others out for their broken English

Calling out people who call themselves AMERICANS. If you are having a hard time speaking English in a coherent manner, and at the same time you proudly don the flag of the English-speaking American people, I will call you out for what you are; an incompetent faker.

It is not worth my time

BOOM! Refer to what I said earlier. I quoted you word for word. I knew you would say this, so I wrote if for you before hand. Thanks for proving that predicting the predetermined responses of intellectually deficited individuals is effortless.

And LOL at the Stephen Jay Gould reference. It's all too familiar for the brain-dead liberal to reference another brain-dead liberal. I read the book, as all up and coming psychologists must do.

I think you'll find this simple and concise rebuttal of Gould's horribly tainted and emotionally gushing book worth more time than whatever Gould has penned in his lifetime.


Damn right... and where in the hell is the controversy? You have a problem reading son? One gene can affect IQ, but a PLETHORA of them are required to move it in a significant fashion.

Want to see the sex ratios and abortion of females in Vietnam and India?
The problem for you is that I never claimed the Viets or the Indians to be racially superior and with higher IQs. So does those lines in your palms tells you where you are going next year? I guess those Chinese witch doctors with their 'high Chinese IQs' would be smart enough to take advantage of their fellow Chinese and their 'high Chinese IQs'. :lol:
I have never believed in IQ bullshit, and I don't need a western created measure of intelligence or praise from foreigners to feel assured or proud of myself. I have said this repeatedly and me and other Chinese members like Type 052 and ChineseTiger1986, have attacked dumbasses like the "Korean" member East Asia United and Speeder_2 over their masturbation sessions on "high" east asian IQ. That does nothing to temper our very hostile feelings towards Indians, and Vietnamese.

its funny how @JayAtl is obsessed with Hongkongers calling mainlanders locusts when Indian people like Bal Thackery and his Shiv Sena engaged in violent attacks against non-Maharashtrians like Biharis in Mumbai.

Take a look at Gambit's response to Developro above. I'm getting a pretty good understanding of why gambit hides under the American people's flag, resigning the Vietnamese to defeat.

He see's China, in her might and superiority, and understands that as a Vietnamese he will never live up to what he considers to be his arch-enemy. So instead, he takes on the identity of a superior opponent, the United States, which gives his inferiority complex and low self-esteem comfort (though not at all times; when he meets people like us on the battlefield, always reminding him of his roots, I'm sure he foams at the mouth).

The problem for you is that I never claimed the Viets or the Indians to be racially superior and with higher IQs. So does those lines in your palms tells you where you are going next year? I guess those Chinese witch doctors with their 'high Chinese IQs' would be smart enough to take advantage of their fellow Chinese and their 'high Chinese IQs'. :lol:

IQ measures potential, not knowledge. More incompetence from Vietcong.

You always deliver us a good laugh with your pathetically basic questions. What happened to STFU'ing when having no experience in said subject?
And LOL at the Stephen Jay Gould reference. It's all too familiar for the brain-dead liberal to reference another brain-dead liberal. I read the book, as all up and coming psychologists must do.

I think you'll find this simple and concise rebuttal of Gould's horribly tainted and emotionally gushing book worth more time than whatever Gould has penned in his lifetime.
A psychologist? :lol:

Am sure you are aware of how those in the 'hard sciences' views shrinks. And yes, I used 'shrinks' to describe you. Next we will be seeing a resurgence of phrenology.
A psychologist? :lol:

Am sure you are aware of how those in the 'hard sciences' views shrinks. And yes, I used 'shrinks' to describe you. Next we will be seeing a resurgence of phrenology.

Actually, my B.S. is in genetics Vietcong. I am a psychologist by hobby, with enough technical knowledge to say so with authority.

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