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US ambassador 'killed in Libya'

first RIP US ambassador i am very sad for his death
second you cant say this is because islam this has nothing to do with islam and just to be clear every religion has extremest there is people use religion to justify killing. crusades el qauda salfi groups jews war crimes and the list goes on i dont except you to say i am right but this is the truth islam didnt tell us to do this

May he rest in peace.
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so true !!!


You can't hide the sun with your little finger, it's not the issue of popularity, your corruption in the world is a well known fact:

Then you got "Christian Zionists" bunch of fools.
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hoor chuppo....

looks like local police of the new setup wasnt interested in coming to ambassador's call either...what about the hotline?ofcourse the crowd dident all at once crossed the walls and barricades....all US embassies are mini military bases with helipads and stuff.

chances are its a false flag.....

something new is cooking.....maybe a permanent base in libya is what US is looking for to keep an eye on egypt and muslim brotherhood...............
Most of the people commenting on how these actions by the Libyans were normal, come from very violent nations, undergoing constant internal strife. Their normal behaviour differs. No need to take it seriously.
Right on queue. I said "but minorities anywhere in the World are not without challenges".
Unless we have the perfect "kingdom of Heaven", we may continue to see these issue, until then, we try.
I disagree on all of the rest of your massive generalizations:

yes ! minorites everywhere have issues.....india for example...but lets not forget ! but lets not forget Such violence is neither so often used or later justified.........but this is lately become very common among muslims..........too common

I can guarantee, I can line up an exact list where the mob is Hindu! Do realize, lack of education and other factors have a part to play in these reactions. Don't just lump everything under Islam/Muslims and lob it our way.
In any case, I have said plenty. Its extremely sad that innocents have died. I wish this did not happen, but I hope those who instigate also consider the ramifications to their actions.

hmm you are right....maybe less education maybe the cause for this among the muslims..... i didnt think in that angle....thank you.......
Disgusting just disgusting. These bastards killed Gaddafi like a dog and now they have reciprocated the course on the ambassador.

Not sure how true this is, here is what the AP has to say about this:

"Initial reports said the slain embassy staffers—who also include foreign service information management officer Sean Smith—were trying to flee the consulate building when they were fired upon. But according to the Associated Press, a Libyan doctor who treated Stevens said the diplomat died of severe asphyxiation from smoke inhalation and that he tried for 90 minutes to revive him."

Chris Stevens, U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in rocket attack, served as envoy during revolution | The Lookout - Yahoo! News
Like you I condemn this and that. But again, in both cases it happened and should and must be condemned. Not sure of your logic here.

The logic is simple.. It happens but Should Not.. And none of the sane minds should either accept it or resign to the inevitability of it.. The problem with logical and sane people is that they give up too easily...

First thing first. If I live in India or in the West or in Pakistan, I would not be bad mouthing things, personalities that you revere and personally I do not. In Pakistan, the Christians and Hindus wear what they must, we don't stop them from that. Some of our more insecure brethren feel threatened by the minorities, the majority does not. The issue is why are Muslims singled out to remove their hijab? Are the Sikhs being asked to remove their head dress? Are the nuns being asked to take off their habit? Why only Muslim women when they are not even a security threat? If the rule applies to everyone, then Muslims should be okay as long as it does not go against the very basis of their belief. This is the same for any other religion and its adherents. Unlike the Nazis, Muslims don't ask non-Muslims to wear a sign or look different. The choice is with the minority. In the West, the Muslims are singled out for such measures.
Its not discontinuation of religious symbols, but the act of covering the face.. Turbans or Habits don't do that.. And again, in the west too, its same concept of some of the insecure westerners (and even some insecure Hindus in India) who feel threatened by the Muslims.. the majority does not...
Most of the people commenting on how these actions by the Libyans were normal, come from very violent nations, undergoing constant internal strife. Their normal behaviour differs. No need to take it seriously.

No one said that, they are criminals and should be treated so, no need for stereotyping here. We are so angry over insulting the most sacred figure of Muslims, but this doesn't justify this horrible act at all.
These fools know why we do not represent any Prophets or God with pictures/video/idols or anything and yet they make these movies trying to provoke us. Same thing with those pictures in Denmark, how can you justify that garbage with freedom of speech?
you did not answered when i told you about the girl who is free now and the Imam who did the wrong, is already in jail and case is going on him....


it is good he is in jail but you said there is no persecution of Christians. Which the actions of that Imam fly in the face of that statement which is just one of many examples around the world.
How come Islam is religion of peace
when it justify violence over a movie
when it prosecute a minor over burning of their holy book
when threats to life are issued over the sketch of Prophet

seems everything a Hindu do , well in Beit-Al-Moqadas ultra orthodox Jew beat Natalie Portman and another actor because in one scene of a movie they were filming they had to kiss each other .

Perhaps the U.S. should respond by broadcasting this film from its embassies in Muslim countries, every day, five times a day, at the call of the muezzin, until each country decides which it finds more valuable, religious tolerance and free speech as called for by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or diplomatic and trade relations with the U.S.A.

well the only benefit would be that they will send several more ambassador back to USA in black bag
Every one is trying to justify there actions and though process, but no one is thinking about what will happen next. I dont want to go into who is right now, but what next. Will US will come down on knee and ask for forgiveness foe all the sins done as claimed by members here or they will destroy the remaing of libiya and other ME countries. rember what they made the ME and Afganistan for 9/11. So the golden question is will this start another 9/11-12, and who will suffer??
Not sure how true this is, here is what the AP has to say about this:

"Initial reports said the slain embassy staffers—who also include foreign service information management officer Sean Smith—were trying to flee the consulate building when they were fired upon. But according to the Associated Press, a Libyan doctor who treated Stevens said the diplomat died of severe asphyxiation from smoke inhalation and that he tried for 90 minutes to revive him."

Chris Stevens, U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in rocket attack, served as envoy during revolution | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Regardless it was their actions that led to his demise they are responsible for his death. Meanwhile the Zionazi fool who started this mess is hiding somewhere and claiming that this was not his fault and that the ambassador should have had better protection.
it is good he is in jail but you said there is no persecution of Christians. Which the actions of that Imam fly in the face of that statement which is just one of many examples around the world.

Its happening every where, even in USA, Terrorist americans attacked mosques in USA and CNN reported it as, hated crime? my foot.... it was terrorist attacks but you and your gov, did not said anything and even did any thing against these people...
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