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US approves sale of 22 Guardian drones to India

We dont want any Mumbai like attack , in order to protect sea coast we need some expensive survelleance UAVs . Its fine to pay more than lose civilians like in 2008 Mumbai attack by Pakistani terrorist
but the bitter truth is that both Indians an Pakistanis feel proud of buying expensive equipments by giving at least 10 fold profit to the exporter. some times up to 50 times profit is taken from us.
We dont want any Mumbai like attack , in order to protect sea coast we need some expensive survelleance UAVs . Its fine to pay more than lose civilians like in 2008 Mumbai attack by Pakistani terrorist
they were all trained by kalboshan in such warfares and terrorism. karma that instead of Pakistan India got targeted.
We dont want any Mumbai like attack , in order to protect sea coast we need some expensive survelleance UAVs . Its fine to pay more than lose civilians like in 2008 Mumbai attack by Pakistani terrorist
Surveil drones are useless against false flag operations like mumbai attacks
What you say about the attacks in side Pakistan are they also false flag ? or just all attacks happening outside Pakistan are false flag and inside Pakistan are real ?

just curious was APS a false flag or real ?
Surveil drones are useless against false flag operations like mumbai attacks
And finally the fat lady sings on Guardian sale to India:

"We are pleased that the US Government has cleared the way for the sale of the MQ-9B Guardian to the Indian Government," General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Chief Executive Linden Blue said in a statement.

Of course it was to happen and it happened very quickly.
Unlike the armed UAV Indian request, which is still pending despite the denial.

The US fleeced India. They achieved their goal.
They sold the donkey to Indians and kept the horse with them.
Chinese drones are been exported to countries like KSA which can buy any drone from USA but yet they bought Chinese it means there is something special thing with Chinese drones
Chinese drones are been exported to countries like KSA which can buy any drone from USA but yet they bought Chinese it means there is something special thing with Chinese drones
no they cant they been refused

But the United States has, as a matter of policy, refused to sell killer drones to Saudi Arabia. Recipients of U.S. unmanned aerial vehicles “are to use these systems in accordance with international law, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law,” the U.S. State Department explained in a 2015 statement.


id they buy from chineese its because they have no other choise
Insted of developing their own Government of India is buying Costly drones from America.

And thay mock Arabs...

Flase flagger, you should worry about your economic situation which is about to implode!

Useless drones China make far more better drones at cheaper effective price
Who's paying the bill? Is it allocated from Pakistan's annual defence budget? No right, so chill you need not worry! The day India asks Pakistan to assist in financial matters then raise this question, if not please be a mute spectator...
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Flash flagger, you should worry about your economic situation which is about to implode!

Who's paying the bill? Is it allocated from Pakistan's annual defence budget? No right, so chill you need not worry! The day India asks Pakistan to assist in financial matters then raise this question, if not please be a mute spectator...
china make better drones then usa lol
India is being fleeced by the US or whoever sells India some classy maal.

Mother India always bleeds on such acts, nothing new.
Russian A/C was promised for free, then came the Russian waltz with a 2.3 billion bill attached.
All the Russian spare parts are damn expensive yet the supply is alway erratic.

But there is no end to this misery, this is regular business for India who is always forking out dollars.
Just because 68% arms purchase must be met from overseas.

India is not ready, nor it will be in 50 years, just because it always would be outpaced with newer foreign technology cause India does not spend a dime on R&D.

India's R&D is meager .85%!
What a shame.

Had your fun? please don't disgrace my flag by affiliating it on your profile. If India has to pay a premium for respecting intellectual property rights, then so be it. I would rather it be this way not ctrl c ctrl v.
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