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US Aircraft Carriers near Senkakus

Excellent news. Chinese must be recollecting the old days of the Opium Wars if they are aware of their own history.

Chinese may now change their tone and stubbornness in their claim. They may now talk about joint development of the Senkaku islands.

Whatever you did in the Korean war was because of the Soviet backing.

Soviet Union in the Korean War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This well calculated move actually crippled the determination of the CCP. Chinese are now getting the taste of reality.

It is funny how curry rat get excite over something doesn't even concerns them. India is in such sad state of affairs - the kind of mentality of many India's wish for China destruction will someday come back and bite them in the ***.
For Vietnam, our attack will come on land. Your Hanoi and Ho Chi Min will not be spared.

You shall ran away with bloody heads.

Thinking About the Unthinkable: War in the Senkakus
By James R. Holmes
October 7, 2012

I am more sanguine than most about how the Japanese Self-Defense Forces stack up against China’s People’s Liberation Army. The SDF would acquit itself well in combat if commanders artfully combined all warfighting implements at their disposal, from ships to aircraft to shore-fired missiles. Tokyo has options; it even has advantages.

Judging from the contents of my email inbox the past few weeks, however, some Japanese commentators mistook this guardedly upbeat assessment for a prediction that Japan would prevail in any trial of arms—including a clash over the Senkaku/Diaoyu archipelago, west of the southernmost tip of the Ryukyus chain. Au contraire. Extolling the JSDF’s material and human excellence in general terms is a far cry from predicting a Japanese triumph in any particular contingency. There are no sure things in war.

Thinking About the Unthinkable: War in the Senkakus - The Naval Diplomat
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