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Featured US agents enter Chinese consulate compound in Houston after deadline for closure passes


Jan 20, 2010
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How can they do that? It's still a Chinese consulate, an extension of sovereign China. Isn't it against the diplomatic norms and UN charter?
It's not a consulate after the deadline. Its just another property like any other in US.
Spewing bs again to fit the personal agenda without actually knowing anyting .
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Apparently the whole thing started with China not allowing American diplomats to carry documents in diplomatic pouch from consulate in Wuhan
This sets a bad precedent. The US started it. Others can and will follow. The US is a wild cowboy. Shredding international treaties and norms. Making a mockery of diplomacy. From climate change to diplomatic relations. Nothing has been spared. The US is a wild and crazy redneck trampling on everything in its way.
Spewing bs again to fit the personal agenda without actually knowing anyting . That's typical Indian scammer behaviour.
Lol. Interpreted like a typical Chinese scamster who can't read English. This relates to "severance of consular relations" - i.e. Consular relations have not been severed, only one consulate has been shut down.
Lol. Interpreted like a typical Chinese scamster who can't read English. This relates to "severance of consular relations" - i.e. Consular relations have not been severed, only one consulate has been shut down.

Cowboy cheerleader LOL

This was long pending action, expect more to be announced soon next week.

I am hoping the US deep state and particularly Trump does something insanely crazy before the elections. Something that jeopardizes peace. It is possible with Trump.
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