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US Aircraft Carriers near Senkakus

So 'because it suited USA in 1972' Taiwan was thrown under the bus. :what:
China was liberated in 1945, not by your "People Liberation Army" but by the benvolence of USA.

China was not permitted into UN (leave alone UNSC), because USA thought so.

Then, China was "permitted" inside UN and UNSC... because it suited USA in 1972.

China is living of benevolence of USA .... worse than any other self-respecting country in UNO (leave alone UNSC).

The famed "veto power" could not prevent a UNSC member (Taiwan) to save itself in UNO ..... see how fickle your presence in UNSC is !!!! :laugh:

One thing is sure, Chinese don't have shame. I am telling them about their own history, their condition during the Opium Wars, how China was invaded, looted, their women raped and killed but still they don't feel any shame!
time to get the DF-21D ASBM ready to teach the yanks a lesson just like we did in the korean war.

What US did won't bully China, but makes China more strong. 生于忧患死于安乐
The important question is how Russia will react in this mix.

Russia has its own territorial disputes with both China and Japan, so it would probably remain neutral in their tussle since it doesn't want either party to get any ideas.

However, when the US gets involved, the equation changes. As much as it is wary of China's rise, Russia absolutely, positively would NOT tolerate America winning any intimidation battles in its own back yard. It will also see it as an opportunity to reassert its role as a global power and take post-Cold War American dominance down a notch.

America may be willing to support Japan to an extent, but there is no way it will stand its ground if Russia and China line up on the other side.
The important question is how Russia will react in this mix.

Russia has its own territorial disputes with both China and Japan, so it would probably remain neutral in their tussle since it doesn't want either party to get any ideas.

However, when the US gets involved, the equation changes. As much as it is wary of China's rise, Russia absolutely, positively would NOT tolerate America winning any intimidation battles in its own back yard. It will also see it as an opportunity to reassert its role as a global power and take post-Cold War American dominance down a notch.

America may be willing to support Japan to an extent, but there is no way it will stand its ground if Russia and China line up on the other side.

So, you mean, China is Russia's backyard?

So far, USA thought that Asia-Pac (including China / Japan / Phillipines) is it's backyard, where the seventh fleet is the key power variable.

Perhaps, in some time, India, with multiple ACs, will also start considering Asia-Pac as it's own backyard. :laugh: :laugh:
So, you mean, China is Russia's backyard?

The disputed islands lie in Russia's (and China's and Japan's) backyard.

So far, USA thought that Asia-Pac (including China / Japan / Phillipines) is it's backyard, where the seventh fleet is the key power variable.

Precisely the misconception that Russia and China would love to correct.
The disputed islands lie in Russia's (and China's and Japan's) backyard.

Precisely the misconception that Russia and China would love to correct.
Would love to...but can't (we do border the Pacific, you know this, right?)
Would love to...but can't (we do border the Pacific, you know this, right?)

My point is that, despite their differences, that is an, as yet unachievable, goal shared by Russia and China.
The disputed islands lie in Russia's (and China's and Japan's) backyard.

Japan doesn't consider the Senkaku islands as it's backyard !!!!

They consider them a part of Japan.

(Just like Karachi isn't Pakistan's backyard; it's a part of Pakistan).
I think Russia is still a superpower. US is not the only one. OK lets forget Russia. How come China's economy could not help Chinese win the Opium Wars? Forget win, the Chinese could not even defend themselves on their own motherland! I heard that China's economy had been doing good prior to the invasion.

Economy is perhaps the most important aspct of being a superpower. Russia is nowhere near China or the US in this regard.

In any arms race, the nation with deeper pockets will win. Just like how the US outspent the USSR.
The important question is how Russia will react in this mix.

Russia has its own territorial disputes with both China and Japan, so it would probably remain neutral in their tussle since it doesn't want either party to get any ideas.

However, when the US gets involved, the equation changes. As much as it is wary of China's rise, Russia absolutely, positively would NOT tolerate America winning any intimidation battles in its own back yard. It will also see it as an opportunity to reassert its role as a global power and take post-Cold War American dominance down a notch.

America may be willing to support Japan to an extent, but there is no way it will stand its ground if Russia and China line up on the other side.

Russia sees China rise of China as a threat it won't side China or US.
But Off late Russia is building its military because of China.
Just a little correction, China resolved all territorial disputes with Russia in 2008 ;)

China never resolved its disputes with any of its neighboring countries. Chinese even today call them "unequal treaties" and it is their strategy to engage each and every neighbor bilaterally and bully them to get what is theirs. :devil:
Russia sees China rise of China as a threat it won't side China or US.
But Off late Russia is building its military because of China.

Russia is a wild card. It may remain neutral or side with China, but it seems unlikely that it would support the US against China -- at least not in the region.

That's not because it likes China, but because it doesn't want the US to get overconfident by having its global dominance reinforced.
China never resolved its disputes with any of its neighboring countries. Chinese even today call them "unequal treaties" and it is their strategy to engage each and every neighbor bilaterally and bully them to get what is theirs. :devil:

Do some research or take some history lesson before you embarrass yourself again. Let me give you a little hint: check out border demarcations between China and: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam and Russia and see how many of them have border dispute with China.
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